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Game Setup Instructions

To play our game, you must first ensure Processing is installed and updated, and then install and load libraries. Here's how to do it:

  1. Open Processing: Once Processing is installed and updated to the latest version (see here), launch the application.
  2. Open Library Manager: Select Import Library from the Sketch menu, then choose Manage Libraries option.
  3. Install Libraries:
    • Use the Search Bar to find each of the following libraries and click Install:
      • Video
      • Deep Vision
      • Sound
      • JavaFX
    • Click "Install" for each library. If already installed, ensure updated by navigating to Updates in Library Manager.
  4. Learn More: For additional guidance on installing libraries, check out this tutorial.

Once you've installed Processing and the required libraries, you're all set to run the game!

Important Note for Linux Users

Please note: The Processing video library is not supported on Linux. Therefore, we cannot provide Accessibility mode on that platform.

Video Demonstration

Find a game demonstration of the Oiram game below, providing a brief overview of the gameplay mechanics and features. This video will give you a sneak peek into the exciting challenges and fun that await!

Watch Oiram Game Tutorial

Table of Contents

1. Development Team

Figure 1
Team Picture Week 1 with Team Role.
Team Picture

Table 1
Team Roles Description, from Left to Right of Figure 1.

Name Role Contributions
Mihir Dev Ops Lead Built out our tooling and was our in-house GitHub expert, pioneering our crucial PR-based workflow to minimize Git related issues.
Tom Lead Designer Created interactive iPad demos for potential levels and provided expert analysis during playtesting.
Ali Scrum Master Encouraged team communication and evaluated tasks for sprint prioritization, ensuring smooth workflow.
Yi Developer Contributed significantly to game development and shared expertise, enhancing the team's development skills.
Kaiyan Developer Focused on dynamic tooltips in the tutorial level, improving player comprehension and engagement.

2. Introduction

When designing our game, we set out to make a simple to learn, hard to master platformer, whilst also remaining accessible to a wide variety of users, including those who struggle with fast paced keyboard and mouse controls. Having all grown up playing games such as Super Mario, we understood the importance of a game that anyone could play, yet one which provides a satisfying sense of progression as you grow in skill and progress through levels of increasing complexity. Being avid science fiction fans, we wanted to include a unique twist on the platforming genre, the twist we opted for was time reversal.

Oiram Game

In Oiram, you control a spaceman who must figure out how to escape through a gate using only a button and a mysterious machine. Players will initially be confused as they realise that the button requires you to stand on it for the door to open, indicating that another player or object is required to keep the door open. This is another twist we incorporated, a reimagining of the traditional multiplayer experience. Using the machine allows you to invert time and send a past version of yourself back through the level. You must then coordinate with your past movements and reach the door when your past self presses the button. Additionally, you must avoid your previous self to avoid a “Time Paradox”. As the levels increase in complexity there are other obstacles you must avoid and interact with, such as falling bombs, moving platforms, and deadly drops. You are not the only thing that is reversed when you use the time machine, thus requiring careful tracking of where bombs fell, as implosions are as deadly as explosions.

These gameplay elements, alongside our use of machine vision to allow for a more accessible user experience, has allowed us to design a truly innovative game. Offering a unique sci-fi twist on the Super Mario style platforming genre, and a reimagining of the traditional multiplayer experience.

Table 2
Oiram Game Objects.
Category Image Description
Gates Gates Act as portals to the next level.
Switches Switches Toggle to open doors.
Tardis Tardis Device to invoke time reversal.
Bomb bomb Bomb which kills the player when it explodes.

3. Requirements

Requirement Engineering

Requirements Engineering (RE) is a communication mechanism that ensures that client needs are prioritised during early-stage design of the Software Design Life Cycle (SDLC) (Rasheed et al., 2021, pp. 1–2). RE holds particular significance in game development, where a postmortem analysis of software engineering conducted by Petrillo (2009, pp. 18–20), finds that 75% of game development case studies reported the most common issues are unrealistic or ambivalent scope and feature creep.

Figure 2
Petrillo's (2009) study mapping problems found in Game Development to their occurrences.

Ideation Processing

In our ideation phase, we used Miro (Figure 3) and Google Docs to brainstorm two initial game ideas. We were fairly confident that we wanted to include some sort of time travel element after realising a shared passion for Christopher Nolan's movies, in particular Tenet.

