This repository presents various cloud virtual desktops suitable for shared or single use in Google Cloud Platform via OS Login and Chrome Remote Desktop.
If you'd like to try this out without building your own Packer images and you trust me, feel free to use my public images in the vjp-cloud-desktops
project and skip to step 3. e.g.
gcloud compute instances create debian-ws \
--machine-type=e2-standard-2 \
--boot-disk-size=50GB \
--boot-disk-type=pd-ssd \
--metadata enable-oslogin=true \
--no-service-account \
--no-scopes \
--image-project vjp-cloud-desktops \
--image "$DEBIAN_IMAGE"
gcloud compute instances create kali-ws \
--machine-type=e2-standard-2 \
--boot-disk-size=50GB \
--boot-disk-type=pd-ssd \
--metadata enable-oslogin=true \
--no-service-account \
--no-scopes \
--image-project vjp-cloud-desktops \
--image "$KALI_IMAGE"
gcloud compute instances create arch-ws \
--machine-type=e2-standard-2 \
--boot-disk-size=50GB \
--boot-disk-type=pd-ssd \
--metadata enable-oslogin=true \
--no-service-account \
--no-scopes \
--image-project vjp-cloud-desktops \
--image "$ARCH_IMAGE"
- Build your desired flavour by running its Please target (see below).
- Boot your new image in Google Compute Engine.
- SSH into your new instance via OS Login.
- Go to and skip to through authorise to get the command to run on your new instance. Run the command and follow the instructions.
- The new instance will appear in
GCP_PROJECT_ID="my-project" ./pleasew run //flavours/debian:xfce4_build
GCP_PROJECT_ID="my-project" ./pleasew run //flavours/debian/kali:xfce4_build
Kali Linux takes some time to build as it is based off Debian and replaces the Debian's sources with Kali's sources and thus replaces a lot of the existing packages.