Iris flower classification using Machine learning, also referred as Hello World for Machine Learning. It is very basic classification problem which helps understand basic concept of Machine Learning for beginners.
Three class for classification are as follows:
- Iris-setosa
- Iris-versicolor
- Iris-virginica
Implementation in tensorflow
Implementation in scikit-learn will be released soon.
To install this package, python3, pip, and virtual environment are required.
For Windows users:
Install python3 and pip
Install virtual environment
For Linux users:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python python3-pip
sudo pip3 install virtualenv
Navigate to the cloned directory.
cd iris-flower-classification
Create virtual environment for Python.
python -m venv tutorial-env
For Linux users:
python3 -m venv tutorial-env
Here, tutorial-env is the name of the virtual environment, you can name it as you like.
Activate virtual environment by the following command:
To activate on windows:
On Linux based on OS:
. tutorial-env/bin/activate
Install pip packages from requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
On Windows run:
On Linux run:
The dataset is downloaded from Iris Data Set.
This classification model is build using deep neural network (DNN) layers. Architecture of DNN is as follows:
Input layer also known as Layer 0. Size: N * 4
First deep learning layer, Size: 4 * 20
Second deep learning layer, Size: 20 * 20
Output layer, Size: 20 * 3 (Output is 3 because our classification problem has three classes)
Coming soon. Please wait!!
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.