Top Paid Job Analysis
This project aims to analyze job criteria and pay ranges to identify top-paid jobs in specific fields. The process involves:
Crawling at least three job websites (e.g., Indeed, CareerBuilder, Glassdoor, Monster). Specifying search details (e.g., job title, keywords, company). Implementing required features (as detailed in Final Project Information.pdf). Finding top-paid jobs in the selected area. Key Features: Web Crawler: Automatically collects job data from multiple websites. Data Validation using Regular Expressions: Ensures the accuracy and consistency of the data. HTML Parser: Extracts job information from HTML documents. Inverted Indexing: Facilitates quick searches by mapping content (words or numbers) to their locations in documents. Frequency Count: Displays the number of occurrences of a word in a specific URL. Page Ranking: Ranks the importance of search results based on word frequency within web pages. Spell Checking: Provides alternative word suggestions if no results are found using an edit distance algorithm. Word Completion: Suggests possible word completions as users type. Search Frequency: Shows previously searched words and their search counts. Pattern Finding using Regular Expressions: Identifies specific patterns within job data. This comprehensive analysis helps identify the most lucrative job opportunities across various platforms, providing valuable insights into top-paying roles in different fields.