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File metadata and controls

215 lines (132 loc) · 10.5 KB


rs_learning is a Robosherlock package as well as ROS package.

Prerequisite: Robosherlock, caffe, PCL, openCV, rs_resources

The rs_learning package consists of three modules.

  1. Module for extracting features.
  2. Module for creating trainedModel for different classifiers.
  3. Module for classifying images.

Extracting feature module:


   ### To get the help
      rosrun rs_learning featureExtractor -h
   ### To extract feature
      rosrun rs_learning featureExtractor -s splitName -i storage -d datasetName -f feat

            splitName: It is a .ymal file, contains informations about objects and object's class
                        label. The file should be in catkin workspace rs_resources/objects_dataset/splits folder.
               storage: It is the name of input image storage folder.The folder should be in 
                        rs_resources/objects_dataset/object_data. For this project we use two datasets,
                        one is  kitchen environmemts dataset from Institue for atificial inteligent 
                        and the other one is from Washington University dataset. Parameter's (storage) value 
                        should be iaiImageFolder/wuImageFolder if someone wants to use both datasets at once
                        else just iaiImageFolder or wuImageFolder folder name.
         datasetName: It's value should be should be IAI (to use dataset from Institue for 
                        atificial inteligent) and WU (to use dataset from Washington University).
                        If someone wants to use both datasets at once, he should select the 
                        parameter's value as BOTH. 
                  feat: It should be CNN or VGG16 (RGB data) and VFH or CVFH (for RGB-D data).

        The above command should generate following files in rs_resources/objects_dataset/extractedFeat folder. So check
        the folder called extractedFeat is there or not, if not create one and name it as extractedFeat. 
                      1. datasetName_feat_ClassLabel_splitName.txt 
                      2. datasetName_feat_MatTrain_splitName.yaml
                      3. datasetName_feat_MatTrainLabel_splitName.yaml
                      4. datasetName_feat_MatTest_splitName.yaml
                      5. datasetName_feat_MatTestLabel_splitName.yaml
 ##Example: If someone type the following command: 
     rosrun rs_learning featureExtractor -s ObjectOur -i partial_views -d IAI -f CNN
     Output should be following:
                      1. IAI_CNN_ClassLabel_ObjectOur.txt
                      2. IAI_CNN_MatTrain_ObjectOur.yaml
                      3. IAI_CNN_MatTrainLabel_ObjectOur.yaml
                      4. IAI_CNN_MatTest_ObjectOur.yaml
                      5. IAI_CNN_MatTestLabel_ObjectOur.yaml

  In Robosherlock each annotator has one .xml file in Descriptors/annotators folder. 
  And the ensemble of annotators is called analysis engine.

TrainedModel creator module:

If someone wants to create the TrainedModel of the data for specific classifer,
should first provide the following parameter's value in trainerAnnotator.xml
file. It will genarate a TrainedModel file as datasetName_feat_classifier_typeModel_ObjectOur.yaml
in rs_addons/trainedData folder. 
                  1. classifier_type: It's value should be rssvm (for support vector mechine) or
                                      rsrf (for random forest) or rsgbt (for gradient boost tree) or
                                      rsknn (for k-Nearest neighbour) .

                  2. train_data_name: The name of the train data file (datasetName_feat_MatTrain_ObjectOur) 
                                      in path rs_resources/objects_dataset/extracetedFeat
                  3. train_label_name: The name of the data trainLabel file 
                    (datsetName_feat_MatTrainLabel_splitName) in path 
  ## Example: If someone choose parameters classifier_type as rssvm, train_data_name
                        as IAI_CNN_MatTrain_ObjectOur and train_label_name name as 
                        IAI_CNN_MatTrainLabel_ObjectOur in trainerAnnotator.xml file and type the
                        following command on terminal.
                        rosrun robosherlock run model_trainer

           then as output IAI_CNN_rssvmModel_ObjectOur should be generated 
           in rs_addons/trainedData folder. 


Classify Image Module:

It is divided into two parts classify offline and online. If someone has test data on hand, he can use classify_offline annotator and classifies the images. The command for that:

  rosrun robosherlock run classify_offline

  Before enter the command please tune the following parameter in classifyOfflineAnnotator.xml file.