Figure 3
Week 2 Brainstorm several game ideas.

Figure 4
Paper Prototype developed during Workshop Three

Paper Prototype for Group 18 CS Bristol

Workshop Three allowed us to expand these ideas by developing Paper Prototypes of our initial ideas (Figure 4). The prototype was especially helpful due to the complexity of the game concept. Communication within the team became more transparent when Tom expanded the tool by generating Paper-Prototype style animations using his iPad (Figure 5), which became a familiar tool as we progressed through the project.

Figure 5
Digital Paper Prototype Tool.

Feasibility Studies

As none of us had experience in Processing, we conducted a series of feasibility studies. This helped us be confident that certain ideas were possible (for example, collisions or controlling the character with webcam input). One of these feasibility studies evolved into a playable prototype, and we were able to perform user testing (Figure 6). This was a game where a user could "skip back" in time at will - allowing themselves to repair damage or avoid death.

Figure 6
Basic Past Player Feature Programmed Early During Project.

Unfortunately, users found it to be "complicated" and "hard to understand what to do." We discussed various ways to mitigate this with User Interface design. Eventually, we took a vote and made the difficult decision to pivot to a new version of the time travel concept, which, based on user testing of our Paper Prototype, we determined that users would be better able to understand with minimal hints.

For the game genre, our group gravitated towards platforms (similar to Mario) and puzzle problem-solving genres, creating a consensus for a game that marries these genres with some form of time manipulation. During week 3 of designing paper prototypes of the ideas, Dr. Bennett provided feedback and observed similarities between our concept and the Steam game Braid. This further fueled this idea, which intrigued us with its potential for innovative gameplay mechanics.

Identifying Stakeholders

Figure 7
Onion Model of Oiram Game (adapted from Alexander, 2004, p. 223, Figure 1).

Surrogate Roles

A key finding from our Onion Model (Figure 7) was our observation that our lecturers have "surrogate roles" (Alexander, 2004, p. 227). Surrogates represent other people or groups. For example, a lawyer represents a client, or a government official represents the public. This concept allowed us to understand that while lecturers weren't direct users of our Game, they stood in for a broader group. Therefore, they not only provided feedback and evaluated the project's success but also represented types of gamers, which gave us our four user stories, shown in the model above.

This was advantageous, especially later when testing the Game and conducting more TLX tests/think-aloud, as we were able to interview anyone in labs/close friends and family (see Section 6), creating the implication that surrogate roles significantly affect data collection. Although mentioned by Alexander, perhaps being more explicit about Surrogate Role strategising and conducting future research in this relationship with product success. However, it also poses risks, as surrogates might misinterpret the needs of those they represent. Specifically, our main stakeholders may not have mobility issues. So, final feedback may not be reflective if more experts had mobility issues; thus, they can empathise with this feature.

Identifying Top-Level Needs with User Stories

To better understand what features we should prioritise, we created user stories.

  • As a casual gamer, I want a game that is straightforward to control, allowing me to enjoy the game immediately without a steep learning curve.
  • As a puzzle enthusiast, I want a game that gives me an "aha" moment, and rewards my ability to think through a problem.
  • As a competitive gamer, I want a platformer game with complex time travel puzzles and challenges that require precise timing and strategy, offering me a satisfying depth of gameplay.
  • As a disabled gamer, I want to play games primarily using webcam-based controls, so I can enjoy the same gaming experience as others without the need for traditional input methods.
  • As a student with limited gaming time, I want a game with short levels.
  • As a commuter, I want a platformer game that provides offline playability, and can be played with one hand when I am traveling.
  • As a player seeking variety, I want a game that offers different eras and environments to explore through its time travel theme, each with unique obstacles and aesthetics.
  • As a technology enthusiast, I want a game that leverages modern technology like webcam interaction not just for accessibility, but also to create immersive, novel gameplay experiences.

To personalise and keep these user stories in mind, we created several posters with characters to represent these user stories (Figure 8-10). This kept them at the forefront of our minds and provided an easy shorthand to reference in meetings: "What would Christina think?"

Figure 8
User Poster One.
Figure 9
User Poster Two.
Figure 10
User Poster Three.

