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mmaelicke committed Sep 26, 2024
1 parent 598f513 commit 77265aa
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Showing 6 changed files with 456 additions and 42 deletions.
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions docker-compose.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
context: .
dockerfile: Dockerfile
TOOL_RUN: geocube
command: echo "run this tool as docker compose run --rm geocube python"
- ./in:/in
- ./out:/out
- ./src:/src

3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion in/inputs.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,8 @@
"integration": "spatiotemporal",
"precision": "7d",
"resolution": 5000,
"aggregates": ["mean", "min", "max"]
"aggregates": ["mean", "min", "max"],
"target_epsg": 25832
123 changes: 123 additions & 0 deletions src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
from typing import List, Optional, Literal

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr
from import CRS

# define the possible integration types
INTEGRATIONS = Literal['spatiotemporal', 'spatial', 'temporal']

def create_grid(arrays: List[xr.DataArray], integration: INTEGRATIONS, resolution: int, precision: str, target_epsg: Optional[int] = None, buffer_edge: Optional[float] = 0.01, **kwargs) -> xr.Dataset:
# switch the integration
if integration == 'spatiotemporal':
return create_spatiotemporal_grid(arrays, resolution, precision, target_epsg, buffer_edge, **kwargs)
elif integration == 'spatial':
return create_spatial_grid(arrays, resolution, target_epsg, buffer_edge, **kwargs)
elif integration == 'temporal':
return create_temporal_grid(arrays, precision, **kwargs)
raise ValueError(f"Integration type {integration} not supported.")

def create_spatiotemporal_grid(arrays: List[xr.DataArray], resolution: int, precision: str, target_epsg: Optional[int] = None, buffer_edge: Optional[float] = 0.01, **kwargs) -> xr.Dataset:
# figure out the bounding box of all coordinate axes
minx = min([arr.x.values.min() for arr in arrays if 'x' in arr.indexes])
maxx = max([arr.x.values.max() for arr in arrays if 'x' in arr.indexes])
miny = min([arr.y.values.min() for arr in arrays if 'y' in arr.indexes])
maxy = max([arr.y.values.max() for arr in arrays if 'y' in arr.indexes])
except ValueError:
raise ValueError("No x/y coordinates found in any of the input arrays")

# also run time-axis
mint = min([arr.time.values.min() for arr in arrays if 'time' in arr.indexes])
maxt = max([arr.time.values.max() for arr in arrays if 'time' in arr.indexes])
except ValueError:
raise ValueError("No time coordinates found in any of the input arrays")

# buffer the axes if needed, then the binning will span a bit wider than the actual extremes
if buffer_edge is not None:
minx = np.round(minx - buffer_edge * resolution)
maxx = np.round(maxx + buffer_edge * resolution)
miny = np.round(miny - buffer_edge * resolution)
maxy = np.round(maxy + buffer_edge * resolution)

# build the axes
xaxis = np.arange(minx, maxx, resolution)
yaxis = np.arange(miny, maxy, resolution)

# if we have a time axis, we need to build a 3D grid
taxis = pd.date_range(mint, maxt, freq=precision)
coords = {'time': ('time', taxis), 'y': ('y', yaxis), 'x': ('x', xaxis)}

# build a master grid
grid = xr.Dataset(coords=coords)

# set the CRS
if target_epsg is None:
crs = [ for a in arrays if is not None][0]
crs = CRS.from_epsg(target_epsg)

# set the CRS, inplace=True)

return grid

def create_spatial_grid(arrays: List[xr.DataArray], resolution: int, target_epsg: Optional[int] = None, buffer_edge: Optional[float] = 0.01, **kwargs) -> xr.Dataset:
# figure out the bounding box of all coordinate axes
minx = min([arr.x.values.min() for arr in arrays if 'x' in arr.indexes])
maxx = max([arr.x.values.max() for arr in arrays if 'x' in arr.indexes])
miny = min([arr.y.values.min() for arr in arrays if 'y' in arr.indexes])
maxy = max([arr.y.values.max() for arr in arrays if 'y' in arr.indexes])
except ValueError:
raise ValueError("No x/y coordinates found in any of the input arrays")

# buffer the axes if needed, then the binning will span a bit wider than the actual extremes
if buffer_edge is not None:
minx = np.round(minx - buffer_edge * resolution)
maxx = np.round(maxx + buffer_edge * resolution)
miny = np.round(miny - buffer_edge * resolution)
maxy = np.round(maxy + buffer_edge * resolution)

