A simple Todo application built using the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js), with additional validation using Zod.
- Create new todo with a title and description.
- Read tasks with complete information.
- Update tasks to mark them as completed.
- Frontend: React.js
- Backend: Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB with Mongoose
- Validation: Zod
- Node.js installed on your local environment
- MongoDB installed locally or access to a MongoDB database
Clone the repository:
- git clone https://github.com/VarshaRani9/Todo_Application.git
- cd Todo_Application
Install backend dependencies
- cd backend
- npm install
Install frontend dependencies
- cd ../frontend
- npm install
- VITE_APP_GET_TODOS=<backend_url>/api/todos
- VITE_APP_ADD_TODO=<backend_url>/api/todo
- VITE_APP_COMPLETE_TODO=<backend_url>/api/completed
- cd ../backend
- node index.js
- cd ../frontend
- npm run dev
- navigate to to use the Todo application.