This is a fully fledged LAN based 2 player tic-tac-toe game written in PHP, JavaScript, HTML and CSS
-Start an Apache server
-Place the .html and .php file in the appropriate folder
-Run the html file from the browser
-Enter a username in the textbox and login
-Wait for the other player to login
-Recommended Web Servers are XAMPP and WAMP
-Only 2 players at a time can play actively else it will result in glitches
-It is recommended to logout after playing
-Input X and O alternatively by clicking on the buttons in the grid
-First to start is always X
-The first person to login gets to play first
-You have to wait for the next player's move to play your next move
-Shows you who won or if it's a draw
-New Game Option
-Logout option
-Bottom navbar with version, link for releases and for sources