# build the axes
xaxis = np.arange(minx, maxx, resolution)
yaxis = np.arange(miny, maxy, resolution)
coords = {'y': ('y', yaxis), 'x': ('x', xaxis)}

# build a master grid
grid = xr.Dataset(coords=coords)

# set the CRS
if target_epsg is None:
crs = [ for a in arrays if is not None][0]
crs = CRS.from_epsg(target_epsg)

# set the CRS, inplace=True)

return grid

def create_temporal_grid(arrays: List[xr.DataArray], precision: str, **kwargs) -> xr.Dataset:
# also run time-axis
mint = min([arr.time.values.min() for arr in arrays if 'time' in arr.indexes])
maxt = max([arr.time.values.max() for arr in arrays if 'time' in arr.indexes])
except ValueError:
raise ValueError("No time coordinates found in any of the input arrays")

# build the time coordinates
taxis = pd.date_range(mint, maxt, freq=precision)
coords = {'time': ('time', taxis)}

# build a master grid
grid = xr.Dataset(coords=coords)

return grid
214 changes: 214 additions & 0 deletions src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
from typing import List, Dict, Tuple, Optional
from pathlib import Path
import warnings

from metacatalog.models import Entry
from tqdm import tqdm
import rioxarray
from import CRS
import xarray as xr
import numpy as np
from json2args.logger import logger
from pydantic import BaseModel

from utils import FileMapping

# these are the parameters comming from json2args
class Params(BaseModel):
precision: str
resolution: int
integration: str
aggregates: List[str]

def load_files(file_mapping: List[FileMapping], params: Params | Dict) -> xr.Dataset:
# handle the parameters
if isinstance(params, dict):
params = Params(**params)

# create a container for the DataArrays
arrays = []

# iterate over the mapping and load every dataset as a xarray DataArray
for mapping in tqdm(file_mapping):
# unpack the mapping
entry = mapping['entry']
data_path = Path(mapping['data_path'])
#logger.debug(f"Loading dataset <ID={}> from {data_path}")

# check which loader to use
if data_path.is_dir():
# load all files in the directory
#files = glob.glob(str(data_path / '**' / '*'), recursive=True)
files = list(data_path.rglob('*'))
files = [str(data_path)]

# check if this is a nc
if str(files[0]).lower().endswith('.nc'):
arr = load_raster(files, entry, target_epsg=params.target_epsg)
elif str(files[0]).lower().endswith('.tif') or files[0].lower().endswith('.tiff'):
arr = load_raster(files, entry, target_epsg=params.target_epsg)
logger.error(f"File typ of Dataset <ID={}> not yet supported: {files[0]}")

# write a CRS if None is given and warn in that case
if not
logger.warning(f"Dataset <ID={}> has no CRS. This might lead to unexpected results.")
arr =

# apped the array to the container
return arrays
# # next step is to aggregate to the target resolution and precision
# aggregates = aggregate_xarray(arr, entry, **params.model_dump())

# # add the arrays to the list
# for agg in aggregates:
# arrays.append(agg)

# return arrays

def merge_arrays(arrays: List[xr.DataArray]) -> xr.Dataset:
# check if all were mapped to the same suggested UTM CRS
crs = set([ for arr in arrays])
if len(crs) > 1:
logger.warning(f"The aggregated dataset chunks could not be reprojected into a common CRS and now use different CRS: [{crs}]. This might be caused by missing CRS information in the original datasets.")

# now overwrite the CRS

# merge all arrays
merged = xr.merge(arrays, combine_attrs='drop_conflicts', join='outer', compat='no_conflicts')

return merged

def _binned_spatial_index(arr: xr.DataArray, grid: xr.Dataset) -> Dict[str, Tuple[str, np.ndarray]]:
# extract the original coordinates
original_x = arr.x.values if 'x' in arr.indexes else []
original_y = arr.y.values if 'y' in arr.indexes else []

# digitize the corrdinates to the grid
x_indices = np.digitize(original_x, grid.x.values) - 1 if 'x' in arr.indexes else []
y_indices = np.digitize(original_y, grid.y.values) - 1 if 'y' in arr.indexes else []

