We have created a standardised general purpose gym that wraps the most common simulated environments used in reinforcement learning into a single easy to use place. This package serves as an example of how to develop and setup new environments - perticularly for the robotic environments. This package utilises the algorithms implemented in the repository https://github.com/UoA-CARES/cares_reinforcement_learning/ - consult that repository for algorithm implementations.
If you want to utilise the GPU with Pytorch install CUDA first - https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-toolkit
Install Pytorch following the instructions here - https://pytorch.org/get-started/locally/
Follow the instructions at https://github.com/UoA-CARES/cares_reinforcement_learning/ to first install the CARES RL dependency.
git clone
this repository into your desired directory on your local machine
Run pip3 install -r requirements.txt
in the root directory of the package
Install the environments dependent on pyboy here https://github.com/UoA-CARES/pyboy_environment
This package is a basic example of running the CARES RL algorithms on OpenAI/DMCS.
takes in hyperparameters that allow you to customise the training gym enviromment – see options below - or RL algorithm. Use python3 train.py -h
for help on what parameters are available for customisation.
This package contains wrappers for the following gym environments:
The standard Deep Mind Control suite: https://github.com/google-deepmind/dm_control
python3 train.py run --gym dmcs --domain ball_in_cup --task catch TD3
The standard OpenAI Gymnasium: https://github.com/Farama-Foundation/Gymnasium
python train.py run --gym openai --task CartPole-v1 DQN
python train.py run --gym openai --task HalfCheetah-v4 TD3
Environment running Gameboy games utilising the pyboy wrapper: https://github.com/UoA-CARES/pyboy_environment
python3 train.py run --gym pyboy --task mario NaSATD3
All data from a training run is saved into '~/cares_rl_logs'. A folder will be created for each training run named as 'ALGORITHM/ALGORITHM-TASK-YY_MM_DD:HH:MM:SS', e.g. 'TD3-HalfCheetah-v4-23_10_11_08:47:22'. This folder will contain the following directories and information saved during the training session:
| ├─ env_config.py
| ├─ alg_config.py
| ├─ train_config.py
| ├─ data
| | ├─ train.csv
| | ├─ eval.csv
| ├─ figures
| | ├─ eval.png
| | ├─ train.png
| ├─ models
| | ├─ model.pht
| | ├─ CHECKPOINT_N.pht
| | ├─ ...
| ├─ videos
| | ├─ STEP.mp4
| | ├─ ...
├─ SEED...
├─ ...
The plotting utility in https://github.com/UoA-CARES/cares_reinforcement_learning/ will plot the data contained in the training data. An example of how to plot the data from one or multiple training sessions together is shown below. Running 'python3 plotter.py -h' will provide details on the plotting parameters.
python3 plotter.py -s ~/cares_rl_logs -d ~/cares_rl_logs/ALGORITHM-TASK-YY_MM_DD:HH:MM:SS