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ads reference

Adrian Gortzak edited this page Aug 9, 2024 · 22 revisions

Get ads reference

The code below gives an example of how to use the client to get ads references.

import valueguard

vgClient = valueguard.Client()
vgClient.authenticate("<username>", "<password>")



Field list

Field name Description Example
id Ad id 324234
residential_registry_id Residential registry id unique id (serial number) for all residences
source: Valueguard
street Street name in address 1:a villagatan
number Street number in address 1
letter Letter after street number in address, if any A
rooms Number of rooms 5
living_area Area of residence in sqm 137
construction_year Year it was built 1920
ancillary_area Ancillary area in sqm, not part of the primary building area 23
home_type Apartment for apartments, house for detached houses, town houses etc. apartment
price Last price on the ad 1900000
monthly_fee Monthly fee 3654
error_code 1 = suspected error in data
0 = no suspected error in data
firm Firm notar
active That the ad is currently active True
has_pdf If the ad has and pdf snapshot True
registered_date When the ad was registered 2012-03-23
url Url of ad
rt90x X-coordinate (longitude) from RT90.
a Swedish positioning system by LMV used before 2007
rt90y Y-coordinate (latitude) from RT90.
a Swedish positioning system by LMV used before 2007


Field name Description Example
id Id of the summary 324234
average_rooms Average amount of rooms for all objects 3
average_living_area Average living area in sqm for all objects 72
average_ancillary_area Average ancillary area in sqm (not part of the primary building area) for all objects 15
average_construction_year Average construction year for all objects 1985
average_price Average price for all objects 2100000
average_recounted_price Average price today for all objects 2300000
average_monthly_fee Average monthly fee for all objects 2300
average_registered_date Average registered date for all objects "2024-02-02"
average_advertising_days Average amount of advertising days for all objects 35
average_monthly_fee_sqm Average monthly fee per sqm for all objects 305
average_price_sqm Average price per square for all objects 17000
average_distance Average distance between all objects in meters 28
average_plot_area Average plot area in sqm for all objects 28

Search criteria fields

Reference object

Field name Description Example
registered_date_reference When the ad was registered 2012-03-23
price_reference Last price on the ad 1900000
living_area_reference Area of residence in sqm 78
wgs84lat Y-coordinate (latitude) from WGS84.
a global positioning system
wgs84lon X-coordinate (longitude) from WGS84.
a global positioning system
floor_reference The floor of this particular residence 3
floors_reference The highest floor on the address 4
rooms_reference Number of rooms 4
ancillary_area_reference Ancillary area in sqm, not part of the primary building area 23
construction_year_reference Year it was built 1976
monthly_fee_reference Monthly fee 6000

Ad filter

Field name Description Example
home_type Category of residence [apartment]
ownership_type List of form of ownership of residence [co_operative, property_right]
registered_date_min Earliest date when the ad can be registered 2022-03-23
registered_date_max Latest date when the ad can be registered 2023-03-23
price_min Lowest allowed price on the ad 1900000
price_max Highest allowed price on the ad 2900000
living_area_min Lowest allowed area of residence in sqm 78
living_area_max Highest allowed area of residence in sqm 88
rooms_min Lowest allowed nubmer of rooms 3
rooms_max Highest allowed nubmer of rooms 4
construction_year_min Earliest allowed year when the building was built 1956
construction_year_max Latest allowed year when the building was built 1986
advertising_days_min Lowest amount of days the ad is allowed to have been active 10
advertising_days_max Highest amount of days the ad is allowed to have been active 30
error_code 1 = suspected error in data
0 = no suspected error in data
is_close_to_population_centre If the property needs to be in proximity to population centers. 0
is_new_construction Show obejcts that are likely new constructions. 0
excluded_ids List of ads that have been filtered out ["550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000", "550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440001"]
selected_ids List of ad UUIDs to include in the reply ["550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440002", "550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440003"]
limit Maximum number of responses 20


Reflecting importance in the reference ads search, between 0 to 1000

Field Name Description Default Example
registered_date_weight Weight assigned to the contract date. 500 900
living_area_weight Weight given to the living area. 500 500
construction_year_weight Weight allocated to the year of construction. 500 350
monthly_fee_weight Weight for the monthly fee. 500 600
floor_weight Weight of the property's floor level. 500 500
floors_weight Weight for the total number of floors in the building. 500 400
rooms_weight Weight assigned to the number of rooms. 500 700
ancillary_area_weight Weight assigned to the ancillary_area. 500 700
population_center_weight Weight for the property's proximity to population centers. 500 500
distance_weight Weight for the distance to the reference ad. 500 800

Raw request


curl --location '<ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
--data '{"living_area_reference":78,"rooms_reference":1,"advertising_days_min":0,"advertising_days_max":500,"home_type":["apartment","house"],
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