diff --git a/docs/index.html b/docs/index.html index d9d35c2..b2798da 100644 --- a/docs/index.html +++ b/docs/index.html @@ -78,8 +78,1742 @@
+def DisableLogging()
+def EnableLogging(mode=20)
+def download(tickers, threads=True, ignore_tz=None, progress=True, interval='1d', group_by='column', max_age=None, period=None, start=None, end=None, prepost=False, actions=True, adjust_splits=True, adjust_divs=True, keepna=False, proxy=None, rounding=False, debug=True, quiet=False, trigger_at_market_close=False, session=None)
+def verify_cached_tickers_prices(session=None, rtol=0.0001, vol_rtol=0.005, correct=False, halt_on_fail=True, resume_from_tkr=None, debug_tkr=None, debug_interval=None)
:Parameters: +session: +Recommend providing a 'requests_cache' session, in case +you have to abort and resume verification (likely). +correct: +False, 'one', 'all' +resume_from_tkr: str +Resume verification from this ticker (alphabetical order). +Because maybe you had to abort verification partway. +debug_tkr: str +Only verify this ticker. +Because maybe you want to investigate a difference.
+class AmbiguousComparisonException
+(value1, value2, operation, true_prob=None)
Common base class for all non-exit exceptions.
class AmbiguousComparisonException(Exception):
+ def __init__(self, value1, value2, operation, true_prob=None):
+ if not isinstance(operation, str):
+ raise TypeError(f"operation must be a string not {type(operation)}")
+ if true_prob is not None and not isinstance(true_prob, (int, float)):
+ raise TypeError(f"true_prob must be numeric not {type(true_prob)}")
+ self.value1 = value1
+ self.value2 = value2
+ self.operation = operation
+ self.true_prob = true_prob
+ def __str__(self):
+ msg = f"Ambiguous whether {self.value1} {self.operation} {self.value2}"
+ if self.true_prob is not None:
+ msg += f" (true with probability {self.true_prob*100:.1f}%)"
+ return msg
+class Interval
+(*args, **kwds)
Create a collection of name/value pairs.
+Example enumeration:
+>>> class Color(Enum):
+... RED = 1
+... BLUE = 2
+... GREEN = 3
+Access them by:
+++++++Color.RED +
++++++Color(1) +
++++++Color['RED'] +
Enumerations can be iterated over, and know how many members they have:
+>>> len(Color)
+>>> list(Color)
+[<Color.RED: 1>, <Color.BLUE: 2>, <Color.GREEN: 3>]
+Methods can be added to enumerations, and members can have their own +attributes – see the documentation for details.
class Interval(Enum):
+ Week = 5
+ Days1 = 10
+ Hours1 = 20
+ Mins90 = 21
+ Mins60 = 22
+ Mins30 = 23
+ Mins15 = 24
+ Mins5 = 25
+ Mins2 = 26
+ Mins1 = 27
+var Days1
var Hours1
var Mins1
var Mins15
var Mins2
var Mins30
var Mins5
var Mins60
var Mins90
var Week
+class Period
+(*args, **kwds)
Create a collection of name/value pairs.
+Example enumeration:
+>>> class Color(Enum):
+... RED = 1
+... BLUE = 2
+... GREEN = 3
+Access them by:
+++++++Color.RED +
++++++Color(1) +
++++++Color['RED'] +
Enumerations can be iterated over, and know how many members they have:
+>>> len(Color)
+>>> list(Color)
+[<Color.RED: 1>, <Color.BLUE: 2>, <Color.GREEN: 3>]
+Methods can be added to enumerations, and members can have their own +attributes – see the documentation for details.
class Period(Enum):
+ Days1 = 0
+ Days5 = 1
+ Months1 = 10
+ Months3 = 11
+ Months6 = 12
+ Years1 = 20
+ Years2 = 21
+ Years5 = 22
+ Ytd = 24
+ Max = 30
+var Days1
var Days5
var Max
var Months1
var Months3
var Months6
var Years1
var Years2
var Years5
var Ytd
+class Ticker
+(ticker, session=None)
class Ticker:
+ def __init__(self, ticker, session=None):
+ self.ticker = ticker.upper()
+ self.session = session
+ self.dat = yf.Ticker(self.ticker, session=self.session)
+ self._yf_lag = None
+ self._histories_manager = None
+ self._info = None
+ self._fast_info = None
+ self._splits = None
+ self._shares = None
+ self._major_holders = None
+ self._institutional_holders = None
+ self._sustainability = None
+ self._recommendations = None
+ self._calendar = None
+ self._isin = None
+ self._options = None
+ self._news = None
+ self._debug = False
+ # self._debug = True
+ self._tz = None
+ self._exchange = None
+ exchange, tz_name = self._getExchangeAndTz()
+ self._financials_manager = yfcf.FinancialsManager(ticker, exchange, tz_name, session=self.session)
+ def history(self,
+ interval="1d",
+ max_age=None, # defaults to half of interval
+ period=None,
+ start=None, end=None, prepost=False, actions=True,
+ adjust_splits=True, adjust_divs=True,
+ keepna=False,
+ proxy=None, rounding=False,
+ debug=True, quiet=False,
+ trigger_at_market_close=False):
+ """
+ Fetch historical market data for this ticker.
+ This method retrieves historical price and volume data, as well as information
+ about stock splits and dividend payments if requested.
+ Args:
+ interval (str, optional): Data interval. Defaults to "1d" (daily).
+ Other options: "1m" (minute), "5m", "15m", "30m", "60m", "90m", "1h", "1d", "5d", "1wk", "1mo", "3mo".
+ max_age (int, optional): Maximum age of cached data in seconds. Defaults to None (half of the interval).
+ period (str, optional): Data period to download. Defaults to None.
+ Options: "1d", "5d", "1mo", "3mo", "6mo", "1y", "2y", "5y", "10y", "ytd", "max".
+ start (str, optional): Download start date string (YYYY-MM-DD) or datetime. Defaults to None.
+ end (str, optional): Download end date string (YYYY-MM-DD) or datetime. Defaults to None.
+ prepost (bool, optional): Include pre and post market data. Defaults to False.
+ actions (bool, optional): Include stock splits and dividend data. Defaults to True.
