js-date-format.js comes with English("en") as the default locale you can add any languages you want from the /locales
directory or /locales/all.js
to include all of them.
<script src="/path/to/js-date-format.js"></script>
<!-- add any locales you want included after the js-date-format.js script-->
<script src="/path/to/locales/all.js"></script>
Add format method to Date object in javascript to allow string formatting
adds the following methods to a date object:
Gets the month name in the specified language. If no language is specified it will default to "en". (eg. January)
Gets the abbreviated month name in the specified language. If no language is specified it will default to "en". (eg. Jan)
Gets the day of the week name in the specified language. If no language is specified it will default to "en". (eg. Sunday)
Gets the abbreviated day of the week name in the specified language. If no language is specified it will default to "en". (eg. Sun)
Gets the date suffix for the day of the month in the specified language. If no language is specified it will default to "en". (eg. th)
Gets the last day of the month. (eg. 31)
Gets the locale for the month and day names. The default is "en".
Sets the locale for the month and day names.
Gets a string representation of the date object based on the format_string. (eg. "DDDD, MMMM DS h:mm TT" = Wednesday, January 1st 12:00 AM)
- YYYY: 4 digit yeay
- YY: 2 digit year
- MMMM: Month name
- MMM: Month name abbreviation
- MM: Month 01-12
- M: Month 1-12
- DDDD: Day of the week name
- DDD: Day of the week name abbreviation
- DD: Day of the month 01-31
- D: Day of the month 1-31
- S: Day of the month suffix (st|nd|rd|th)
- HH: Hours 00-23
- H: Hours 0-23
- hh: Hours 01-12
- h: Hours 1-12
- mm: Minutes 00-59
- m: Minutes 0-59
- ss: Seconds 00-59
- s: Seconds 0-59
- f: Tenths of a second
- ff: Hundredths of a second
- fff: Thousandths of a second
- tt: am/pm
- t: a/p
- T: A/P
- zzzz: timezone (e.g. -05:00)
- zzz: timezone (e.g. -5:00)
- zz: timezone (e.g. -05)
- z: timezone (e.g. -5)
- ": Start of a literal string. Copies characters between quotes to output or copies rest of string if no closing quote.
- ': Start of a literal string. Copies characters between quotes to output or copies rest of string if no closing quote.
- \: Copies next character to output
- Any other character will be copied to output
go to http://uzitech.github.io/js-date-format/ for a demo or download the zip and open js-date-format.html