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Pokémon data management.


To run the Portal application, you need a running database. Supported database providers are listed in the DatabaseProvider enumeration.

The default database provider is EntityFrameworkCoreSqlServer. You can override it by adding it to your user secrets. Right-click the PokeData project, then click Manage User Secrets. You can copy the variable in the secrets.example.json file and replace the DatabaseProvider key by your desired database provider enumeration value.

You can use a Docker container by executing one of the following commands. The connection strings are already configured in the appsettings.Development.json file.


docker run --name PokeData_postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=h8xSN524CR63aXtV -p 5436:5432 -d postgres

SQL Server

docker run --name PokeData_sqlserver -e "ACCEPT_EULA=Y" -e "MSSQL_SA_PASSWORD=SBfZCaL8JM5Yq3FK" -p 1436:1433 -d