+ adjust_splits (bool, optional): Adjust data for stock splits. Defaults to True.
+ adjust_divs (bool, optional): Adjust data for dividends. Defaults to True.
+ keepna (bool, optional): Keep NaN values. Defaults to False.
+ proxy (str, optional): Proxy URL. Defaults to None.
+ rounding (bool, optional): Round values to 2 decimal places. Defaults to False.
+ debug (bool, optional): Print debug messages. Defaults to True.
+ quiet (bool, optional): Suppress output messages. Defaults to False.
+ trigger_at_market_close (bool, optional): Trigger requests at market close. Defaults to False.
+ Returns:
+ pandas.DataFrame: A DataFrame containing the historical data. Columns typically include:
+ Date, Open, High, Low, Close, Volume, Dividends, Stock Splits.
+ Raises:
+ ValueError: If invalid date parameters are provided.
+ YFinanceException: If there's an error fetching the data from Yahoo Finance.
+ Note:
+ Either 'period' or 'start' and 'end' should be provided, but not both.
+ """
+ # t0 = perf_counter()
+ if prepost:
+ raise Exception("pre and post-market caching currently not implemented. If you really need it raise an issue on Github")
+ debug_yfc = self._debug
+ # debug_yfc = True
+ if start is not None or end is not None:
+ log_msg = f"Ticker::history(tkr={self.ticker} interval={interval} start={start} end={end} max_age={max_age} trigger_at_market_close={trigger_at_market_close} adjust_splits={adjust_splits}, adjust_divs={adjust_divs})"
+ else:
+ log_msg = f"Ticker::history(tkr={self.ticker} interval={interval} period={period} max_age={max_age} trigger_at_market_close={trigger_at_market_close} adjust_splits={adjust_splits}, adjust_divs={adjust_divs})"
+ yfcl.TraceEnter(log_msg)
+ td_1d = datetime.timedelta(days=1)
+ exchange, tz_name = self._getExchangeAndTz()
+ tz_exchange = ZoneInfo(tz_name)
+ yfct.SetExchangeTzName(exchange, tz_name)
+ dt_now = pd.Timestamp.utcnow()
+ # Type checks
+ if max_age is not None:
+ if isinstance(max_age, str):
+ if max_age.endswith("wk"):
+ max_age = re.sub("wk$", "w", max_age)
+ max_age = pd.Timedelta(max_age)
+ if not isinstance(max_age, (datetime.timedelta, pd.Timedelta)):
+ raise Exception("Argument 'max_age' must be Timedelta or equivalent string")
+ if period is not None:
+ if start is not None or end is not None:
+ raise Exception("Don't set both 'period' and 'start'/'end'' arguments")
+ if isinstance(period, str):
+ if period in ["max", "ytd"]:
+ period = yfcd.periodStrToEnum[period]
+ else:
+ if period.endswith("wk"):
+ period = re.sub("wk$", "w", period)
+ if period.endswith("y"):
+ period = relativedelta(years=int(re.sub("y$", "", period)))
+ elif period.endswith("mo"):
+ period = relativedelta(months=int(re.sub("mo", "", period)))
+ else:
+ period = pd.Timedelta(period)
+ if not isinstance(period, (yfcd.Period, datetime.timedelta, pd.Timedelta, relativedelta)):
+ raise Exception(f"Argument 'period' must be one of: 'max', 'ytd', Timedelta or equivalent string. Not {type(period)}")
+ if isinstance(interval, str):
+ if interval not in yfcd.intervalStrToEnum.keys():
+ raise Exception("'interval' if str must be one of: {}".format(yfcd.intervalStrToEnum.keys()))
+ interval = yfcd.intervalStrToEnum[interval]
+ if not isinstance(interval, yfcd.Interval):
+ raise Exception("'interval' must be yfcd.Interval")
+ start_d = None ; end_d = None
+ start_dt = None ; end_dt = None
+ interday = interval in [yfcd.Interval.Days1, yfcd.Interval.Week]#, yfcd.Interval.Months1, yfcd.Interval.Months3]
+ if start is not None:
+ start_dt, start_d = self._process_user_dt(start)
+ if start_dt > dt_now:
+ return None
+ if interval == yfcd.Interval.Week:
+ # Note: if start is on weekend then Yahoo can return weekly data starting
+ # on Saturday. This breaks YFC, start must be Monday! So fix here:
+ if start_dt is None:
+ # Working with simple dates, easy
+ if start_d.weekday() in [5, 6]:
+ start_d += datetime.timedelta(days=7-start_d.weekday())
+ else:
+ wd = start_d.weekday()
+ if wd in [5, 6]:
+ start_d += datetime.timedelta(days=7-wd)
+ start_dt = datetime.datetime.combine(start_d, datetime.time(0), tz_exchange)
+ if end is not None:
+ end_dt, end_d = self._process_user_dt(end)
+ if start_dt is not None and end_dt is not None and start_dt >= end_dt:
+ raise ValueError("start must be < end")
+ if debug_yfc:
+ print("- start_dt={} , end_dt={}".format(start_dt, end_dt))
+ if (start_dt is not None) and start_dt == end_dt:
+ return None
+ if max_age is None:
+ if interval == yfcd.Interval.Days1:
+ max_age = datetime.timedelta(hours=4)
+ elif interval == yfcd.Interval.Week:
+ max_age = datetime.timedelta(hours=60)
+ # elif interval == yfcd.Interval.Months1:
+ # max_age = datetime.timedelta(days=15)
+ # elif interval == yfcd.Interval.Months3:
+ # max_age = datetime.timedelta(days=45)
+ else:
+ max_age = 0.5*yfcd.intervalToTimedelta[interval]
+ if start is not None:
+ max_age = min(max_age, dt_now-start_dt)
+ if period is not None:
+ if isinstance(period, (datetime.timedelta, pd.Timedelta)):
+ if (dt_now - max_age) < (dt_now - period):
+ raise Exception(f"max_age={max_age} must be less than period={period}")
+ elif period == yfcd.Period.Ytd:
+ dt_now_ex = dt_now.tz_convert(tz_exchange)
