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Code for modeling fMRI responses to time-varying stimuli using a temporal channels approach.

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Code for modeling fMRI responses to time-varying stimuli using a temporal channels approach


  • The code in this repository is compatible with MATLAB R2016b and later versions.
  • Functions from the Optimization and Symbolic Math Toolboxes are used in some analyses.
  • An example dataset is available here (archive is 20 GB).
  • Please cite our papers if you use the code in this repository:
  • Disclaimer: It is important to vary experimental timing parameters (e.g., stimulus and ISI durations) in data used for model fitting to minimize collinearity between channel predictors and constrain the solution of the model.


  1. Instructions
    1. Oranizing the data directory
    2. Generating stimulus timing parameter files
    3. Modeling a region of interest using tch_model_roi
      1. Inputs
      2. Outputs
    4. Modeling each voxel using tch_model_vox
      1. Inputs
      2. Outputs
  2. Example code
    1. Using the tch_model_roi function
    2. Using tchModel class methods
    3. Using tchROI class methods
    4. Using tchVoxel class methods


Organizing the data directory

To work with the example dataset from our paper, download the data archives and extract all session directories in ~/TemporalChannels/data/ of your local branch of the repository.

To work with your own dataset, create a separate directory for each experimental session in ~/TemporalChannels/data/. Here, a session is an fMRI scan session for a single participant comprised of a series of runs acquired with the same scan settings (slice prescription, voxel size, etc.). Therefore, a single participant can have multiple session directories (e.g., from experiments on different days). Data used for model fitting should vary experimental timing parameters and ideally contain prolonged baseline periods (≥12 s) to allow consistent baseline subtraction across different conditions and experiments.

Each session directory should contain the following subdirectories:

  1. ROIs – contains .mat files sorted by region name/experiment and labeled by run number (e.g., ~/TemporalChannels/data/*/ROIs/V1/Exp1/Run1.mat). Each file contains the raw fMRI time series of each voxel in a predefined region of interest for a single run. Each run of data is formatted as a matrix tSeries with rows indexing TRs (sorted in ascending order) and columns indexing voxels (sorted in arbitrary order). This data is used for fitting models to the mean response of all voxels in a region and performing group analysis across all sessions with that region. To calcualte group statistics, it is necessary for region and experiment directory names to match across sessions.

  2. Voxels – contains .mat files sorted by experiment and labeled by run number (e.g., ~/TemporalChannels/data/*/Voxels/Exp1/Run1.mat) that contain the raw fMRI time series of each voxel in a scan session for a single run. Each run of data is formatted as a matrix tSeries with rows indexing TRs (sorted in ascending order) and columns indexing voxels (sorted in arbitrary order). This data is used for fitting models to the response of each voxel in a fMRI session. The results of voxel-level analysis can be used for various subsequent analyses (e.g., generating model parameter maps or performing multi-voxel pattern analysis).

  3. Stimuli – contains .txt files labeled by experiment and run number that list information about the timing of each stimulus in a single run of an experiment. The names of experiments in the filenames must match the names of folders in the session ROIs and Voxels directories and are delimited from run numbers by an underscore (e.g., ~/TemporalChannels/data/*/Stimuli/Exp1_Run1.txt).

Generating stimulus timing parameter files

Example stimulus timing parameter files are available in ~/fLoc/examples/.

Header information

Line 1 contains the name of the experiment followed by a list of all conditions (i.e, trial types). For example:

Exp1 conditions: TrialA, TrialB, TrialC, TrialD

Here, experiments and trials define specific groupings or segments of data from a fMRI session:

  • Experiments are collections of runs composed of the same set of trial types that are repeated across sessions. To assess the test-retest reliability of the data, different "experiments" could also contain different runs composed of the same stimulus conditions.

  • Trials are structured periods of stimulus presentation within a run that are separated by baseline periods (ideally ≥ 12 s). Baseline conditions mark transitions between different trials that repeat throughout the experiment and across sessions.

Line 2 contains the total duration of the run in seconds. For example:

Run duration (s): 300

The overall duration and number of stimuli in a trial can vary across trial types, but the timing and sequence of stimulus presentations must be identical across trials of the same type. Critically, trial segmentation does not affect the fit of the model but does affect noise ceiling estimation and visualization methods.

