This repository contains a simple Minesweeper game implemented using Pygame. The game features a grid of cells, some of which contain hidden mines. The goal is to reveal all non-mine cells without triggering any mines.
- Classic Minesweeper gameplay
- Left-click to reveal cells
- Right-click to flag potential mines
- Emoji-click to restart the game
- Time Indications
- Emoji Indicators:
- 😊 Smiling emoji: Game in progress
☹️ Sad emoji: You lose (triggered a mine)- 😎 Sunglasses emoji: You win (all non-mine cells revealed)
- Clicking on any emoji restarts the game
- Sound Effects:
- Click sound when revealing cells or flagging mines
- Restart sound when clicking on an emoji
- Victory sound when winning
- Defeat sound when triggering a mine
- Make sure you have Python and Pygame installed.
- Clone this repository to your local machine.
- Run the following command to start the game:
- Left-click: Reveal a cell
- Right-click: Flag a cell as a potential mine
Feel free to contribute or use this code as a starting point for your own Minesweeper project!