Welcome to the first project! This project on the Music app by Sismics. The original repository can be found here.
Do not modify this README. Use the docs directory for anything you might want to submit
Music is an open source, Web-based music server.
Music is written in Java, and may be run on any operating system with Java support. We will be working with the web application of Music.
Music requires JDK 8, Maven 3 and npm to run. We recommend working with a Linux or Unix-based OS.
Below are the instructions for installing the requirements on Ubuntu (and most Debian-based operating systems).
sudo apt install openjdk-8-jdk
sudo apt install maven
sudo apt install npm
If you're using Mac, Windows, or any other OS, and need any help, feel free to contact us.
You will need two versions of Java to work on this project (1.8 and 11). Music requires Java 1.8 and Sonarqube requires Java 11. So you will have to change Java versions for working on different parts.
- Run the following command and select the version of Java you want to use.
sudo update-alternatives --config java
- Similarly for javac.
sudo update-alternatives --config javac
Make sure you set the same version for both.
- We recommend this method
- Instead of globally updating your Java version, it is better to temporarily change the Java version i.e. for as long as the terminal is open.
- This is done by setting the path variable JAVA_HOME to the version of Java you want to use (1.8 for music and 11 for Sonarqube).
- The command would be
export JAVA_HOME=<path to java installation>
for Mac and Linux.
The paths mentioned here are only sample paths. Make sure you find out the actual path for your JDK and use that.
On Mac
The command would look something like this -
export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_321.jdk/Contents/Home/
On Linux
The command would look something like this -
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/<jdk-version-something>
On Windows
Windows users, this is your cross to bear. Here's a guide that might be of use. Again, feel free to contact us for any help.
Build the project from the root directory using:
mvn clean -DskipTests install
You can then launch the web application from the music-web
directory using
mvn jetty:run
This launches the application on localhost:8080/music-web/src/
by default. Feel to play around from here!