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Testing : Help Menu

ishusharma13 edited this page Aug 29, 2024 · 13 revisions

Test Cases:

Test Case 1: Display Help Dialog

  • Objective: Verify that clicking the help button displays the help dialog correctly.
  • Test Case ID: TC-1
  • Description: When the help button is clicked, the help dialog should appear centered on the screen.
  • Preconditions: The application is running.
  • Steps:
  • Click the help button.
  • Expected Result: The help dialog appears centered on the screen with the correct size and title ("Help").
  • Actual Result: after testing
  • Status: [Pass/Fail]

Test Case 2: Initial Slide Visibility

  • Objective: Verify that only the first slide is visible when the help dialog is first displayed.
  • Test Case ID: TC-2
  • Description: Only the first slide should be visible initially; all other slides should be hidden.
  • Preconditions: The help dialog is displayed.
  • Steps:
  • Observe the content of the help dialog.
  • Expected Result: The first slide is visible, and all other slides are hidden.
  • Actual Result: after testing
  • Status: [Pass/Fail]

Test Case 3: Navigation to Next Slide

  • Objective: Verify that clicking the "Next" button navigates to the next slide.
  • Test Case ID: TC-3
  • Description: Clicking the "Next" button should display the next slide in the sequence.
  • Preconditions: The help dialog is displayed with at least one slide visible.
  • Steps:
  • Click the "Next" button.
  • Expected Result: The current slide is hidden, and the next slide is displayed.
  • Actual Result: after testing
  • Status: [Pass/Fail]

Test Case 4: Navigation to Previous Slide

  • Objective: Verify that clicking the "Previous" button navigates to the previous slide.
  • Test Case ID: TC-4
  • Description: Clicking the "Previous" button should display the previous slide in the sequence.
  • Preconditions: The help dialog is displayed with at least two slides visible.
  • Steps:
  • Click the "Next" button to move to the second slide.
  • Click the "Previous" button.
  • Expected Result: The current slide is hidden, and the previous slide is displayed.
  • Actual Result: after testing
  • Status: [Pass/Fail]

Test Case 5: Slide Navigation with Arrow Keys

  • Objective: Verify that using the left and right arrow keys navigates between slides.
  • Test Case ID: TC-5
  • Description: The left and right arrow keys should navigate through the slides.
  • Preconditions: The help dialog is displayed with at least two slides visible.
  • Steps:
  • Press the right arrow key to move to the next slide.
  • Press the left arrow key to return to the previous slide.
  • Expected Result: The slides should change accordingly with each key press.
  • Actual Result: after testing
  • Status: [Pass/Fail]

Test Case 6: Close Help Dialog

  • Objective: Verify that clicking the "X" button closes the help dialog.
  • Test Case ID: TC-6
  • Description: Clicking the "X" button should close the help dialog.
  • Preconditions: The help dialog is displayed.
  • Steps:
  • Click the "X" button.
  • Expected Result: The help dialog should be removed from the screen.
  • Actual Result: after testing
  • Status: [Pass/Fail]

Test Case 7: Navigation Button Disablement at Boundaries

  • Objective: Verify that the "Previous" button is disabled on the first slide and the "Next" button is disabled on the last slide.
  • Test Case ID: TC-7
  • Description: The "Previous" button should be disabled on the first slide, and the "Next" button should be disabled on the last slide.
  • Preconditions: The help dialog is displayed with multiple slides.
  • Steps:
  • Navigate to the first slide and check the state of the "Previous" button.
  • Navigate to the last slide and check the state of the "Next" button.
  • Expected Result: The "Previous" button is disabled on the first slide, and the "Next" button is disabled on the last slide.
  • Actual Result: after testing
  • Status: [Pass/Fail]

Test Case 8: Dialog Resizing

  • Objective: Verify that the help dialog can be resized properly and the content adjusts accordingly.
  • Test Case ID: TC-8
  • Description: The help dialog should be resizable and adjust its content when resized.
  • Preconditions: The help dialog is displayed.
  • Steps:
  • Resize the help dialog window.
  • Expected Result: The dialog should resize, and the content (slides and buttons) should adjust accordingly.
  • Actual Result: after testing
  • Status: [Pass/Fail]
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