Twitter Sentiment Analysis using Recurrent Neural Networks with LSTM units on Sentiment140 Dataset.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
For using this project on sentiment analysis, you need to install Keras, Scikit-learn, The Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK), BeautifulSoup, and WordCloud.
pip install keras
pip install scikit-learn
pip install nltk
pip install bs4
pip install wordcloud
The dataset consists of 1.6 million unprocessed tweets from the Sentiment140 Dataset with labels 0 = Negative and 4 = Positive.
The dataset is stored in the folder Unprocessed_Data as training.1600000.processed.noemoticon.csv (File too large to upload onto Github).
Run the script in the terminal as follows.
• This script saves the tweets as clean_tweets.csv in the Processed_Tweets folder (File too large to upload onto Github).
• Splits the data into Training Set (98%) and Testing Set (2%). The data and labels are stored in the Saved_Files folder. (train_data.npy too large to upload onto Github).
• It also creates the vocabulary (Dictionary format) and stores it in vocabulary.npy in the Saved_Files folder.
To view the most common words in positve and negative tweets, run the script as follows.
It outputs the following two images (Stored in the Visualization folder):
98% of the data is trained using a Recurrent Neural Network with 100 Long Short-Term Memory Units.
Run the script in the terminal as follows.
The model with trained weights is saved as Model.h5 in the Saved_Files folder. (Model.h5 has over 34 million parameters and hence is too large to upload onto Github).
Run the script in the terminal as follows.
After evaluating the test accuracy, the code gives you an option to try out Sentiment Analysis on custom text (The words of the custom text should be a part of the vocabulary).
Loss on Test Set: 0.3491
Accuracy on Test Set: 84.5756%
Visualization of the predictions is stored in the Output folder. 10% of the predictions (Approximately 3000 points) are shown in the graph.
An example of custom text sentiment analysis.
- Keras - Deep Learning Framework
- Vikram Shenoy - Initial work - Vikram Shenoy
- Project is inspired by Ricky Kim's blog, Another Twitter Sentiment Analysis with Python.