this is work in progress and not working yet
Provide a container for using gammasim-tools.
Container contains installation of:
- corsika and sim_telarray
- miniconda
- packages required by gammasim-tools (from environment.yml)
- gammasim-tools (master)
Building expects that a tar ball of corsika/sim_telarray (corsika7.7_simtelarray.tar.gz) is available in the building directory. Download the tar package from the MPIK website (password applies) with
$ ../tools/
Build the container with:
$ docker build -t gammasim-tools-prod .
Building will take a while and the image is large (3.9 GB; mostly due to the >2 GB conda stuff).
To run the container in bash
$ docker run --rm -it -v "$(pwd)/external:/workdir/external" gammasim-tools-prod bash
In the container, find the gammasim-tools directory:
$ cd ./gammasim-tools/
Expect any external software (e.g., gammasim-tools) in ./external directory (see