# create the binned coordinates
binned_x = grid.x.values[x_indices]
binned_y = grid.y.values[y_indices]

# bin the array by the binned coords
return {'y': ('y', binned_y), 'x': ('x', binned_x)}

def _binned_temporal_index(arr: xr.DataArray, grid: xr.Dataset) -> Dict[str, Tuple[str, np.ndarray]]:
# extract the original coordinates
original_t = arr.time.values.astype(int) if 'time' in arr.indexes else []

# digitize the corrdinates to the grid
t_indices = np.digitize(original_t, grid.time.values.astype(int)) - 1

# create the binned coordinates
binned_t = grid.time.values[t_indices]

# bin the array by the binned coords
return {'time': ('time', binned_t)}

def bin_coordinate_axes(arr: xr.DataArray, grid: xr.Dataset) -> xr.DataArray:
coords_def = {}

# get the time index if there is a time axis in the grid
if 'time' in grid.indexes:
coords_def.update(_binned_temporal_index(arr, grid))

# get the spatial indices if the grid has spatial axes
if 'y' in grid.indexes:
coords_def.update(_binned_spatial_index(arr, grid))

# replace the DataArray coordinates with the binned version
arr_binned = arr.assign_coords(coords_def)

return arr_binned

def aggregate_xarray(arrays: List[xr.DataArray], grid: xr.Dataset, aggregates: List[str]) -> xr.Dataset:
# make a deep copy of grid
cube = grid.copy(deep=True)

for arr in tqdm(arrays):
arr_binned = bin_coordinate_axes(arr, grid)

# groupby each of the passed aggregates
for aggregate in aggregates:
# groupby this aggregate over all axes

# use only the axes that are in the binned array AND in the grid
axes = [ax for ax in grid.indexes if ax in arr_binned.indexes]

agg = arr_binned.to_dataframe()[[v for v in arr_binned.data_vars]].groupby(axes).aggregate(aggregate).to_xarray()
#agg = agg.groupby('y').reduce(getattr(np, aggregate)).groupby('x').reduce(getattr(np, aggregate))
#agg = arr_binned[[v for v in arr_binned.data_vars]].groupby(**{ax: xr.groupers.UniqueGrouper() for ax in axes}).reduce(getattr(np, aggregate))
# add all data_variables to the cube
for data_name in agg.data_vars:
cube[f"{data_name}_{aggregate}"] = agg[data_name]

# return
return cube

def load_raster(files: List[str], entry: Entry, target_epsg: Optional[int] = None) -> xr.DataArray:
# load the variable name
var_names = entry.datasource.variable_names

# load the data
with warnings.catch_warnings():
if str(files[0]).lower().endswith('.tif') or str(files[0]).lower().endswith('.tiff'):
xarr = xr.open_mfdataset(files, decode_coords='all')[var_names]
xarr = xr.open_mfdataset(files, decode_coords='all', engine='h5netcdf')[var_names]

# check that each chunk as a CRS
crs =
if crs is None:
# TODO: in the future we can either remove the dataset here or just assume its WGS84
logger.warning(f"Dataset <ID={}> has no CRS. This might lead to unexpected results.")
crs = CRS.from_epsg(4326)

# load the used indexes
indices = [i for i in xarr.indexes]
to_squeeze = []
for idx in indices:
if idx not in ['time', 'x', 'y']:
logger.warning(f"Dataset <ID={}> in file <{files[0]}> has an index <{idx}> that is not in ['time', 'x', 'y']. This might lead to unexpected results, as we will drop it.")
if len(to_squeeze) > 0:
xarr = xarr.squeeze(to_squeeze, drop=True)

# drop all that is not an indexed coordinate and not a variable
names_set = set([*[c for c in xarr.coords], *[c for c in xarr.dims]])
xarr = xarr.drop_vars([c for c in names_set if c not in ['time', 'x', 'y', *var_names]])

# write back the CRS
xarr =

# handle the target CRS system
if target_epsg is None:
target_crs =
except RuntimeError as e:
logger.error(f"No CRS found for dataset <ID={}> in file <{files[0]}>. An UTM CRS could not be inferred. Error: {str(e)}")
target_crs = CRS.from_epsg(target_epsg)

# reproject and copy
xarr =
out = xarr.copy()

return out

def load_parquet(files: List[str], entry: Entry) -> xr.DataArray:
raise NotImplementedError("Parquet files are not yet supported.")

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