Download nuScenes V1.0 full dataset data, CAN bus and map(v1.3) extensions HERE, then follow the steps below to prepare the data.
Download nuScenes, CAN_bus and Map extensions
cd UniAD
mkdir data
# Download nuScenes V1.0 full dataset data directly to (or soft link to) UniAD/data/
# Download CAN_bus and Map(v1.3) extensions directly to (or soft link to) UniAD/data/nuscenes/
Prepare UniAD data info
Option1: We have already prepared the off-the-shelf data infos for you:
cd UniAD/data
mkdir infos && cd infos
wget # train_infos
wget # val_infos
Option2: You can also generate the data infos by yourself:
cd UniAD/data
mkdir infos
# This will generate nuscenes_infos_temporal_{train,val}.pkl
Prepare Motion Anchors
cd UniAD/data
mkdir others && cd others
The Overall Structure
Please make sure the structure of UniAD is as follows:
├── projects/
├── tools/
├── configs/
├── ckpts/
│ ├── bevformer_r101_dcn_24ep.pth
│ ├── uniad_base_track_map.pth
├── data/
│ ├── nuscenes/
│ │ ├── can_bus/
│ │ ├── maps/
│ │ ├── samples/
│ │ ├── sweeps/
│ │ ├── v1.0-test/
│ │ ├── v1.0-trainval/
│ ├── infos/
│ │ ├── nuscenes_infos_temporal_train.pkl
│ │ ├── nuscenes_infos_temporal_val.pkl
│ ├── others/
│ │ ├── motion_anchor_infos_mode6.pkl
<- Last Page: Installation
-> Next Page: Train/Eval UniAD