Stimulus information

Lines 5 and below contain the following information about each stimulus delimited by spaces:

  1. Trial — trial number incrementing from 1 to the total number of trials in the run.

  2. Condition — label indicating the type of trial to which the stimulus belongs (matching a condition in line 1).

  3. Onset — stimulus onset time in seconds relative to the beginning of the run.

  4. Duration — stimulus presentation duration in seconds.

  5. Filename — stimulus descriptor composed of a category label and stimulus-specific identifier delimited by a dash (e.g., face-1.jpg or body-144.jpg). Note that a separate array of predictors is coded for each unique label.

There is no need to model the baseline explicitly. That is, the code assumes a baseline condition for all times in which a stimulus is not shown. We recommend including a prolonged (≥ 12 s) baseline period immediately before each trial to enable use of trial averaging methods and associated plotting functions.

Modeling a region of interest using tch_model_roi

The tch_model_roi wrapper function is used to fit and validate various temporal models to the mean time series of a region of interest in each session using the procedures described below:

  1. An object roi of the class tchROI is generated that loads, preprocesses, and organizes the run time series for a set of experiments in each session. As explained in detail below roi(1) is an object containing model fits, and roi(2) is an object containing validation of those fits.

    1. Run time series averaged across all voxels in a region are stored in a 2D cell array roi(1).run_avgs with each row indexing a run and each column indexing a session (e.g., roi(1).run_avgs(:, N) contains all runs from the N-th session in the object).
    2. Storing time series in a cell array allows the code to accommodate runs with different durations as well as sessions with different numbers of runs.
  2. An object model of the class tchModel is generated that creates channel predictors for a set of experiments in each session, where model(1) contains channel predictors for the data used to fit the model and model(2) contains channel predictors for the independent validation data. The channel predictors are derived from the stimulus sequence and the model architecture.

    1. Run predictors are stored in a 2D cell array model(1).run_preds with each row indexing a run and each column indexing a session (e.g., model(1).run_preds(:, N) contains all run predictors for the N-th session in the object).
    2. Predictors are also generated for each trial type and stored in a 3D cell array model(1).trial_preds with each row indexing a trial type, each column indexing a session, and each slice indexing an experiment (e.g., model(1).trial_preds(:, N, K) contains predictors for each trial type in the K-th experiment of the N-th session). Be aware that trial predictors will vary across sessions for models with session-specific hyperparameters such as the CTS model.
  3. Response amplitudes (β weights) for each predictor in the model are estimated separately for each session using a general linear model (GLM).

    1. Fitted β weights for each predictor are stored in a 1D cell array roi(1).model.betas with each cell containing the model solution for an individual session (e.g., roi(1).model.betas(N) contains the β weights for the N-th session). For multi-channel models, weights are organized such that βs from the sustained channel are indexed before βs from the transient channel.
    2. Model performance (R^2) is calculated across all experiments and stored in a 1D cell array roi(1).model.varexp with each cell indexing model performance for a single session (e.g., roi(1).model.varexp(N) contains R^2 for the N-th session).
  4. Model timing and compression parameters are optimized for each session when applicable.

    1. Optimized parameters are stored in a struct roi(1).model.params with each field containing a different parameter (e.g., roi(1).model.params.tau_s(N) contains the optimized IRF time constant for the N-th session).
    2. Default parameters are applied when no optimization option is selected (see tch_init_params.m for more details).
  5. Fitted β weights (and optimized parameters) are used to predict responses to each trial type.

    1. The average response to each trial type is stored in a 3D cell array roi(1).trial_avgs with each row indexing a trial type, each column indexing a session, and each slice indexing an experiment (e.g., roi(1).trial_avgs(:, N, K) contains the average response to each trial type in the K-th experiment of the N-th session).
    2. The predicted fMRI response to each trial type is stored in a 3D cell array roi(1).trial_preds with each row indexing a trial type, each column indexing a session, and each slice indexing an experiment (e.g., roi(1).trial_preds(:, N, K) contains the predicted response to each trial type in the K-th experiment of the N-th session).
  6. Model validation is performed using the fitted β weights (and optimized parameters) to predict responses in independent data.

