Presentation based on my repos (
designs - directory with OpenLane projects (copy content to OpenLane/designs)
Run synthesis:
./flow.tcl -design Selector_test
./flow.tcl -design Selector_test -synth_explore
Run testbenches:
iverilog *.v
vvp a.out - only for windows
there are 1 project:
1) Selector test - test of characteristics of selector based on positional encoding
results - synthesis results for all types of projects
With synthesis log, metrics and -synth_explore.
1)ABC: netlist : i/o = 13/ 4096 lat = 0 nd = 10047 edge = 22454 area =78924.27 delay = 6.00 lev = 6
Delay = 1533.06 ps
2)ABC: netlist : i/o = 16/65536 lat = 0 nd =110645 edge = 216174 area =672794.38 delay =13.00 lev = 13
Delay = 2776.08 ps
3)ABC: netlist : i/o = 14/16384 lat = 0 nd = 26076 edge = 49823 area =158531.00 delay =10.00 lev = 10
Delay = 1767.02 ps
Analysis of results:
- 12-bit selector. After synthesis explore, we have 5k gates for 4098 lanes, or about 1 transistor gate per lane(!).
High-speed version have 10047 gates for 4098 lanes.
Delay for 12 bit selector is 1234.39 ps, that is comparable with 16 bit adder(!).
16 bit selector. 110645 gates 65536 lanes, 2 gates per lane. Delay is twise bigger than 16 bit carry-lookahead adder has.
14 bit selector. 28230 gates 16384 lanes, less tnat 2 gates per line. Because I cant run -synth_explore with 16 bit selector.
According to ( , slide 15) modern DDR4 modules have DDR banks that works only on 100-255 Mhz.
According to ( everuthing is even worse, “Each long wire has N/4=64 gate loads”.
Anyway, on 7nm and less delay is about 40 ps. And modern SSD dont have 20 Gbps at random read.
Smoke test (select first lane)
User test (select N lane)
10 self-check tests with random numbers (and check lines nearby)