     1.classifier_type: It should be rssvm or rsrf or rsgbt or rsknn

     2.trained_model_name: The name of the trainedModel file (Ex. if someone selects classifier_type
                          (= rssvm),  then traindModel should look like IAI_CNN_rssvmModel_ObjectOur).
     3.test_data_name: It should be the test data file name (Ex.IAI_CNN_MatTest _ObjectOur.yaml)
     4. test_label_name: The name of the testLabel data file (Ex.IAI_CNN_MatTestLabel_ObjectOur)
     5. actual_class_label: The name of classLabel file (Ex.IAI_CNN_ClassLabel_ObjectOur)

  If the classifier_type (=rsknn), instead of trained_model_name selects the following two files.
              1. trainDatamatrix: The name of the train matrix file (Ex.IAI_CNN_MatTrain_ObjectOur)
              2. trainlabel_matrix: The name of the trainLabel matrix file (IAI_CNN_MatTrainLabel_ObjectOur)

   If test data is coming from a .bag file or any databese or from real time robot manipulation
   task, the process is called online. Then someone has to use the following command.

               rosrun robosherlock run my_demo
   my_demo is an analysis engine with many Annotators(specially classifiers). Each classifier 
   has two options. It can classify or set the groundtruth for the images.So before runing the 
   above command please tune the parameters in the respective annotator's .xml file.
   The parameters name are same for classifiers (rssvm, rsrf, rsgbt) and they are:
          1. set_mode: It should be CL (to classify) and GT (to set groundtruth )                           
          2. trained_model_name: name of the trainedModel (Ex.IAI_CNN_rssvmModel_ObjectOur).
          3. actual_class_label: name of classLabel file (Ex.IAI_CNN_ClassLabel_ObjectOur)

   And for classifier (rsknn), please selects set_mode (=rsknn) and instead of parameter 
   (trained_model_name) tune the the following parameters.
           trainKNN_matrix: The name of the train matrix file (Ex.IAI_CNN_MatTrain_ObjectOur)
           trainKNNLabel_matrix: The name of the trainLabel matrix file (IAI_CNN_MatTrainLabel_ObjectOur) 

   # Attention: When classify images online please make sure that the image features coming 
               from Robosherlock annotators pipeline (Ex. PCLfeatureExtractor or caffe ) must be the 
               same as the respective trainedModel's features.


### FeatureExtractor

    Extracts CNN, VGG16, VFH or CVFH features from input data and stores them.

    rosrun rs_addons featureExtractor -s ... -i ... -d ... -f ...

        -help, -h :
            help messages.

        -split, -s :
            split file name (.yaml) with information about objects and their class labels
            found in rs_resources/objects_dataset/splits

        -storageInput, -i :
            input storage folder name found in rs_resources/objects_dataset/object_data.
            If want to use both storages at once provide folders name as iaiStorageFolder/wuStorageFolder

        -datasets, -d :
            dataset name [IAI|WU|BOTH]

        -feature, -f :
            feature type to extract [CNN|VGG16|VFH|CVFH]

        The above command should generate the following files in rs_resources/objects_dataset/extractedFeat folder. If extractedFeat folder does not exist, create it.

                  1. datasets_feature_ClassLabel_split.txt

                  2. datasets_feature_MatTrain_split.yaml

                  3. datasets_feature_MatTrainLabel_split.yaml

                  4. datasets_feature_MatTest_split.yaml

                  5. datasets_feature_MatTestLabel_split.yaml

### train_classifier

    rosrun rs_addons train_classifier -c ... -i ... -l ... -o ...

        -help, -h

        -classifier, -c :
            the classifier to train [SVM|RF|GBT|KNN]

        -input, -i :
            the input file (datasets_feature_MatTrain_split) with extracted features found in rs_resources/objects_dataset/extractedFeat

        -labels, -l :
            the label file (datasets_feature_MatTrainLabel_split) found in rs_resources/objects_dataset/extractedFeat

        -output, -o :
            the name of the output file that will be generated in rs_addons/trainedData.
            example: datasets_feature_classifierModel_split