a simple calculator with basic arithmetic functions. The calculator includes buttons for digits (0-9), arithmetic operators (+, -, *, /), a decimal point, clear (AC), delete (DE), and evaluate (=). The layout is styled using CSS, and the functionality is implemented using inline JavaScript event handlers.
Stopwatch :
a functional stopwatch of 00:00:00 format created using HTML , CSS and Javascript. The stopwatch includes buttons for "start" , "stop" and "reset" functionalities.
Website Comming Soon:
a "Coming Soon" webpage with a countdown timer. It consists of three main components: HTML for structure, CSS for styling, and JavaScript for functionality.It's informative page for users, indicating that the website is under maintenance and will be launched soon.
Form Validation:
a complete web page for a signup form with fields for the user's full name, email, and password. Error messages and icons are dynamically updated based on the validation results also it Prevents form submission if any field is invalid, showing an alert message only if all validations pass.
This code implements a basic to-do list with features to add, edit, delete, and store tasks in the browser’s localStorage. The key functionality includes: Adding To-Dos,Editing To-Dos,Deleting To-Dos,Saving & Retrieving.
Dictionary App
a mini-dictionary app , Where the user enters a word and clicks search, the app fetches the word's definition, part of speech, phonetic spelling, and plays the word's pronunciation using data from the dictionary API.