Cut down on the number of loosely organized shell scripts and web GUI commands that need to be executed. Automatically generate VMs, and embed required files and credentials.
- Ansible (Red Hat)
- cloud-init (Canonical)
- Proxmox
Ansible is the most widely used component.
Proxmox has good integration with cloud-init. I don't need to use the detailed coud-init configuration files. I instead provide base configuration through qe
command parameters. This sets up networking and SSH access. Then Ansible is used for the rest.
Ensure that the computer running Ansible has key-based SSH access to the hosts in the virtsrv
ansible-playbook dotvalup.yaml --tags ssh #copy private key
ansible-playbook dotvalup.yaml --tags dl #download disk image (large)
ansible-playbook dotvalup.yaml --tags up #create and configure VM
ansible-playbook dotvalup.yaml --tags go #start VM
ansible-playbook dotvalup.yaml --tags down #stop and destroy VM
These can be combined. For example, from nothing to fully running VM:
ansible-playbook dotvalup.yaml --tags ssh,dl,up,go
Key topic. Add some examples.
Check the Arch Ansible page before doing too much more!! (includes documentation on creating the VMs)