+ dt_year_start = pd.Timestamp(year=dt_now_ex.year, month=1, day=1).tz_localize(tz_exchange)
+ if (dt_now - max_age) < dt_year_start:
+ raise Exception(f"max_age={max_age} must be less than days since this year start")
+ elif start is not None:
+ if (dt_now - max_age) < start_dt:
+ raise Exception(f"max_age={max_age} must be closer to now than start={start}")
+ if start_dt is not None:
+ try:
+ sched_14d = yfct.GetExchangeSchedule(exchange, start_dt.date(), start_dt.date()+14*td_1d)
+ except Exception as e:
+ if "Need to add mapping" in str(e):
+ raise Exception("Need to add mapping of exchange {} to xcal (ticker={})".format(exchange, self.ticker))
+ else:
+ raise
+ if sched_14d is None:
+ raise Exception("sched_14d is None for date range {}->{} and ticker {}".format(start_dt.date(), start_dt.date()+14*td_1d, self.ticker))
+ if sched_14d["open"].iloc[0] > dt_now:
+ # Requested date range is in future
+ return None
+ else:
+ sched_14d = None
+ # All date checks passed so can begin fetching
+ if ((start_d is None) or (end_d is None)) and (start_dt is not None) and (end_dt is not None):
+ # if start_d/end_d not set then start/end are datetimes, so need to inspect
+ # schedule opens/closes to determine days
+ if sched_14d is not None:
+ sched = sched_14d.iloc[0:1]
+ else:
+ sched = yfct.GetExchangeSchedule(exchange, start_dt.date(), end_dt.date()+td_1d)
+ n = sched.shape[0]
+ start_d = start_dt.date() if start_dt < sched["open"].iloc[0] else start_dt.date()+td_1d
+ end_d = end_dt.date()+td_1d if end_dt >= sched["close"].iloc[n-1] else end_dt.date()
+ else:
+ if exchange not in yfcd.exchangeToXcalExchange:
+ raise Exception("Need to add mapping of exchange {} to xcal (ticker={})".format(exchange, self.ticker))
+ if self._histories_manager is None:
+ self._histories_manager = yfcp.HistoriesManager(self.ticker, exchange, tz_name, self.session, proxy)
+ # t1_setup = perf_counter()
+ hist = self._histories_manager.GetHistory(interval)
+ if period is not None:
+ h = hist.get(start=None, end=None, period=period, max_age=max_age, trigger_at_market_close=trigger_at_market_close, quiet=quiet)
+ elif interday:
+ h = hist.get(start_d, end_d, period=None, max_age=max_age, trigger_at_market_close=trigger_at_market_close, quiet=quiet)
+ else:
+ h = hist.get(start_dt, end_dt, period=None, max_age=max_age, trigger_at_market_close=trigger_at_market_close, quiet=quiet)
+ if (h is None) or h.shape[0] == 0:
+ msg = f"YFC: history() exiting without price data (tkr={self.ticker}"
+ if start_dt is not None or end_dt is not None:
+ msg += f" start_dt={start_dt} end_dt={end_dt}"
+ else:
+ msg += f" period={period}"
+ msg += f" max_age={max_age}"
+ msg += f" interval={yfcd.intervalToString[interval]})"
+ raise Exception(msg)
+ # t2_sync = perf_counter()
+ f_dups = h.index.duplicated()
+ if f_dups.any():
+ raise Exception("{}: These timepoints have been duplicated: {}".format(self.ticker, h.index[f_dups]))
+ # Present table for user:
+ h_copied = False
+ if (start_dt is not None) and (end_dt is not None):
+ h = h.loc[start_dt:end_dt-datetime.timedelta(milliseconds=1)].copy()
+ h_copied = True
+ if not keepna:
+ price_data_cols = [c for c in yfcd.yf_data_cols if c in h.columns]
+ mask_nan_or_zero = (np.isnan(h[price_data_cols].to_numpy()) | (h[price_data_cols].to_numpy() == 0)).all(axis=1)
+ if mask_nan_or_zero.any():
+ h = h.drop(h.index[mask_nan_or_zero])
+ h_copied = True
+ # t3_filter = perf_counter()
+ if h.shape[0] == 0:
+ h = None
+ else:
+ if adjust_splits:
+ if not h_copied:
+ h = h.copy()
+ for c in ["Open", "Close", "Low", "High", "Dividends"]:
+ h[c] = np.multiply(h[c].to_numpy(), h["CSF"].to_numpy())
+ h["Volume"] = np.round(np.divide(h["Volume"].to_numpy(), h["CSF"].to_numpy()), 0).astype('int')
+ if adjust_divs:
+ if not h_copied:
+ h = h.copy()
+ for c in ["Open", "Close", "Low", "High"]:
+ h[c] = np.multiply(h[c].to_numpy(), h["CDF"].to_numpy())
+ else:
+ if not h_copied:
+ h = h.copy()
+ h["Adj Close"] = np.multiply(h["Close"].to_numpy(), h["CDF"].to_numpy())
+ h = h.drop(["CSF", "CDF"], axis=1)
+ if rounding:
+ # Round to 4 sig-figs
+ if not h_copied:
+ h = h.copy()
+ f_na = h["Close"].isna()
+ na = f_na.any()
+ if na:
+ f_nna = ~f_na
+ if not f_nna.any():
+ raise Exception(f"{self.ticker}: price table is entirely NaNs. Delisted?" +" \n" + log_msg)
+ last_close = h["Close"][f_nna].iloc[-1]
+ else:
+ last_close = h["Close"].iloc[-1]
+ rnd = yfcu.CalculateRounding(last_close, 4)
+ for c in ["Open", "Close", "Low", "High"]:
+ if na:
+ h.loc[f_nna, c] = np.round(h.loc[f_nna, c].to_numpy(), rnd)
+ else:
+ h[c] = np.round(h[c].to_numpy(), rnd)
+ if debug_yfc:
+ print("- h:")
+ cols = [c for c in ["Close", "Dividends", "Volume", "CDF", "CSF"] if c in h.columns]
+ print(h[cols])
+ if "Dividends" in h.columns:
+ f = h["Dividends"] != 0.0
+ if f.any():
+ print("- dividends:")
+ print(h.loc[f, cols])
+ print("")
+ yfcl.TraceExit("Ticker::history() returning")
+ # t4_adjust = perf_counter()
+ # t_setup = t1_setup - t0
+ # t_sync = t2_sync - t1_setup
+ # t_filter = t3_filter - t2_sync
+ # t_adjust = t4_adjust - t3_filter
+ # t_sum = t_setup + t_sync + t_filter + t_adjust
