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area map

robert-valueguard edited this page Mar 11, 2024 · 9 revisions

Area map

Returns an area map, polygon and selected information in GeoJson format


    "area_map": {
        "features": [
		  "type": "Feature",
		  "geometry": {
			"type": "MultiPolygon",
			"coordinates": [...],
			"crs": {
			  "properties": {
				"name": "EPSG:4327"
			   "type": "name"
		  "properties": {
			"area_display_name": "Vidablick, Norrköping",
			"area_ids": 5987,
			"field_display_name": "Pris per kvadratmeter - bostadsrätter och småhus, genomsnitt",
			"field_ids": 13,
			"field_unit": "SEK",
			"field_value": "22497.0",
			"valid_from": "2023-09-01",
			"valid_to": "2023-09-30"


Field name Description Example
area_display_name Name of area Vidablick, Norrköping
area_id ID of area 5987
field_display_name Name of field Pris per kvadratmeter - bostadsrätter och småhus, genomsnitt
field_id ID of field 13
field_unit Unit of field SEK
field_value Value of field 20000
valid_from Valid from datetime 2022-06-07T22:00:00.000+0000
valid_to Valid to datetime 2022-06-07T22:00:00.000+0000

Search criteria fields

Field name Description Example
information_field_id ID of information field 13
category_ids ID of category 2
area_ids ID of areas 2
min_wgs84lat Min lat of area 58.2131
max_wgs84lat Max lat of area 60.1451
min_wgs84lon Min long of area 15.2301
max_wgs84lon Max long of area 16.7427
valid_at Filter objects within timeframe between valid_from and valid_to 2023-09-01
limit Max number of objects returned 10000

Raw request


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