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43O single family house building

Adrian Gortzak edited this page May 25, 2021 · 3 revisions

Get data

The code below gives an example of how you would use the client to fetch data from table 43O - Single-Family House Building

import valueguard

vgClient = valueguard.Client()
vgClient.authenticate("<username>", "<password>")

property_key = "280192344"
id_valuation_unit = "16398446"

i = 0
limit = 10

print(vgClient.taxation_registry_buildings(offset=i, limit=limit, search_criteria={"id_valuation_unit":id_valuation_unit}))
print(vgClient.taxation_registry_buildings(offset=i, limit=limit, search_criteria={"property_key":property_key}))

Field List

Field name Lantm,namn Type Description
property_key* FNR varchar(9) Property key
year* AR varchar(4) The year the information in this table is to be available in the registry
id_taxation_unit* ID-TAXENHET* varchar(8) The Swedish Tax Agency's id key for a taxation unit
id_valuation_unit* ID-VE* bigint(10) The Swedish Tax Agency's id key for a valuation unit
assessed_value_building JVARDE int(7) Tax value in tkr after adjustment
adjustment_code_building JUSTKOD varchar(3) Code for cause of adjustment on a valuation unit
no_identical_val_units VEANTLIK int(5) The number of merged valuation units with identical content
detached_house_type TYPBEBY varchar(2) Type of building on land:
00 = Information missing
01 = Fully detached
02 = Chain house
03 = Townhouse
living_space YTABOST int(5) Living area accoring to Swedish standards
ancillary_area YTABI int(5) Ancilliary area accoring to Swedish standards
total_valuation_area YTAVARDE int(5) Total building area for valuation
construction_year BYGGAR varchar(4) Construction year
alteration_year TILLBYAR varchar(4) Year for adding to or altering the building
valuation_year ARVARDE varchar(4) Year on which valuation is based
alteration_area YTATILLB int(5) Added or altered area affecting the area of the building
subdivision_type FASTFOR varchar(2) Property law conditions on land:
00 = Information missing
01 = Independent
02 = Detachable
03 = Not detachable
standard_points STDSUM int(3) Sum standard points for detached house
under_construction KODUBYGG varchar(1) Under construction or not.
J = yes
N = no
value_before_adjustment VARDEFJUST int(9) Value in tkr before any adjustment
id_valuation_unit_land IDVEMARK int(10) Connection to valuation unit of land

Search Criteria fields

Field name Description
property_key Property key

Raw request

curl{ACCESS_TOKEN}&offset={OFFSET}&limit={LIMIT}&{SEARCH_CRITERA AS VALUE-KEY PAIR &property_key="123"...} 
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