Zen Class DB using MongoDB
- Find all the topics and tasks which are thought in the month of October
db.createView( "octoberSession", "topics", [ { $lookup: { from: "tasks", localField: "topic_id", foreignField: "topic_id", as: "tasksDocs" } }, { $project: { _id: 0, topic_id:1, task_id:"$tasksDocs.task_id", Date:1, topic_name:1, task_name:"$tasksDocs.task_name" } }, { $unwind: "$task_id" }, { $unwind: "$task_name" } ] )
db.octoberSession.aggregate([{$match:{$expr:{$eq:[{$month:{$dateFromString:{dateString:"$Date", format:"%Y-%m-%d"}}},10]}}}])
- Find all the company drives which appeared between 15 oct-2020 and 31-oct-2020
- Find all the company drives and students who are appeared for the placement.
db.createView( "placement1", "company_drives", [ { $lookup: { from: "users", localField: "User_id", foreignField: "User_id", as: "userDocs" } }, { $project: { _id: 0, User_id: 1, User_name:"$userDocs.Name", drive_id: 1, Date: 1, drive_name:1,
}, { $unwind:"$User_name" } ] )
- Find the number of problems solved by the user in codekata
db.codekata.aggregate( [ { $group: { _id: "$User_id", totalProblemsSolved: { $sum: {$toInt:"$Problems_solved" }} } } ] )
- Find all the mentors with who has the mentee's count more than 15
db.mentors.find({ mentee_count: { $gt: 15 } }).pretty()
- Find the number of users who are absent and task is not submitted between 15 oct-2020 and 31-oct-2020
db.attendance.aggregate([ { $match:{ Date:{ $gte:"2020-10-15", $lte:"2020-10-31" }, Status:"Absent" } }, { $lookup:{ from :"tasks", localField:"User_id", foreignField:"User_id", as:"tasksDocs" } }, { $match:{ "tasksDocs.submitted":"false" } }, { $group:{ _id:null, count:{$sum:1} } } ])