Reads the UoA LDAP and generates an XML HR file to upload to Figshare.
Run from cron, several times a day, via bin/
1 12 * * * umask 027; /home/figshare/bin/ > /home/figshare/log/last_run.log 2>&1
Generates a new XML file in the user_xml_files/ directory, called figshare_hr_feed_Year-Month-Day.xml This xml file's name is also put into Upload/hr_file_to_upload.json, so Upload/ can just be run.
conf/academic_department_code_to_faculty.json maps academic department codes the department's faculty.
- There are a few departments in more than one faculty, so the primary one has been chosen.
- Also note that there are many non-academic department codes that get mapped to nil.
conf/course_codes_to_faculty.json maps student course codes (papers) to a faculty
- There are conflicts here too, so a primary faculty was chosen for each course.
conf/override_group.json is a list of people we want in specific groups, regardless of the LDAP grouping.
- A null group is "" in this file, where in the others, it is null
- Adding a user to this file will create a figshare account, even if the user is not Staff or PhD
"ffis999": { "group": "", "note": "Figshare Admin, so need to be at UoA level", "expires": "9999-12-31"}
conf/override_quota.json is a list of people given a non-standard default quota (in bytes).
"ffis999": 10737418240,
conf/auth.json is for accessing the LDAP
"username": "login_name", // a user w/sufficient privileges to read from AD goes here,
"password": "the_password" // the user's password goes here
conf/figshare_hr_key.json holds the API key generated through the application menu on We set up a dummy user in figshare, with admin rights, and assigned this key to the Hr Figshare user.
"hr_figshare_token": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx..."
Figshare XML is of the form
<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>
<LastName>Aaa Home Test</LastName>
A null UserAssociationCriteria adds the user in at the UoA level of the Figshare hierarchy. I have set this field to null for anyone in multiple faculty, and for all non-academic staff.
There are test versions of, with associated test keys, that talk to
Installing on Ubuntu, where python and ruby are packaged, I had to
apt-get install ruby-net-ldap
apt-get install python-requests
Also added figshare user to system and set up cron as that user.
adduser --system --disabled-password --shell /bin/bash --group figshare figshare
We need to clean up old users, so once a year we need to update the annual_fix/zero_conf.json to specify a file from last year, and the current xml feed file. Then we run zero_old_users_quota_.rb to generate a diff xml file, with all the old users in it, and then run Upload/ to update Figshare.