Use-Cases Breakdown

As our user stories include casual gamers, we understood early on in the game development process the difficulties when making a game for a large group of customers. Therefore, we used a Use-Case Diagram as a guide to inspire the creation of a dual-mode gameplay system with an accessibility mode. While the game uses standard keyboard controls in Non-Accessibility Mode, it uses Machine Vision in Accessibility Mode to let players control the game with head motions. This innovation aligns with our commitment to diversity and improves accessibility for those with limited mobility.

Below is our initial interpretation of this, where we posited the idea that the accessibility mode would be made easier on other dimensions. Eventually, we moved away from this idea, as we felt that it was important to our disabled player user story that they were able to play the same game as their friends.

Figure 11
Use Case Diagram.

Use-Case Specification

Table 3
Easy Mode (Tutorial) Use Case Specification.

Non-Accessibility Mode Accessibility Mode
Description On screen run-through of the game with tutorial, controlled with keyboard. A screen popup with accessibility initialisation and tutorial, controlled by head movement (swaying left or right) and noise for jumping.
Basic Flow Goal: Complete the level without getting hurt and not touching previous players. If triggered, everything goes back to its previous position.
Step One User follows screen prompt for Movement, pressing Left/Right or A/D keys to run across platforms, later Up/W key for jump. User moves their head to control the character and makes a noise to jump. User can follow the mini screen on the bottom right corner to track if the face is detected (no red box) / undetected.
Step Two Narration: "There's a magic stone/door on the map." User continues to use keyboard keys to trigger past-present feature, and activate gate. "", becoming more familiar with head movement and noise feature, finding best combination that provides best comfort, and game smoothness, for activating gate.
Alternative Flow Challenges: Get touched by a previous self, bombs, or bomb explosions leading to game over
Step One Collision with previous self, bombs, or bomb explosions leads to end of game. ""
Step Two If the player stays still for 10 seconds, a hint appears to guide them. ""
Step Three Interaction with traps results in game over. ""

Table 4
Difficult Mode Use Case Specification.

Non-Accessibility Mode Accessibility Mode
Description A run-through of the game with more complex puzzles, under keyboard control. A run-through with more complex puzzles, using head movement and sound to navigate the map.
Advanced Flow Try/Error with keys. Difficult mode therefore repeat attempts are expected. User will find the best configuration (ie WASD/Arrow keys) to navigate level. Increasing confidence with head movement and noise feature. At this point most players will understand what environment will produce the best UX with movement (i.e. lighting affecting face recognition), and pitch, sound for player jump.

4. Design

Having evaluated our potential stakeholders and evaluated a diverse range of User Stories, we now had a sense of the features we wanted to incorporate into our Game design, as well as the Use-Case Diagram/Specification guiding the development of the accessibility features.

Class Diagram

A Class Diagram provided a systematic view of our Game System, allowing us to plan ahead and template the relationship between objects, which would serve as planning for good Object-Oriented Design (OOD) within our source code. To do so, we first wrote down a plan for System Architecture by collaborating in-person through whiteboard sessions. This allowed for the Class Diagram formation to be a seamless process.

Game Mechanics

The complex mechanics of time inversion in our platform-puzzle game necessitated the design of multiple components:

  • Game Object: Includes several subclasses such as platforms, players, and interactable items.
  • Player Controller: Manages player interactions and states.
  • Map and Map Controller: Handle the layout and logic of game levels.
  • Main Class: Manages the game loop, flags for method calls, and oversees the creation of Player Controller and Map Controller instances. These controllers maintain method control flags and item lists.

Figure 12
Class Diagram Generated Workshop Five.

Figure 13
Updated Class Diagram to show change from the beginning of the project (Figure 12).

Figures 12 and 13 indicate how our Class Diagram changed over time. Collisions were an initial difficulty area, our process of which is further described below.

Behavioural diagrams

Following the Class Diagram, we worked on forming a Sequence Diagram, which would indicate the order of objects working together. This is particularly significant in Game Development, where, after evaluating many classes in our system, the sequence would allow for easy debugging, especially since the Processing IDE has poor debugging facilities.

