A web interface to gain consent from a user, to obtain their Google Fit data from the API, such that it can be resurfaced more easily via API
- Follow the instructions to create an OAuth 2.0 Client ID and secret: [https://developers.google.com/fit/rest/v1/get-started]
- set APP_CONFIG environment variables to a configuration filename in the project directory. It's app.config by default. Set each values in the configuration file without quotes or double quotes.
- Set CLIENT_SECRET environment variables to a path/filename downloaded from the prior step of Client ID for Web application. You can download the file from [https://console.developers.google.com/apis/credentials]. Verify the redirect URIs are correct in the file.
sudo apt-get install python-mysqldb
(for debian based distros), or sudo yum install MySQL-python
(for rpm-based)
sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
sudo apt-get install python3-mysqldb
or sudo yum install MySQL-python3
sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt
sudo mysql < structure.sql
to create the database and tables. Create the tables in Google Cloud BigQuery ->
activities table
Field name | Type | Mode |
username | STRING | REQUIRED |
recordedLocalDate | DATE | REQUIRED |
activity_type | INTEGER | REQUIRED |
seconds | INTEGER | NULLABLE |
segments | INTEGER | NULLABLE |
Field name | Type | Mode |
username | STRING | REQUIRED |
recordedLocalDate | DATE | REQUIRED |
activity_type | INTEGER | REQUIRED |
startTimeNanos | STRING | NULLABLE |
endTimeNanos | STRING | NULLABLE |
originDataSourceId | STRING | NULLABLE |
Field name | Type | Mode |
Field name | Type | Mode |
username | STRING | REQUIRED |
recordedTimeNanos | INTEGER | REQUIRED |
recordedLocalDate | DATE | NULLABLE |
Field name | Type | Mode |
username | STRING | REQUIRED |
recordedLocalDate | DATE | REQUIRED |
originDataSourceId | STRING | NULLABLE |
Field name | Type | Mode |
username | STRING | REQUIRED |
recordedLocalDate | DATE | REQUIRED |
calories | FLOAT | REQUIRED |
originDataSourceId | STRING | NULLABLE |
insert acticity types into activity_types table by running the section of structure.sql:
INSERT INTO `activity_types` (name, id) VALUES
Modify the syntax to fit [https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/standard-sql/query-syntax]
- Initialize and ready Google Cloud Platform App Engine, BigQuery from Google Cloud Console. Create a service account for local debugging that has the roles of BigQuery Data Editor, BigQuery Job User, Cloud Datastore User.
- Add the same roles to the service account created by App Engine:
, 'App Engine Flexible Environment Service Agent'. - app.yaml: set service to the default service or desired service in App Engine
- app.yaml: set cloud_sql_instances: Your Instance connection name
gcloud app deploy
- client secret filename in the project directory as CLIENT_SECRET: client_secret_file.json
- set the application default credential to the service account that has BigQuery Data Editor, BigQuery Job User, Cloud Datastore User role as GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS: /path/to/GCP_service_account.json. Avoid putting the path in the same directory to reduce the chances of pushing it to source control.
- app.yaml: change CLIENT_SECRET environment variables to client secret filename in the project directory.
- app.yaml: change APP_CONFIG environment variables to a configuration filename in the project directory.
Add contents in requirements-gae.txt to requirements.txt for App Engine to download the dependent packages.
python main.py
for Python2 or python3 main.py
for Python3