Course: TSCI 5050, Introduction to Data Science
Feel free to edit our course wiki as you wish.
Still waiting for three people to vote on a morning or afternoon on which to have session 5, Statistics Crash Course, Part 1.
Homework 03, due by Session 05
Before this session, try to submit your System Access Agreements (those of you who have not done so yet have received a reminder with instructions). Contact me if you forgot your i2b2 password.
In preparation for this class, please watch these two videos (together they take about 8.5 minutes):
i2b2 Interface | i2b2 Simple Search |
These videos were created by KUMC, one of our partner institutions. Their i2b2 system (which they call HERON) is very similar to ours, but their local approval process is different. So, ignore what the narrator says about approval requirements and just pay attention to what she says and does with i2b2 itself.
Still working on uploading the lecture video.
No new homework assigned, in order to give you time to catch up on Homework 02 and/or get a head start on Homework 03 that has already been posted and will be due at session 05, the first installment of our Stats Crash Course.
Homework 02, due by Session 03
Our second class is now up,
An excerpt of our first class is now up:
Homework 01, due by Session 02
Do your best, try each of the problems and come back to them after the reading if you can't answer them on the first try. Try to sync it to your GitHub repository a couple of times before you're done with it, so I know what I need to cover during the upcoming session. The [GitHub Desktop Tutorial]( Desktop Tutorial - LSMM.pptx) will help you sync your files, and the [R Anatomy cheatsheet]( Anatomy.doc) may be helpful in reviewing your answers. But, it's not just about R... it's about what questions to ask when you're trying to figure out a new programming language. As an example of the same analysis applied to a different language, I'm also posting a [Python Anatomy cheatsheet]( Anatomy.doc).
Please remember to vote for the mornings and afternoons on which you would be available to attend this session.