Based on the requirements specification, we developed a system architecture that begins with a user-interface menu. Here, players can start the game, select levels, or activate an alternative control mode tailored for users with disabilities, such as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. The system employs visual cues to indicate player damage and potential movements in-game.

Figure 14
Sequence Diagram.

When creating the Oiram game, we embraced agile methods to evolve our game's design. This approach required frequent updates to our system architecture, class, and sequence diagrams, essential tools for visualising and understanding the game's structure and interactions. However, the fast pace of Agile development meant that these foundational documents often needed to catch up to the latest game adjustments, showcasing a key challenge of Agile: maintaining up-to-date design documentation amidst rapid changes.

Looking ahead, to better balance the need for quick adaptations with the necessity of thorough planning, we propose integrating periodic reviews into version control and consider continuously pushing to our report and source code. Although this comes as a challenge because this is our first game project, we experimented late into the project with tools such as Intelij's Diagram Plugin by rewriting .pde to .java, which would have saved time and provided consistency within minimal effort.

5. Implementation

Before starting any of our challenges, we needed to create a basic platformer. First, we created a GameObject from which all physical items in the game inherit, as well as a Player (which includes specific player behaviour) and a PlayerController (which includes the logic for how the player is controlled).

While not one of our official challenges, we found that programming collisions and basic movement were initially quite tricky. For example, our initial approach to jumping caused an issue where users could jump infinitely by holding down the button. Our eventual implementation involved a variable within the Player set when they were on the ground. We also included velocity and acceleration variables. For collisions, initially, we had an approach involving an ENUM, several for loops, and several if statements. This approach was verbose and unreliable (occasionally players would fall through the floor!) Our final approach was much simpler and involved using the height and width of the game object, with the conditional collisions logic (for example, pressing the button opens the door) stored inside the interactDynamicItems method.

Whilst the AlternativeController class contains about 100 lines of code, it required us to add only a few lines to the rest of the game (from the perspective of the player controller, it is just a few more variables that it handles in the same way as a button press.) This shows that many games that use simple keyboard inputs could have accessibility modes like this one.

In playtesting, some non-disabled players preferred controlling the character this way. This is known as the curb-cut effect; a feature originally built for accessibility can be useful for other players. (Heydarian, 2020)


  1. Implementing the reverse time mechanic

    This was by far the hardest task. We wanted to store not just the previous player's locations but also have that player interact with the environment (for example, opening doors). We created a PastPlayer class containing a Linked List of the player's previous locations. We used a frame variable to keep track of time within the object. To reduce the amount of code we had to write, we took advantage of our existing Player class. Since the implementation is the same, this object contained the logic for collisions with buttons and other game objects.

Figure 15
Past Player Code Snippet.

The bomb was even more complex. We created explode and implode animations, and we also overrode the checkCollisions function to have a broader blast radius.

Figure 16
Bombs and moving platforms

  1. Level Design and balance

    We realised early on that we wanted to build the level map in an extensible way, so the Map class contains a function that reads a text file representing the map (Figure 17). This allowed maximal flexibility whilst developing our maps, especially as core game mechanics like jump height were being changed. We opted not to use procedural generation, as we felt control was important given the puzzle-solving nature of the game. This is because we found that many decisions, like where a button is located, can profoundly affect a player's ability to complete a particular puzzle.

Figure 17
The level designer

Figure 18
The level, as designed in Figure 17.

This level designer was very helpful when in playtesting. For example, one user found the jump in the tutorial level too challenging to complete, but with a few keystrokes, we were able to change it and immediately gather feedback that the same user found it easier.

3.1 Accessibility: Performance Challenges

Figure 19
Demonstration of Accessibility Use-Case.

Accessibility was a really important aspect for us, as we have team members with personal experience of their disability locking them out of games. So, we built a way to play the game without keyboard input (Figure 18). When planning this feature, we researched that this can be achieved where users with accessibility needs could lean left and right for player movement, and make a noise for the player to jump. To program this, we used the `Machine Vision` and `Audio` libraries, where input from the webcam is taken, and if the user's head is detected on one side of the screen, the character moves that way. Audio input was taken using Processing’s sound library, and if it spikes over a certain level a jump signal is sent to the player character. We found that the main challenge of this was efficiency affecting game performance, as the first library we used was too slow, as it was doing pose detection. We switched to just detecting the head position, and the game worked.