+ # print("TIME: {:.4f}s: setup={:.4f} sync={:.4f} filter={:.4f} adjust={:.4f}".format(t_sum, t_setup, t_sync, t_filter, t_adjust))
+ # t_setup *= 100/t_sum
+ # t_sync *= 100/t_sum
+ # t_cache *= 100/t_sum
+ # t_filter *= 100/t_sum
+ # t_adjust *= 100/t_sum
+ # print("TIME %: setup={:.1f}% sync={:.1f}% filter={:.1f}% adjust={:.1f}%".format(t_setup, t_sync, t_filter, t_adju
+ return h
+ def _getCachedPrices(self, interval, proxy=None):
+ if self._histories_manager is None:
+ exchange, tz_name = self._getExchangeAndTz()
+ self._histories_manager = yfcp.HistoriesManager(self.ticker, exchange, tz_name, self.session, proxy)
+ if isinstance(interval, str):
+ if interval not in yfcd.intervalStrToEnum.keys():
+ raise Exception("'interval' if str must be one of: {}".format(yfcd.intervalStrToEnum.keys()))
+ interval = yfcd.intervalStrToEnum[interval]
+ return self._histories_manager.GetHistory(interval).h
+ def _getExchangeAndTz(self):
+ if self._tz is not None and self._exchange is not None:
+ return self._exchange, self._tz
+ exchange, tz_name = None, None
+ try:
+ exchange = self.get_info('9999d')['exchange']
+ if "exchangeTimezoneName" in self.get_info('9999d'):
+ tz_name = self.get_info('9999d')["exchangeTimezoneName"]
+ else:
+ tz_name = self.get_info('9999d')["timeZoneFullName"]
+ except Exception:
+ md = yf.Ticker(self.ticker, session=self.session).history_metadata
+ if 'exchangeName' in md.keys():
+ exchange = md['exchangeName']
+ if 'exchangeTimezoneName' in md.keys():
+ tz_name = md['exchangeTimezoneName']
+ if exchange is None or tz_name is None:
+ raise Exception(f"{self.ticker}: exchange and timezone not available")
+ self._tz = tz_name
+ self._exchange = exchange
+ return self._exchange, self._tz
+ def verify_cached_prices(self, rtol=0.0001, vol_rtol=0.005, correct='none', discard_old=False, quiet=True, debug=False, debug_interval=None):
+ if debug:
+ quiet = False
+ if debug_interval is not None and isinstance(debug_interval, str):
+ debug_interval = yfcd.intervalStrToEnum[debug_interval]
+ fn_locals = locals()
+ del fn_locals["self"]
+ interval = yfcd.Interval.Days1
+ cache_key = "history-"+yfcd.intervalToString[interval]
+ if not yfcm.IsDatumCached(self.ticker, cache_key):
+ return True
+ yfcl.TraceEnter(f"Ticker::verify_cached_prices(tkr={self.ticker} {fn_locals})")
+ if self._histories_manager is None:
+ exchange, tz_name = self._getExchangeAndTz()
+ self._histories_manager = yfcp.HistoriesManager(self.ticker, exchange, tz_name, self.session, proxy=None)
+ v = True
+ # First verify 1d
+ dt0 = self._histories_manager.GetHistory(interval)._getCachedPrices().index[0]
+ self.history(start=dt0.date(), quiet=quiet, trigger_at_market_close=True) # ensure have all dividends
+ v = self._verify_cached_prices_interval(interval, rtol, vol_rtol, correct, discard_old, quiet, debug)
+ if debug_interval == yfcd.Interval.Days1:
+ yfcl.TraceExit(f"Ticker::verify_cached_prices() returning {v} (1st pass)")
+ return v
+ if not v:
+ if debug or not correct:
+ yfcl.TraceExit(f"Ticker::verify_cached_prices() returning {v} (1st pass)")
+ return v
+ if correct in ['one', 'all']:
+ # Rows were removed so re-fetch. Only do for 1d data
+ self.history(start=dt0.date(), quiet=quiet)
+ # repeat verification, because 'fetch backporting' may be buggy
+ v2 = self._verify_cached_prices_interval(interval, rtol, vol_rtol, correct, discard_old, quiet, debug)
+ if not v2 and debug:
+ yfcl.TraceExit(f"Ticker::verify_cached_prices() returning {v2} (post-correction)")
+ return v2
+ if not v2:
+ yfcl.TraceExit(f"Ticker::verify_cached_prices() returning {v2} (post-correction)")
+ return v2
+ if not v:
+ # Stop after correcting first problem, because user won't have been shown the next problem yet
+ yfcl.TraceExit(f"Ticker::verify_cached_prices() returning {v} (corrected but user should review next problem)")
+ return v
+ if debug_interval is not None:
+ if debug_interval == yfcd.Interval.Days1:
+ intervals = []
+ else:
+ intervals = [debug_interval]
+ debug = True
+ else:
+ intervals = yfcd.Interval
+ for interval in intervals:
+ if interval == yfcd.Interval.Days1:
+ continue
+ istr = yfcd.intervalToString[interval]
+ cache_key = "history-"+istr
+ if not yfcm.IsDatumCached(self.ticker, cache_key):
+ continue
+ vi = self._verify_cached_prices_interval(interval, rtol, vol_rtol, correct, discard_old, quiet, debug)
+ yfcl.TracePrint(f"{istr}: vi={vi}")
+ if not vi and correct != 'all':
+ # Stop after correcting first problem, because user won't have been shown the next problem yet
+ yfcl.TraceExit(f"Ticker::verify_cached_prices() returning {vi}")
+ return vi
+ v = v and vi
+ yfcl.TraceExit(f"Ticker::verify_cached_prices() returning {v}")
+ return v
+ def _verify_cached_prices_interval(self, interval, rtol=0.0001, vol_rtol=0.005, correct=False, discard_old=False, quiet=True, debug=False):
+ if debug:
+ quiet = False
+ fn_locals = locals()
+ del fn_locals["self"]
+ if isinstance(interval, str):
+ if interval not in yfcd.intervalStrToEnum.keys():
+ raise Exception("'interval' if str must be one of: {}".format(yfcd.intervalStrToEnum.keys()))
+ interval = yfcd.intervalStrToEnum[interval]
+ istr = yfcd.intervalToString[interval]
+ cache_key = "history-"+istr
