##What is a ViewReference
A ViewReference is a structural element to define the website's pages.
Several kind of pages exists in Victoire:
- Page (any simple page)
- Blog (which is very close from Page)
- BusinessPage (which is a BusinessEntity view based on a BusinessTemplate)
- VirtualBusinessPage (same as BusinessPage but computed, not yet persisted)
##What is used for?
Victoire brings several kinds of pages, mostly persisted and for BusinessPage generated from a BusinessTemplate.
So we need to save somewhere our page list to be able to retrieve them easily: we choose to write an XML file in the cache named viewsReference.xml
It's a viewsReference tree, easy to parse which contains some critical information about the view.
##What does it looks like?
It's the ViewReference object
Every ViewReference is built by a ViewReferenceBuilder in 2 times:
- when running the victoire:viewReference:generate
- on doctrine ORM
events catched byBusinessEntitySubscriber
##Who's in charge?
To deal with the viewsReferences, your best friends will be:
- ViewHelper
- buildViewsReferences
- buildViewReferenceRecursively
- ViewReferenceHelper
- ::generateViewReferenceId
- buildViewReferenceRecursively
- ViewReferenceProvider
- getReferencableViews
- ViewReferenceRedisDriver
- findReferenceByView
- saveReferences
- saveReference
- removeReference
- getReferenceByUrl
- getReferencesByParameters
- getOneReferenceByParameters
- hasReference
- getChoices
- ViewReferenceListener
- updateViewReference
- removeViewReference
##How they are persisted?
Check the Redis documentation here