This project is a Next.js frontend application encompasing two main functionalities. An admin pannel for manging programs, channels, etc and a customer pages to display and stream movies, sports and etc.
It uses Material-UI for the UI components, Victory and Material React Table for data visualization, Zod for input validation and Axios/fetch for API requests.
The application fetches data from the backend and listens for real-time updates using Socket.IO.
Clone the repository
Install dependencies
Start the application
The application will run on http://localhost:3000.
- app - Contains the source code.
- Components/ - Contains reusable components
- dashboard - Admin panel
- channel - channels and programs for customers
- favorites - user favorite lists
- watchlater - user watch later lists
- actions - server actions
- Dashboard
- Programs Management
- Channels Management
- Real-time Updates
- Customer Pages
The dashboard and other components fetch data from the backend API when the components mount and/or on the server.
The frontend listens for the database-changed event from the backend to refetch the data.
- Next.js (App Router)
- Material-UI
- Socket.IO client
- Victory
- Material React Table
- Zod
You can get the backend of this app here