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How to Contribute

yungez edited this page Mar 1, 2018 · 2 revisions

Contributing to Code

There are many ways to contribute to ansible extension: logging bugs, submitting pull requests, reporting issues, and creating suggestions.

Build and Run

If you want to understand how ansible extension works or want to debug an issue, you'll want to get the source, build it, and run the tool locally.

Getting the sources

Note: on Windows you might want to set core.autocrlf=false and core.safecrlf=true, to keep the line endings we have in our source files.

git clone



From a terminal, in repository root directory, execute the following command:

npm install
npm run compile
cd server
npm install
npm run compile

It will do an initial full build and then watch for file changes, compiling those changes incrementally, enabling a fast, iterative coding experience.


  • Open source code with VSCode, after build ready, click F5 to start run it.
  • Or run below commands after build ready to install the extension.
    npm install -g vsce
    vsce package
    code --install-extension vscoss.vscode-ansible-<version>.vsix


Open source code with VSCode, click F5 to start debug. To debug language server, add attach task into server\launch.json, then start the attach task.



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