3.2 Accessibility: Linux Issues

The other element of the game that evolved significantly was the interface for selecting disability mode. Through user testing, we discovered that the Processing Video library experiences issues on Linux. Rather than have an unplayable game on Linux, we load the library when the accessibility button is clicked. Our heuristic evaluation required us to include a dynamic loading screen (visibility of system status) since the library takes several seconds to initialise.

Clicking the accessibility button on Linux causes an error message to show up (Figure 20).

Figure 20
Example of Error.

6. Evaluation

During the development process, it was essential to understand whether the game's fundamental mechanics and map design, offered fun gameplay while also presenting a satisfying challenge. To do this, we utilised a mixed-methods approach using inferential statistics enriched by qualitative data.

Qualitative Evaluation

To gather data regarding the early design of the levels, their difficulty, and the concept of the game itself, we conducted the qualitative technique of Think Aloud (TA), as it has been shown to be effective in other areas of Human Computer Interaction (Nielsen et al., 2002; Joe et al., 2015).

Seventeen participants were collected through convenience sampling. Due to easy access to a large pool of other students, we opted for this method over Heuristic Evaluation. This also gave us a wider variety of different abilities regarding video games, offering a richer set of data. We asked participants to play the first two levels (level three was still being designed) and recorded their thoughts whilst playing. Following data collection, we identified a series of underlying themes utilising techniques found in Thematic Analysis (Braun & Clarke, 2006). These were then organised into a Thematic Map to aid visualisation (see Figure 21). We will address each theme in turn.

Figure 21
Thematic Map of Think Aloud Data.

Player Movement

Much of the data we gathered related to the movement and overall performance of the game.

  • Movement felt sluggish
  • Performance was too slow and laggy
  • Gave a “Space like” floaty feeling

Whilst not being our original setting, this feedback inspired us to set the game in space which fit with our sci-fi twist (see Figure 22). To address performance criticism, we incorporated the Java FX framework. This drastically improved performance, allowing for more responsive movement. This provided a faster paced, and more exciting gameplay experience.

Figure 22
Different Game Backgrounds.


We found a mix of opinions regarding the difficulty level of the game.

  • Difficulty was rewarding but challenging
  • Level Two was very hard to complete for most players

To address the difficulty concerns, we decided to alter some of the platforms in Level Two which allowed for easier ways to avoid obstacles.


We deliberately opted to not give much information as to what the player is required to do as we felt like it was better to let them figure it out themselves, which was met with mixed responses:

  • People liked the puzzle solving aspect
  • They found it rewarding solving the first level using past self
  • Some people wanted more instructions

We decided to implement visual hints on screen which offered clues as to how to beat the first level yet remaining vague enough to still offer rewarding gameplay (see Figure 23).

Figure 23
Tutorial Hints.

Quantitative Analysis

After examining our own video game preferences alongside findings from previous studies suggesting that difficulty can improve a player's enjoyment when it is challenging yet not overly frustrating, it was important we were able to create a game which increased in difficulty with each level (Alexander et al., 2013). To assess this, data was gathered using the NASA Task Load Index (TLX) which has been shown to be highly reliable in many areas of Human Computer Interaction (HCI) including video game difficulty assessment (Hart & Staveland, 1988; Ramkumar et al., 2016; Seyderhelm & Blackmore, 2023). Participants (N = 11) were again recruited via conveniance sampling, and were each administered a TLX upon completion of every level (see Table 5). We opted to use the raw TLX scores, as research has suggested that they have improved validity whilst also being easier to administer (Said et al., 2020; Virtanen et al., 2021).

Table 5
Participant NASA TLX Scores.

The data was analysed using R*Studio (RStudio Team, 2020). We expected each participant to report significantly increased on the workload on the following level compared to the previous. Wilcoxon Signed Rank tests were conducted to assess changes in perceived workload between the three levels. The results of these indicated that there was a statistically significant increase in the TLX scores from Level One to Level Two (V = 0, p = 0.0035), and from Level Two to Level Three (V = 0, p = 0.0038). Every participant reported an increased workload for the following level compared to the previous, as per our design (see Figures 24 and 25).