    1. β weights fitted to independent data are stored in a 1D cell array roi(2).model.betas with each cell containing the model solution for an individual session (e.g., roi(2).model.betas(N) contains the β weights for the N-th session fitted to data in roi(1)).
    2. Model performance (R^2) is calculated for each session across all experiments in the validation data and stored in a 1D cell array roi(2).model.varexp with each cell indexing validation performance for a single session (e.g., roi(2).model.varexp(N) contains validated R^2 for the N-th session).


Fitting a model using the tch_model_roi function requires passing at least three input arguments:

  1. name — name of a region of interest (e.g., 'V1') in session ROI directories (~/TemporalChannels/data/*/ROIs/).

  2. type — label indicating which model to use for predicting responses.

    1. Hemodynamic models (solved analytically)
      1. ‘1ch-glm’ — general linear model for fMRI (Boynton et al., 1996)
      2. ‘2ch-lin-htd’ — hemodynamic temporal derivative model (Henson et al., 2002)
      3. ‘1ch-balloon’ — nonlinear hemodynamic balloon model (Buxton et al., 1998)
    2. Single-channel models (solved with optimized time/compression parameters)
      1. ‘1ch-lin’ — optimized linear sustained channel
      2. ‘1ch-exp’ — adaptation model with exponential decay
      3. ‘1ch-pow’ — compressive temporal summation (CTS) model with power law (CTS-p; Zhou et al., 2018)
      4. ‘1ch-div’ — CTS model with divisive normalization (CTS-n; Zhou et al., 2018)
      5. ‘1ch-dcts’ — dynamic CTS model (dCTS; Zhou et al., 2018)
      6. ‘1ch-rect’ — optimized transient channel with rectification nonlinearity
      7. ‘1ch-quad’ — optimized transient channel with quadratic nonlinearity
      8. ‘1ch-sig’ — optimized transient channel with sigmoid nonlinearity
    3. Two-channel models (solved with optimized time/compression parameters)
      1. ‘2ch-lin-quad’ — linear sustained and quadratic transient channels (Stigliani et al., 2017)
      2. ‘2ch-lin-rect’ — linear sustained and rectified transient channels
      3. ‘2ch-pow-quad’ — sustained with CTS-p and quadratic transient channels
      4. ‘2ch-pow-rect’ — sustained with CTS-p and rectified transient channels
      5. ‘2ch-exp-quad’ — sustained with adaptation and quadratic transient channels
      6. ‘2ch-exp-rect’ — sustained with adaptation and rectified transient channels
      7. ‘2ch-exp-sig’ — sustained with adaptation and transient with sigmoid nonlinearity (A+S)
  3. fit_exps — which experiment/s to use for fitting the model (e.g., {'Exp1' 'Exp2'}) with experiment names matching the stems of filenames in the session Stimuli directories (~/TemporalChannels/data/*/Stimuli/).

  4. val_exps — optional argument specifying which experiment/s to use for validating the model (e.g., {'Exp3' 'Exp4'}). To assess validation accuracy independently for multiple experiments or sets of experiments, you can also pass a 2D cell array with different validation sets in different rows (e.g., passing {'Exp3'; 'Exp4'} calculates validation accuracy for each experiment individually).

  5. optim_proc — optional argument specifying which optimization procedure to use.

    1. 0 = no optimization (default)
    2. 1 = fmincon method (recommended)
    3. 2 = custom two-stage procedure


After fitting a model to data from each session, the function plots the session-averaged measured vs. predicted fMRI responses for each trial type and returns two outputs:

  1. roi — object of the class tchROI that stores fMRI data and model predictions for a given region of interest.

    1. roi(1).run_avgs — contains average time series for each run in fit_exps (see roi(2).run_avgs for the first set of val_exps if applicable)
    2. roi(1).trial_avgs — contains average time series for each trial type in fit_exps (see roi(2).trial_avgs for the first set of val_exps)
    3. roi(1).model — contains model fits and R^2 (see roi(2).model for the first set of val_exps)
    4. roi(1).model.params — contains optimized model timing and compression parameters if applicable (see roi(1).model.params for a list of optimized parameters)
    5. See properties in tchROI class file for more details (~/TemporalChannels/functions/tchROI.m)
  2. model — object of the class tchModel that stores channel predictors for each session.