+ if not yfcm.IsDatumCached(self.ticker, cache_key):
+ return True
+ yfcl.TraceEnter(f"Ticker::_verify_cached_prices_interval(tkr={self.ticker}, {fn_locals})")
+ if self._histories_manager is None:
+ exchange, tz_name = self._getExchangeAndTz()
+ self._histories_manager = yfcp.HistoriesManager(self.ticker, exchange, tz_name, self.session, proxy=None)
+ v = self._histories_manager.GetHistory(interval)._verifyCachedPrices(rtol, vol_rtol, correct, discard_old, quiet, debug)
+ yfcl.TraceExit(f"Ticker::_verify_cached_prices_interval() returning {v}")
+ return v
+ def _process_user_dt(self, dt):
+ exchange, tz_name = self._getExchangeAndTz()
+ return yfcu.ProcessUserDt(dt, tz_name)
+ @property
+ def info(self):
+ return self.get_info()
+ def get_info(self, max_age=None):
+ if self._info is not None:
+ return self._info
+ if max_age is None:
+ max_age = pd.Timedelta(yfcm._option_manager.max_ages.info)
+ elif not isinstance(max_age, (datetime.timedelta, pd.Timedelta)):
+ max_age = pd.Timedelta(max_age)
+ if max_age < pd.Timedelta(0):
+ raise Exception(f"'max_age' must be positive timedelta not {max_age}")
+ md = None
+ if yfcm.IsDatumCached(self.ticker, "info"):
+ self._info, md = yfcm.ReadCacheDatum(self.ticker, "info", True)
+ if 'FetchDate' not in self._info.keys():
+ # Old bug meant this could happen
+ fp = yfcm.GetFilepath(self.ticker, 'info')
+ mod_dt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(fp))
+ self._info['FetchDate'] = mod_dt
+ md['LastCheck'] = mod_dt
+ yfcm.StoreCacheDatum(self.ticker, "info", self._info, metadata=md)
+ if self._info is not None:
+ if md is None:
+ md = {}
+ if 'LastCheck' not in md.keys():
+ # Old bug meant this could happen
+ md['LastCheck'] = self._info['FetchDate']
+ yfcm.WriteCacheMetadata(self.ticker, "info", 'LastCheck', md['LastCheck'])
+ if max(self._info['FetchDate'], md['LastCheck']) + max_age > pd.Timestamp.now():
+ return self._info
+ i = self.dat.info
+ i['FetchDate'] = pd.Timestamp.now()
+ if self._info is not None:
+ # Check new info is not downgrade
+ diff = len(i) - len(self._info)
+ diff_pct = float(diff) / float(len(self._info))
+ if diff_pct < -0.1 and diff < -10:
+ msg = 'When fetching new info, significant amount of data has disappeared\n'
+ missing_keys = [k for k in self._info.keys() if k not in i.keys()]
+ new_keys = [k for k in i.keys() if k not in self._info.keys()]
+ msg += "- missing: "
+ msg += str({k:self._info[k] for k in missing_keys}) + '\n'
+ msg += "- new: "
+ msg += str({k:i[k] for k in new_keys}) + '\n'
+ # msg += "\nKeep new data?"
+ # keep = click.confirm(msg, default=False)
+ # if not keep:
+ # return self._info
+ #
+ msg += "\nDiscarding fetched info."
+ print(f'{self.ticker}: {msg}')
+ yfcm.WriteCacheMetadata(self.ticker, "info", 'LastCheck', i['FetchDate'])
+ return self._info
+ self._info = i
+ if md is None:
+ md = {}
+ md['LastCheck'] = i['FetchDate']
+ yfcm.StoreCacheDatum(self.ticker, "info", self._info, metadata=md)
+ exchange, tz_name = self._getExchangeAndTz()
+ yfct.SetExchangeTzName(exchange, tz_name)
+ return self._info
+ @property
+ def fast_info(self):
+ if self._fast_info is not None:
+ return self._fast_info
+ if yfcm.IsDatumCached(self.ticker, "fast_info"):
+ try:
+ self._fast_info = yfcm.ReadCacheDatum(self.ticker, "fast_info")
+ except Exception:
+ pass
+ else:
+ return self._fast_info
+ # self._fast_info = self.dat.fast_info
+ self._fast_info = {}
+ for k in self.dat.fast_info.keys():
+ try:
+ self._fast_info[k] = self.dat.fast_info[k]
+ except Exception as e:
+ if "decrypt" in str(e):
+ pass
+ else:
+ print(f"TICKER = {self.ticker}")
+ raise
+ yfcm.StoreCacheDatum(self.ticker, "fast_info", self._fast_info)
+ yfct.SetExchangeTzName(self._fast_info["exchange"], self._fast_info["timezone"])
+ return self._fast_info
+ @property
+ def splits(self):
+ if self._splits is not None:
+ return self._splits
+ if yfcm.IsDatumCached(self.ticker, "splits"):
+ self._splits = yfcm.ReadCacheDatum(self.ticker, "splits")
+ return self._splits
+ self._splits = self.dat.splits
+ yfcm.StoreCacheDatum(self.ticker, "splits", self._splits)
+ return self._splits
+ def get_shares(self, start=None, end=None, max_age='30d'):
+ debug = False
+ # debug = True
+ max_age = pd.Timedelta(max_age)
+ # Process dates
+ exchange, tz = self._getExchangeAndTz()
+ dt_now = pd.Timestamp.utcnow().tz_convert(tz)
+ if start is not None:
+ start_dt, start_d = self._process_user_dt(start)
+ start = start_d
+ if end is not None:
+ end_dt, end_d = self._process_user_dt(end)
+ end = end_d
+ if end is None:
+ end_dt = dt_now
+ end = dt_now.date()
+ if start is None:
+ start = end - pd.Timedelta(days=548) # 18 months
+ start_dt = end_dt - pd.Timedelta(days=548)
+ if start >= end:
+ raise Exception("Start date must be before end")
+ if debug:
+ print("- start =", start, " end =", end)
+ if self._shares is None:
+ if yfcm.IsDatumCached(self.ticker, "shares"):
+ if debug:
+ print("- init shares from cache")
+ self._shares = yfcm.ReadCacheDatum(self.ticker, "shares")
+ if self._shares is None or self._shares.empty:
+ # Loaded from cache. Either re-fetch or return None
+ lastFetchDt = yfcm.ReadCacheMetadata(self.ticker, "shares", 'LastFetch')