Figure 24
Raw NASA TLX Scores by Participant

Figure 25
Mean NASA TLX Scores by Level

Description of how code was tested

As our game grew in complexity and scope, we adopted a multifaceted approach to testing. Whitebox tests were conducted by writing a series of assertions kept inside a class called “Test”. This class was used to simulate various gameplay scenarios. For example, we checked for correct object initialisation, and that variables held their expected states. Moreover, that the various gameplay scenarios resulted in the correct outcome, such as player death, or animations being triggered at the correct times. Much of our testing was also achieved through backbox methods, utilising play testing from users during evaluation, and regular playtests from each team member to help identify bugs. In addition to this, we created a testing specification (see Appendix 1) which detailed various gameplay scenarios and their intended outcome. After each major change to the source code, one of our team would work through this document and trigger each scenario to observe the outcome.

7. Process


Our first few meetings were conducted in person. This allowed maximal flexibility as we discussed various design ideas and got to know each other. In fact, our first meeting ever was at a restaurant, and we focused exclusively on getting to know each other and our gaming histories. We connected in person at the end of each Monday morning lab, and divided up that week’s tasks using a variant of planning poker. (We noticed that development tasks would take different people different amounts of time, so we attempted to give harder tasks to faster coders even out how much time people spent on the game.)

Figure 26
Team Meeting Paper Prototyping.

Over the holidays, we switched to doing scrum-style stand-up meetings (at least 3 times a week) over Microsoft Teams. These have been shown to be effective in a remote context (Cucolaş and Russo, 2023), and this was also true for us. In contrast to our in-person meetings, which could be very long, these tended to be shorter and more agenda-driven - we would focus on what work needed to be done and by whom. This allowed people to work asynchronously in a way that seemed to reduce stress whilst still having frequent check-in points to ask for help or to pair program.

Early on, we had to decide which game to build. To do this, we used a ranked preferences voting tool, which allowed each of us to express our preferences anonymously.

Analysing our process, we noticed an interesting trend in the burndown report. For our three holiday sprints we set deadlines for the end of the week. This led to a few "heroic efforts" as people implemented their work before the deadline. (Note that there is some reporting bias in this, as we credited work done over the weekend to the previous Friday.) We mitigated this slightly in the final week of the holiday sprints, where we further decomposed the tasks (average story points per task went from 7 to 2.)

Figure 27
Burn Chart of Game Project.

Tools and Techniques

We experimented with a variety of different tools during the development.

For our meetings, we used a Google doc in reverse chronological order (a stack, not a queue!) This allowed us a space to add text, images, and diagrams flexibly and ensured that the most useful content was at our fingertips.

Figure 28
Google Doc Project Management.

We initially used the Kanban board built into GitHub. However, as development became more complicated, we noticed that people were misunderstanding the requirements of the task, leading to wasted development time. We decided to switch to the running Google doc that we used for meetings as it allowed us to use a variety of media (text, images of paper prototypes etc) to describe the task requirements. This was significantly more flexible, and our PR workflow meant it was still very easy to track what work had been done for analysis purposes. It also reduced the number of places people needed to look for information - everything was centralized in one document.

Figure 29
Kanban Board Project Management.

We used Pull Requests extensively. Our process involved creating a PR and having another team member review it before it could be merged in. This helped enforce good coding standards and reduced the likelihood of committing buggy code.

WhatsApp was our primary communication method, which we used to coordinate meetings, ask for feedback on PRs, and ask for help.

Figure 30
Whatsapp Communication.

Pair programming was something that we used frequently. Since Yi had previous experience with game development, pair programming with him allowed us all to get up to speed with some of the techniques that we would later rely on. He would act as the tactician and we would be the helm. Early on we did a variant of pair programming where we used the VS Code plugin Live Share to collaborate on the same code in real-time. This allowed for very fast coding development early on and meant our meetings were more “working sessions” than meetings.

Agile Discussion

We adopted an agile methodology, allowing us to build the game slowly based on user feedback. This was very effective, especially since many of us had little knowledge of game development. However, we did encounter some issues. Early on, the pressure to get a feature "working" overrode the desire to create long-term, maintainable code. You can see this with the collision detections, the initial code had to be rewritten to be extensible. We addressed this by implementing a workflow based on pull requests and code reviews. Inspired by industry best practices, code reviews allowed each of us to uplevel our skills and write significantly better code as measured by cyclomatic complexity (which decreased by 79% between the 3rd week of the project and the 7th.)

