This repository contains all the popular competitive programming questions and interview questions. The main aim of the repo is help many other students that are prepare for interview this contains various questions of Hackerank, Codechef Data Strctures and Algorithms Etc.Simple if you practice on online judges like codechef or any other like gfg you can add questions on this repo
You can take help from this links and add questions in repo after solving and learning any kind of contribution is welcome
50+ 50-data-structure-and-algorithms-interview-questions-for-programmers
100 Data Structures and Algorithms Problems Asked During Coding Interviews
500+ Data Structures and Algorithms Interview Questions & Practice Problems
- Hackerank
- Codechef
- Codeforce
- Leetcode
- Gfg
- Data Structures
- Algorithms
The main aim of the project is for bringing all interview and competative programming question under one repo
1. Fork this repository.
2. Clone your forked copy of the project.
git clone --depth 1<your_name>/Daily-Coding-DS-ALGO-Practice.git
3. Navigate to the project directory 📁 .
cd Daily-Coding-DS-ALGO-Practice
4. Add a reference(remote) to the original repository.
git remote add upstream
5. Check the remotes for this repository.
git remote -v
6. Always take a pull from the upstream repository to your master branch to keep it at par with the main project(updated repository).
git pull upstream main
7. Create a new branch.
git checkout -b <your_branch_name>
8. Perfom your desired changes to the code base.
9. Track your changes:heavy_check_mark: .
git add .
10. Commit your changes .
git commit -m "Relevant message"
11. Push the committed changes in your feature branch to your remote repo.
git push -u origin <your_branch_name>
12. To create a pull request, click on compare and pull requests
. Please ensure you compare your feature branch to the desired branch of the repo you are suppose to make a PR to.
13. Add appropriate title and description to your pull request explaining your changes and efforts done.
14. Click on Create Pull Request
15 Voila! You have made a PR to the awesome-developer-portfolio project. Sit back patiently and relax while the your PR is reviewed.
In case of any help, please free to contact me via mail @
Thanks go to these Wonderful People 👨🏻💻: 🚀 Contributions of any kind are welcome!