Pyfoodfacts is made to search alternatives and products to substitutes those you consume everyday.
OpenClassrooms python application developper path
The application is easy to understand and it's using Openfoodfacts API. There is an input text where you can write a product name. It's better to be very precise about the product you are searching for. It's using the Openfoodfacts search wich can interpreted your request. The application is responsive. So you can use it on smartphone, tablet, small device, largest one... Thanks to Bootstrap !
The application is made with Python Programming language.(fun and easy !)
It's made with a simple & beautifull Boostrap template : "Startbootstrap-creative" !
( And it's JQuery and CSS animated !)
Zoé Belleton– @zoe_infp –
##Legal Notice There is a legal notice you can visit :
Zoé Belleton @zoeinfp
Mozilla Public Licence