8. Conclusion

Developing Oiram challenged and enhanced our software engineering capabilities. We crafted a sophisticated system architecture that included map design, a stylised interface, accessibility features, and innovative mechanics like time reversal, resulting in a game that closely matched our vision.

As the project progressed, as did the complexity of our codebase. Maintaining a supportive environment was therefore vital, with senior developers providing guidance and using diagrams to ensure all team members, regardless of skill level, understood the system. This facilitated feature integration and allowed team members to cover for each other.

Adopting an Agile development methodology was also instrumental for designing the game we envisioned, satisfying our user stories, and importantly, creating something that was fun to play. User feedback was pivotal, influencing the game’s setting and difficulty. This feedback enabled us to fine-tune levels and add hints, leading to a game that was enjoyable, challenging, and satisfying for players.

During development, our team encountered a series of challenges such as the implementation of the games core mechanics, implementing accessibility mode, and successfully balancing map design with difficulty level. These challenges were overcome by regular team meetings and the assignment of clear team roles. Despite all coming from different academic backgrounds and holding different levels of programming proficiency, we were able to capitalise on each other’s strengths, which fostered a supportive and efficient development lifecycle.

However, there are some areas we would have changed. Adopting a Test-Driven Development process from the project’s inception would have greatly enhanced our ability to debug. Due to our system architecture, it made the separation of the display and data very difficult, forcing us to find many bugs solely through playtesting. Shifting our design pattern to one such as the Model View Controller would likely have provided us with an easier process of error detection. These are valuable lessons that we will take forward into future projects.

Looking forward for Oiram itself, we have numerous features we would still like to implement. A musical score could support the science fiction setting, and sound effects for various gameplay scenarios, such as explosions and player death, would help improve immersion. Given a larger development team, or an extended deadline, we would aim to have implemented more levels of increasing difficulty, such as a boss fight which would require both past and present versions of the player working together to defeat it. Concept art, and early level designs can be found in the appendices.

This project has provided each team member the chance to develop both their team working, and software engineering abilities. Developing Oiram has been our first experience of undertaking a team-based software engineering project. Each member would agree that this project has been invaluable, and we will take what we have learned into our future careers.

Table 6
Table to demonstrate team contributions for Game Project.

Contributor Contribution
Mihir 1.00
Tom 1.00
Ali 1.00
Yi 1.00
Kaiyan 1.00

9. References

Alexander, I. (2004). A Better Fit—Characterising the Stakeholders. (p. 223-233).

Alexander, I. F., & Beus-Dukic, L. (2009). Discovering Requirements: How to Specify Products and Services. Wiley.

Alexander, J. T., Sear, J., & Oikonomou, A. (2013). An investigation of the effects of game difficulty on player enjoyment. Entertainment Computing, 4(1), 53–62.

Braun, V., & Clarke, V. (2006). Using thematic analysis in psychology. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 3(2), 77–101.

Cucolaş, A.-A., & Russo, D. (2023). The impact of working from home on the success of Scrum projects: A multi-method study. Journal of Systems and Software, 197, 111562.

Davis, A. M. Alan M. (1993). Software requirements: Objects, functions, and states. Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : PTR Prentice Hall.

Hart, S. G., & Staveland, L. E. (1988). Development of NASA-TLX (Task Load Index): Results of empirical and theoretical research. Advances in Psychology, 139–183.

Heydarian, C. H. (2020). The Curb-Cut Effect and its Interplay with Video Games. Arizona State University.

Joe, J., Chaudhuri, S., Le, T., Thompson, H., & Demiris, G. (2015). The use of think-aloud and Instant Data Analysis in evaluation research: Exemplar and lessons learned. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 56, 284–291.

Nielsen, J., Clemmensen, T., & Yssing, C. (2002). Getting access to what goes on in people’s heads? Proceedings of the Second Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction.

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Appendix 1
Testing Specification Depicting Actions, Outcomes, and Expected Visual Display

Appendix 2
Concept Art for Future Boss Designs

Appendix 3
Alternative Level 2 and Boss Arena Map Concepts


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