    1. model(1).run_preds — contains predictors for each run in fit_exps (see model(2).run_preds for the first set of val_exps if applicable)
    2. model(1).trial_preds — contains predictors for each trial type in fit_exps that are used for visualization (see model(2).trial_preds for the first set of val_exps)
    3. model(1).irfs — stores impulse response functions
    4. model(1).params — stores model hyperparameters
    5. See properties in tchModel class file for more details (~/TemporalChannels/functions/tchModel.m)

By default, both outputs are saved in a .mat file in the results directory (~/TemporalChannels/results/).

Modeling each voxel using tch_model_vox

The tch_model_vox wrapper function can be used to fit a model in each voxel using the procedure described below:

  1. An object vox of the class tchVoxel is generated that loads, preprocess, and organizes the run time series of each voxel for a set of experiments in each session.

    1. Run time series for each voxel are stored in a 2D cell array vox(1).runs with each row indexing a run and each column indexing a session (e.g., vox(1).runs(K, N) contains a TR by voxel time series matrix from the K-th run of the N-th session in the object).
    2. Make note of the reshape parameters you used flatten the fMRI volumes in ~/TemporalChannels/data/*/Voxels so you can perform the inverse transformation to reshape the model parameter vectors back to volume space for subsequent analyses.
  2. An object model of the class tchModel is generated that creates channel predictors for a set of experiments in each session, where model(1) contains channel predictors for the data used to fit the model and model(2) contains channel predictors for the independent validation data. The channel predictors are derived from the stimulus sequence and the model architecture.

    1. Run predictors are stored in a 2D cell array model(1).run_preds with each row indexing a run and each column indexing a session (e.g., model(1).run_preds(:, N) contains all run predictors for the N-th session in the object).
    2. Predictors are also generated for each trial type and stored in a 3D cell array model(1).trial_preds with each row indexing a trial type, each column indexing a session, and each slice indexing an experiment (e.g., model(1).trial_preds(:, N, K) contains predictors for each trial type in the K-th experiment of the N-th session). Be aware that trial predictors will vary across sessions for models with session-specific hyperparameters such as the CTS model.
  3. Response amplitudes (β weights) for each predictor are estimated in each voxel using a GLM.

    1. Fitted β weights for each predictor are stored in a 1D cell array vox(1).model.betas with each cell containing the model solutions for all voxels in a session (e.g., vox(1).model.betas(N) contains the β weights for each voxel in the N-th session). For multi-channel models, the weights are organized such that βs from the sustained channel are indexed before βs from the transient channel.
    2. Model performance (R^2) is calculated in each voxel across all experiments and stored in a 1D cell array vox(1).model.varexp with each cell indexing model performance for a single session (e.g., vox(1).model.varexp(N) contains R^2 for each voxel in the N-th session).
  4. Model validation is performed using the fitted β weights for each voxel to predict responses in independent data.

    1. β weights fitted to independent data are stored in a 1D cell array vox(2).model.betas with each cell containing the model solutions for all voxels in an individual session (e.g., vox(2).model.betas(N) contains the β weights for the N-th session fitted to data in vox(1)).
    2. Model performance (R^2) is calculated in each voxel across all experiments in the validation set and stored in a 1D cell array vox(2).model.varexp with each cell indexing validation performance for a single session (e.g., vox(2).model.varexp(N) contains validated R^2 for each voxel the N-th session).


Fitting models to each voxel using the tch_model_vox function requires passing at least two input arguments:

  1. type — label indicating which model to use for predicting responses (see documentation above).

  2. fit_exps — which experiment/s to use for fitting the model (e.g., {'Exp1' 'Exp2'}) with experiment names matching the stems of filenames in the session Stimuli directories (~/TemporalChannels/data/*/Stimuli/).

  3. val_exps — optional argument specifying which experiment/s to use for validating the model (e.g., 'Exp3').