+ do_fetch = (lastFetchDt is None) or ((dt_now - lastFetchDt) > max_age)
+ if do_fetch:
+ self._shares = self._fetch_shares(start, end)
+ if self._shares is None:
+ self._shares = pd.DataFrame()
+ yfcm.StoreCacheDatum(self.ticker, "shares", self._shares, metadata={'LastFetch':pd.Timestamp.utcnow().tz_convert(tz)})
+ if self._shares.empty:
+ return None
+ else:
+ return None
+ if debug:
+ print("- self._shares:", self._shares.index[0], '->', self._shares.index[-1])
+ td_1d = datetime.timedelta(days=1)
+ last_row = self._shares.iloc[-1]
+ if pd.isna(last_row['Shares']):# and last_row['FetchDate'].date() == last_row.name:
+ if debug:
+ print("- dropping last row from cached")
+ self._shares = self._shares.drop(self._shares.index[-1])
+ if not isinstance(self._shares.index, pd.DatetimeIndex):
+ self._shares.index = pd.to_datetime(self._shares.index).tz_localize(tz)
+ if self._shares['Shares'].dtype == 'float':
+ # Convert to Int, and add a little to avoid rounding errors
+ self._shares['Shares'] = (self._shares['Shares']+0.01).round().astype('Int64')
+ if start < self._shares.index[0].date():
+ df_pre = self._fetch_shares(start, self._shares.index[0])
+ yfcm.WriteCacheMetadata(self.ticker, "shares", 'LastFetch', pd.Timestamp.utcnow().tz_convert(tz))
+ if df_pre is not None:
+ self._shares = pd.concat([df_pre, self._shares])
+ if (end-td_1d) > self._shares.index[-1].date() and \
+ (end - self._shares.index[-1].date()) > max_age:
+ df_post = self._fetch_shares(self._shares.index[-1] + td_1d, end)
+ yfcm.WriteCacheMetadata(self.ticker, "shares", 'LastFetch', pd.Timestamp.utcnow().tz_convert(tz))
+ if df_post is not None:
+ self._shares = pd.concat([self._shares, df_post])
+ self._shares = self._shares
+ yfcm.StoreCacheDatum(self.ticker, "shares", self._shares)
+ f_na = self._shares['Shares'].isna()
+ shares = self._shares[~f_na]
+ if start is not None:
+ i0 = np.searchsorted(shares.index, start_dt)
+ else:
+ i0 = None
+ if end is not None:
+ i1 = np.searchsorted(shares.index, end_dt)
+ else:
+ i1 = None
+ if i0 is not None and i1 is not None:
+ return shares.iloc[i0:i1]
+ elif i0 is not None:
+ return shares[i0:]
+ elif i1 is not None:
+ return shares[:i1]
+ return shares
+ def _fetch_shares(self, start, end):
+ td_1d = datetime.timedelta(days=1)
+ exchange, tz = self._getExchangeAndTz()
+ if isinstance(end, datetime.datetime):
+ end_dt = end
+ end_d = end.date()
+ else:
+ end_dt = pd.Timestamp(end).tz_localize(tz)
+ end_d = end
+ if isinstance(start, datetime.datetime):
+ start_dt = start
+ start_d = start.date()
+ else:
+ start_dt = pd.Timestamp(start).tz_localize(tz)
+ start_d = start
+ end_d = min(end_d, datetime.date.today() + td_1d)
+ df = self.dat.get_shares_full(start_d, end_d)
+ if df is None:
+ return df
+ if df.empty:
+ return None
+ # Convert to Pandas Int for NaN support
+ df = df.astype('Int64')
+ # Currently, yfinance uses ceil(end), so fix:
+ if df.index[-1].date() == end_d:
+ df.drop(df.index[-1])
+ if df.empty:
+ return None
+ fetch_dt = pd.Timestamp.utcnow().tz_convert(tz)
+ df = pd.DataFrame(df, columns=['Shares'])
+ if start_d < df.index[0].date():
+ df.loc[start_dt, 'Shares'] = np.nan
+ if (end_d-td_1d) > df.index[-1].date():
+ df.loc[end_dt, 'Shares'] = np.nan
+ df = df.sort_index()
+ df['FetchDate'] = fetch_dt
+ return df
+ @property
+ def major_holders(self):
+ if self._major_holders is not None:
+ return self._major_holders
+ if yfcm.IsDatumCached(self.ticker, "major_holders"):
+ self._major_holders = yfcm.ReadCacheDatum(self.ticker, "major_holders")
+ return self._major_holders
+ self._major_holders = self.dat.major_holders
+ yfcm.StoreCacheDatum(self.ticker, "major_holders", self._major_holders)
+ return self._major_holders
+ @property
+ def institutional_holders(self):
+ if self._institutional_holders is not None:
+ return self._institutional_holders
+ if yfcm.IsDatumCached(self.ticker, "institutional_holders"):
+ self._institutional_holders = yfcm.ReadCacheDatum(self.ticker, "institutional_holders")
+ return self._institutional_holders
+ self._institutional_holders = self.dat.institutional_holders
+ yfcm.StoreCacheDatum(self.ticker, "institutional_holders", self._institutional_holders)
+ return self._institutional_holders
+ @property
+ def earnings(self):
+ return self._financials_manager.get_earnings()
+ @property
+ def quarterly_earnings(self):
+ return self._financials_manager.get_quarterly_earnings()
+ @property
+ def income_stmt(self):
+ return self._financials_manager.get_income_stmt()
+ @property
+ def quarterly_income_stmt(self):
+ return self._financials_manager.get_quarterly_income_stmt()
+ @property
+ def financials(self):
+ return self._financials_manager.get_income_stmt()
+ @property
+ def quarterly_financials(self):
+ return self._financials_manager.get_quarterly_income_stmt()
+ @property
+ def balance_sheet(self):
+ return self._financials_manager.get_balance_sheet()
+ @property
+ def quarterly_balance_sheet(self):
+ return self._financials_manager.get_quarterly_balance_sheet()
+ @property
+ def cashflow(self):
+ return self._financials_manager.get_cashflow()
+ @property
+ def quarterly_cashflow(self):
+ return self._financials_manager.get_quarterly_cashflow()
