- Bump to version 2.2.0 (RomanRobotnik)([25030ed](https://github.com/RobotnikAutomation/robotnik_msgs/commit/25030ed))
- New msg for base_hw_lib to show current motor references (RomanRobotnik)([8173e15](https://github.com/RobotnikAutomation/robotnik_msgs/commit/8173e15))
- Merge branch 'base_hw_universal_drives' of https://github.com/RobotnikAutomation/robotnik_msgs into base_hw_universal_drives (RomanRobotnik)([f657d76](https://github.com/RobotnikAutomation/robotnik_msgs/commit/f657d76))
- New message for General purpose Watchdog Status (RomanRobotnik)([f5ef62b](https://github.com/RobotnikAutomation/robotnik_msgs/commit/f5ef62b))
- Bump to version 2.1.0 (RomanRobotnik)([70b9f5c](https://github.com/RobotnikAutomation/robotnik_msgs/commit/70b9f5c))
- Merge branch 'master' into base_hw_universal_drives (RomanRobotnik)([162085d](https://github.com/RobotnikAutomation/robotnik_msgs/commit/162085d))
- Change MotorStatus format and naming - DO/DI as an array - avaragecurrent -> current (RomanRobotnik)([45424db](https://github.com/RobotnikAutomation/robotnik_msgs/commit/45424db))
- New format for MotorStatus messages - can_id and joint name in MotorStatus - Change the order of fields (RomanRobotnik)([d8f92dd](https://github.com/RobotnikAutomation/robotnik_msgs/commit/d8f92dd))
- Add SetInt16 srv (jgomezRobotnik)([ca50f11](https://github.com/RobotnikAutomation/robotnik_msgs/commit/ca50f11))
- Bump to version 2.0.0 (RomanRobotnik)([e36d882](https://github.com/RobotnikAutomation/robotnik_msgs/commit/e36d882))
- Upgrade SafetyModuleMsgs format (RomanRobotnik)([62a4740](https://github.com/RobotnikAutomation/robotnik_msgs/commit/62a4740)) - Remove unsused fields and add operation_mode
- Add ArmStatus msg (jgomezRobotnik)([aedd84a](https://github.com/RobotnikAutomation/robotnik_msgs/commit/aedd84a))
- Add set motor current msgs (jgomezgadea)([7091c1e](https://github.com/RobotnikAutomation/robotnik_msgs/commit/7091c1e))
- Bump to version 1.2.0 (RomanRobotnik)([4c1f7af](https://github.com/RobotnikAutomation/robotnik_msgs/commit/4c1f7af))
- Add mode parameter to ptz msg and srv (Robert Vasquez Zavaleta)([debb5e4](https://github.com/RobotnikAutomation/robotnik_msgs/commit/debb5e4))
- Add new defined laser_mode (RomanRobotnik)([d4c1c1d](https://github.com/RobotnikAutomation/robotnik_msgs/commit/d4c1c1d))
- Add PantiltStatus msg (jgomezRobotnik)([07f3dd1](https://github.com/RobotnikAutomation/robotnik_msgs/commit/07f3dd1))
- Add SetString service (Robert Vasquez Zavaleta)([252bb38](https://github.com/RobotnikAutomation/robotnik_msgs/commit/252bb38))
- Add GetPTZ service (Robert Vasquez Zavaleta)([0eef834](https://github.com/RobotnikAutomation/robotnik_msgs/commit/0eef834))
- Add StringStamped msg (jgomezRobotnik)([678f188](https://github.com/RobotnikAutomation/robotnik_msgs/commit/678f188))
- Add OdomManualCalibrationStatus msg (jgomezRobotnik)([93899af](https://github.com/RobotnikAutomation/robotnik_msgs/commit/93899af))
- Add GetPoi service (Álex)([bf3e999](https://github.com/RobotnikAutomation/robotnik_msgs/commit/bf3e999))
- Update on OdomCalibrationStatus msg (jgomezRobotnik)([1d0e48e](https://github.com/RobotnikAutomation/robotnik_msgs/commit/1d0e48e))
- Add OdomCalibrationStatus msg (jgomezRobotnik)([e3eb3ee](https://github.com/RobotnikAutomation/robotnik_msgs/commit/e3eb3ee))
- Add PresenceSensor and PresenceSensorArray msg
- Add SetTransform srv
- Add ReturnMessage msg
- Battery current removed from docking status msg
- Add new safety mode for SafetyModuleStatus
- Add current to BatteryStatus msg
- UpdateMotorHeadingOffset msg & srv
- Add service to set a byte
- Added Motor heading offset and turns msgs
- SetBuzzer srv added
- Merged from upstream
- Added package reference to prevent msg collisions and height param to ElevatorStatus
- Add new msg Pose2DStamped
- solved building issue
- added warning zones to laser
- added messages to set motor pid
- added speed to SafetyModuleStatus
- added invalid mode to LaserMode
- Merging from upstream
- Add message Pose2DArray
- Added new srv InsertTask
- add srv and msg to query alarms
- Create Register msg for Modbus communication
- Add SetNamedDigitalOutput srv This message is the same than set_named_digital_output following the right naming
- Adding message for an array of Booleans
- Adding flag lasers_on_standby into SafetyModuleStatus
- Adding BatteryDockingStatus stamped
- setting format of battery status stamped in the correct way
- Adding new messages for battery docking status and battery status stamped
- updated safety msgs
- Added srv ResetFromSubState
- added SubState.msg
- correcting changelog format
- undone last commit: zones msgs are now in their own package btw, with previous commit package did not build
- Added robotnik_navigation_tools msgs
- Removed lasers ok field
- Update LaserStatus.msg
- Update SafetyModuleStatus.msg
- Added new fields to SafetyModuleStatus
- updated changelog
- LaserStatus: added free_warning flag
- SafetyModuleStatus msg: added manual_realeas and bumper_override
- Added SafetyModuleStatus and LaserStatus msg. Added SetLaserMode service
- added time_charging to BatteryStatus.msg
- added is_charging flag to BatteryStatus.msg
- added averagecurrent and analog inputs to MotorStatus msg
- formatting changelog msgs
- updating changelog
- adding mantaineirs for the package
- added SetElevator action
- robotnik_msgs: completing alarms
- removed set_kuka_pose.srv
- Cartesian euler pose msg and srv added
- robotnik_msgs: adding string array
- Kuka pose msg and set kuka pose srv added
- Kuka pose msg and set kuka pose srv added
- added set_named_input to CMakeLists
- msg changed to digital_inputs and digital_outputs
- robotnik_msgs: alarms with display number
- Added named_input_output msg and srv
- added GetBool service
- added list of strings of active status word and flags
- added set/get modbus register message
- robotnik_msgs: alarms msgs
- adding new msgs and srvs for a Elevator system
- adding voltage to BatteryStatus.msg
- Merge branch 'kinetic-multi-devel'
- merging with kinetic-devel
- Adding new msg for robotnik_base_hw
- robotnik_msgs: Adding I/O to motor status
- renamed InverterState.msg to InverterStatus.msg
- added InverterState message
- updated changelog
- added MotorsStatusDifferential.msg
- added BatteryStatus msg
- Contributors: carlos3dx, rguzman
- Editing changelog
- Setting version 0.2.0
- Adding new field for the Axis.msg
- Adding msg State.msg
- Adding new msg State
- Adding CHANGELOG and gitignore files
- Adding new service set_float_value.srv
- Fixing dependencies problems
- Adding initial list of messages and services
- Initial commit