After fitting the model in each voxel, the function returns two outputs:

  1. vox — object of the class tchVoxel that stores fMRI data and model parameters for each voxel.
    1. vox(1).runs — contains run time series for fit_exps (see vox(2).runs for val_exps if applicable)
    2. vox(1).trials — contains trial time series for fit_exps (see vox(2).trials for val_exps)
    3. vox(1).model — contains model fits and R^2 (see vox(2).model for val_exps)
    4. See properties in tchVoxel.m class file for more details (~/TemporalChannels/functions/tchVoxel.m)
  2. model — object of the class tchModel that stores channel predictors for each session.
    1. model(1).run_preds — contains predictors for each run in fit_exps (see model(2).run_preds for val_exps if applicable)
    2. model(1).trial_preds — contains predictors for each trial type in fit_exps that are used for visualization (see model(2).trial_preds for val_exps)
    3. model(1).irfs — stores impulse response functions
    4. model(1).params — stores session-specific model hyperparameters
    5. See properties in tchModel class file for more details (~/TemporalChannels/functions/tchModel.m)

By default, outputs are saved in the results directory (~/TemporalChannels/results/). To generate whole-brain maps of model parameters, you must apply the inverse of the transformation used to flatten the volumetric data stored in ~/TemporalChannels/data/*/Voxels/.

Example code

Using the tch_model_roi function

Fitting a stock two-channel model to V1 data from Exp1 & Exp2:

[roi, model] = tch_model_roi(‘V1', '2ch-lin-quad', {‘Exp1’ 'Exp2'});

Fitting a stock two-channel model using V1 data from Exp1 & Exp2 and then validating on V1 data from Exp3:

[roi, model] = tch_model_roi(‘V1', '2ch-lin-quad', {‘Exp1’ 'Exp2'}, 'Exp3');

Optimizing a two-channel model using V1 data from Exp1 & Exp2 and then validating on V1 data from Exp3:

[roi, model] = tch_model_roi(‘V1', '2ch-lin-quad', {‘Exp1’ 'Exp2'}, 'Exp3', 1);

Using tchModel class methods

The tchModel.m class file defines a class of objects that store predictors for each run and trial type using the methods listed in the example below.

Example of creating predictors using a tchModel object (model):

type = '2ch-lin-quad';                      % specify the type of model to use
fit_exps = {'Exp1' 'Exp2'};                 % list of experiments for fitting
sessions = roi.sessions;                    % list of sessions to model (see below)
model = tchModel(type, fit_exps, sessions); % setup tchModel object
model = code_stim(model);                   % code the timing of stimuli
model = pred_runs(model);                   % generate channel predictors
model = pred_trials(model);                 % generate trial predictors

Using tchROI class methods

The tchROI.m class file defines a class of objects that store and operate on fMRI time series for a given region of interest using the methods listed in the example below.

Example of fitting and optimizing a model to a tchROI object (roi):

roi_name = 'V1';                  % name of region to model
fit_exps = {'Exp1' 'Exp2'};       % list of experiments for fitting
roi = tchROI(roi_name, fit_exps); % setup tchROI object
roi = tch_runs(roi);              % preprocess run time series
roi = tch_trials(roi, model);     % compile responses to each trial
roi = tch_noise_ceil(roi);        % estimate noise ceiling for each region
roi = tch_fit(roi, model, 1);     % fit model for each session
roi = tch_pred(roi, model);       % predict responses for each trial type

Plot mean response across all sessions for each trial type in experiments:

fig = plot_roi(roi, 'exps');

Plot mean response vs. model prediction across all sessions for each trial type:

fig = plot_roi(roi, 'model');

Plot response vs. model prediction in individual sessions for each run:

fig = plot_roi(roi, 'runs');

Using tchVoxel class methods

The tchVoxel.m class file defines a class of objects that store and operate on fMRI time series in each voxel using the methods listed in the example below.

Example of fitting a model to a tchVoxel object (vox):

fit_exps = {'Exp1' 'Exp2'};   % list of experiments for fitting
vox = tchVoxel(fit_exps);     % setup tchVoxel object for all sessions
vox = tch_runs(vox);          % preprocess run time series
vox = tch_trials(vox, model); % compile responses to each trial
vox = tch_fit(vox, model);    % fit model for each voxel


Code for modeling fMRI responses to time-varying stimuli using a temporal channels approach.






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