+ def get_earnings_dates(self, limit=12):
+ return self._financials_manager.get_earnings_dates(limit)
+ def get_release_dates(self, period='quarterly', as_df=False, check=True):
+ if period not in ['annual', 'quarterly']:
+ raise ValueError(f'period argument must be "annual" or "quarterly", not "{period}"')
+ if period == 'annual':
+ period = yfcd.ReportingPeriod.Full
+ else:
+ period = yfcd.ReportingPeriod.Interim
+ releases = self._financials_manager.get_release_dates(period, as_df, refresh=True, check=check)
+ if releases is None:
+ return releases
+ if as_df:
+ # Format:
+ releases['Period end uncertainty'] = '0d'
+ f = releases['PE confidence'] == yfcd.Confidence.Medium
+ if f.any():
+ releases.loc[f, 'Period end uncertainty'] = '+-7d'
+ f = releases['PE confidence'] == yfcd.Confidence.Low
+ if f.any():
+ releases.loc[f, 'Period end uncertainty'] = '+-45d'
+ releases = releases.drop('PE confidence', axis=1)
+ releases['Release date uncertainty'] = '0d'
+ f = releases['RD confidence'] == yfcd.Confidence.Medium
+ if f.any():
+ releases.loc[f, 'Release date uncertainty'] = '+/-7d'
+ f = releases['RD confidence'] == yfcd.Confidence.Low
+ if f.any():
+ releases.loc[f, 'Release date uncertainty'] = '+/-45d'
+ releases = releases.drop('RD confidence', axis=1)
+ releases = releases.drop('Delay', axis=1)
+ return releases
+ @property
+ def sustainability(self):
+ if self._sustainability is not None:
+ return self._sustainability
+ if yfcm.IsDatumCached(self.ticker, "sustainability"):
+ self._sustainability = yfcm.ReadCacheDatum(self.ticker, "sustainability")
+ return self._sustainability
+ self._sustainability = self.dat.sustainability
+ yfcm.StoreCacheDatum(self.ticker, "sustainability", self._sustainability)
+ return self._sustainability
+ @property
+ def recommendations(self):
+ if self._recommendations is not None:
+ return self._recommendations
+ if yfcm.IsDatumCached(self.ticker, "recommendations"):
+ self._recommendations = yfcm.ReadCacheDatum(self.ticker, "recommendations")
+ return self._recommendations
+ self._recommendations = self.dat.recommendations
+ yfcm.StoreCacheDatum(self.ticker, "recommendations", self._recommendations)
+ return self._recommendations
+ @property
+ def calendar(self):
+ return self._financials_manager.get_calendar()
+ @property
+ def inin(self):
+ if self._inin is not None:
+ return self._inin
+ if yfcm.IsDatumCached(self.ticker, "inin"):
+ self._inin = yfcm.ReadCacheDatum(self.ticker, "inin")
+ return self._inin
+ self._inin = self.dat.inin
+ yfcm.StoreCacheDatum(self.ticker, "inin", self._inin)
+ return self._inin
+ @property
+ def options(self):
+ if self._options is not None:
+ return self._options
+ if yfcm.IsDatumCached(self.ticker, "options"):
+ self._options = yfcm.ReadCacheDatum(self.ticker, "options")
+ return self._options
+ self._options = self.dat.options
+ yfcm.StoreCacheDatum(self.ticker, "options", self._options)
+ return self._options
+ @property
+ def news(self):
+ if self._news is not None:
+ return self._news
+ if yfcm.IsDatumCached(self.ticker, "news"):
+ self._news = yfcm.ReadCacheDatum(self.ticker, "news")
+ return self._news
+ self._news = self.dat.news
+ yfcm.StoreCacheDatum(self.ticker, "news", self._news)
+ return self._news
+ @property
+ def yf_lag(self):
+ if self._yf_lag is not None:
+ return self._yf_lag
+ exchange, tz_name = self._getExchangeAndTz()
+ exchange_str = "exchange-{0}".format(exchange)
+ if yfcm.IsDatumCached(exchange_str, "yf_lag"):
+ self._yf_lag = yfcm.ReadCacheDatum(exchange_str, "yf_lag")
+ if self._yf_lag:
+ return self._yf_lag
+ # Just use specified lag
+ specified_lag = yfcd.exchangeToYfLag[exchange]
+ self._yf_lag = specified_lag
+ return self._yf_lag
+prop balance_sheet
+def balance_sheet(self):
+ return self._financials_manager.get_balance_sheet()
+prop calendar
+def calendar(self):
+ return self._financials_manager.get_calendar()
+prop cashflow
+def cashflow(self):
+ return self._financials_manager.get_cashflow()
+prop earnings
+def earnings(self):
+ return self._financials_manager.get_earnings()
+prop fast_info
+def fast_info(self):
+ if self._fast_info is not None:
+ return self._fast_info
+ if yfcm.IsDatumCached(self.ticker, "fast_info"):
+ try:
+ self._fast_info = yfcm.ReadCacheDatum(self.ticker, "fast_info")
+ except Exception:
+ pass
+ else:
+ return self._fast_info
+ # self._fast_info = self.dat.fast_info
+ self._fast_info = {}
+ for k in self.dat.fast_info.keys():
+ try:
+ self._fast_info[k] = self.dat.fast_info[k]
+ except Exception as e:
+ if "decrypt" in str(e):
+ pass
+ else:
+ print(f"TICKER = {self.ticker}")
+ raise
+ yfcm.StoreCacheDatum(self.ticker, "fast_info", self._fast_info)
+ yfct.SetExchangeTzName(self._fast_info["exchange"], self._fast_info["timezone"])
+ return self._fast_info
+prop financials
+def financials(self):
+ return self._financials_manager.get_income_stmt()
+prop income_stmt
+def income_stmt(self):
+ return self._financials_manager.get_income_stmt()
+prop info
+def info(self):
+ return self.get_info()
+prop inin
+def inin(self):
+ if self._inin is not None:
+ return self._inin
+ if yfcm.IsDatumCached(self.ticker, "inin"):
+ self._inin = yfcm.ReadCacheDatum(self.ticker, "inin")
