Battelfield 2 module to record the scoreboard at the end of the round. Usefull to see past the hardcoded 20 players in the final ingame scoreboard.
At the end of each round, a file named <mapName>_<day>_<hour>_<minute>.log
will be created with a JSON structured content.
In the file:
where <mod>
is the modification in use (eg: pr or bf2), add the following:
import scoreboardsaver
in the same folder <mod>\python\game\
add the file
- Will change the folder where the information is saved, default is logs
###Available stats
- deaths
- kills
- TKs
- score
- skillScore
- rplScore
- cmdScore
- fracScore
- rank
- firstPlace
- secondPlace
- thirdPlace
- bulletsFired
- bulletsGivingDamage
- bulletsFiredAndClear
- bulletsGivingDamageAndClear
- isAIPlayer
- alive
- mandown
- connected
- fholder (holds Flag)
- team
- ping
- suicide
- sqid (squad ID)
- isql (is Squad Leader)
- commander (is Commander)
- name