- git
- curl
- neovim
- tmux
- ripgrep
- fzf
- bat
- zoxide
- lsd
- bat-extras
- zsh
- ranger
- asdf:
- lazydocker
- nodejs 16
note: I modified oh-my-zsh install script a bit, so it could be run silently. Probably could do it without modification, so you can create a pull-request if you know how to fix
- zsh
- neovim
- tmux
- ranger
- lsd
- oh-my-zsh
- Powerlvl10k theme
- zsh-autosuggestions
- zsh-syntax-highlight
Rename group_vars/remote.example to group_vars/remote replace with your own data
Do the same for hosts.example -> hosts
install ansible-playbooks
ansible-playbook -i hosts main.yml -K --tags=clear
to remove existing dotfiles (tmux is installed in ubuntu by default and it has its own configs already created)
Then run
ansible-playbook -i hosts main.yml -K --tags=clear
to deploy the environment