Use ulord platform to create a single blog.
- resource pricing
- every source infomation publishes on the ulord
- every transaction can be queryed on the ulord
- upload to the ulord's IPFS,don't worry about storage
- windows environment
- linux environment
- mutil database,like sqlite,mysql,postgresql,eg.
- easy config
firstly you need to install python2.7.14 from the website
secondly install pip to manager your python packages
thirdly using pip to install packages
pip install -r requirements.txt
go-ipfs is a tool of ipfs.You can connect the ipfs using it.Change the config and you can connect the ulord's IPFS.
You can download IPFS form here and choose the right version for your environment.
And then you need set the environment variables including the ipfs.
You can use Tools/ipfs/install.bat to install ipfs.It will copy the ipfs.exe to your system environment.
warnning:It will copy the file to "C:\Windows\System32".So if your system environment is not there you should modify the bat file handly and execute it.
ipfs init
ipfs bootstrap rm --all
ipfs bootstrap add /ip4/
ipfs config Datastore.StorageMax "1MB"
ipfs daemon
You can use Tools/ipfs/install.sh to install ipfs.It will copy the ipfs.exe to your system environment.
warnning:It will copy the file to "/usr/local/bin/".So if your system environment doesn't include there you should modify the bat file handly and execute it.
Then using the command to init your ipfs(Windows/Linux):
ipfs init
ipfs bootstrap rm --all
ipfs bootstrap add /ip4/
ipfs config Datastore.StorageMax "1MB"
ipfs daemon
This is a daemon program.Don't exit!
Paste the following code to allow IPFS to automatically restart the service if it fails.
ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/ipfs daemon
Start the service:
systemctl start ipfs
python server.py