+ return self._inin
+ self._inin = self.dat.inin
+ yfcm.StoreCacheDatum(self.ticker, "inin", self._inin)
+ return self._inin
+prop institutional_holders
+def institutional_holders(self):
+ if self._institutional_holders is not None:
+ return self._institutional_holders
+ if yfcm.IsDatumCached(self.ticker, "institutional_holders"):
+ self._institutional_holders = yfcm.ReadCacheDatum(self.ticker, "institutional_holders")
+ return self._institutional_holders
+ self._institutional_holders = self.dat.institutional_holders
+ yfcm.StoreCacheDatum(self.ticker, "institutional_holders", self._institutional_holders)
+ return self._institutional_holders
+prop major_holders
+def major_holders(self):
+ if self._major_holders is not None:
+ return self._major_holders
+ if yfcm.IsDatumCached(self.ticker, "major_holders"):
+ self._major_holders = yfcm.ReadCacheDatum(self.ticker, "major_holders")
+ return self._major_holders
+ self._major_holders = self.dat.major_holders
+ yfcm.StoreCacheDatum(self.ticker, "major_holders", self._major_holders)
+ return self._major_holders
+prop news
+def news(self):
+ if self._news is not None:
+ return self._news
+ if yfcm.IsDatumCached(self.ticker, "news"):
+ self._news = yfcm.ReadCacheDatum(self.ticker, "news")
+ return self._news
+ self._news = self.dat.news
+ yfcm.StoreCacheDatum(self.ticker, "news", self._news)
+ return self._news
+prop options
+def options(self):
+ if self._options is not None:
+ return self._options
+ if yfcm.IsDatumCached(self.ticker, "options"):
+ self._options = yfcm.ReadCacheDatum(self.ticker, "options")
+ return self._options
+ self._options = self.dat.options
+ yfcm.StoreCacheDatum(self.ticker, "options", self._options)
+ return self._options
+prop quarterly_balance_sheet
+def quarterly_balance_sheet(self):
+ return self._financials_manager.get_quarterly_balance_sheet()
+prop quarterly_cashflow
+def quarterly_cashflow(self):
+ return self._financials_manager.get_quarterly_cashflow()
+prop quarterly_earnings
+def quarterly_earnings(self):
+ return self._financials_manager.get_quarterly_earnings()
+prop quarterly_financials
+def quarterly_financials(self):
+ return self._financials_manager.get_quarterly_income_stmt()
+prop quarterly_income_stmt
+def quarterly_income_stmt(self):
+ return self._financials_manager.get_quarterly_income_stmt()
+prop recommendations
+def recommendations(self):
+ if self._recommendations is not None:
+ return self._recommendations
+ if yfcm.IsDatumCached(self.ticker, "recommendations"):
+ self._recommendations = yfcm.ReadCacheDatum(self.ticker, "recommendations")
+ return self._recommendations
+ self._recommendations = self.dat.recommendations
+ yfcm.StoreCacheDatum(self.ticker, "recommendations", self._recommendations)
+ return self._recommendations
+prop splits
+def splits(self):
+ if self._splits is not None:
+ return self._splits
+ if yfcm.IsDatumCached(self.ticker, "splits"):
+ self._splits = yfcm.ReadCacheDatum(self.ticker, "splits")
+ return self._splits
+ self._splits = self.dat.splits
+ yfcm.StoreCacheDatum(self.ticker, "splits", self._splits)
+ return self._splits
+prop sustainability
+def sustainability(self):
+ if self._sustainability is not None:
+ return self._sustainability
+ if yfcm.IsDatumCached(self.ticker, "sustainability"):
+ self._sustainability = yfcm.ReadCacheDatum(self.ticker, "sustainability")
+ return self._sustainability
+ self._sustainability = self.dat.sustainability
+ yfcm.StoreCacheDatum(self.ticker, "sustainability", self._sustainability)
+ return self._sustainability
+prop yf_lag
+def yf_lag(self):
+ if self._yf_lag is not None:
+ return self._yf_lag
+ exchange, tz_name = self._getExchangeAndTz()
+ exchange_str = "exchange-{0}".format(exchange)
+ if yfcm.IsDatumCached(exchange_str, "yf_lag"):
+ self._yf_lag = yfcm.ReadCacheDatum(exchange_str, "yf_lag")
+ if self._yf_lag:
+ return self._yf_lag
+ # Just use specified lag
+ specified_lag = yfcd.exchangeToYfLag[exchange]
+ self._yf_lag = specified_lag
+ return self._yf_lag
+def get_earnings_dates(self, limit=12)
+def get_info(self, max_age=None)
+def get_release_dates(self, period='quarterly', as_df=False, check=True)
+def history(self, interval='1d', max_age=None, period=None, start=None, end=None, prepost=False, actions=True, adjust_splits=True, adjust_divs=True, keepna=False, proxy=None, rounding=False, debug=True, quiet=False, trigger_at_market_close=False)
Fetch historical market data for this ticker.
+This method retrieves historical price and volume data, as well as information +about stock splits and dividend payments if requested.
: str
, optionalmax_age
: int
, optionalperiod
: str
, optionalstart
: str
, optionalend
: str
, optionalprepost
: bool
, optionalactions
: bool
, optionaladjust_splits
: bool
, optionaladjust_divs
: bool
, optionalkeepna
: bool
, optionalproxy
: str
, optionalrounding
: bool
, optionaldebug
: bool
, optionalquiet
: bool
, optionaltrigger_at_market_close
: bool
, optionalpandas.DataFrame
Either 'period' or 'start' and 'end' should be provided, but not both.
+def verify_cached_prices(self, rtol=0.0001, vol_rtol=0.005, correct='none', discard_old=False, quiet=True, debug=False, debug_interval=None)