This sample projects helps in understanding the basic CRUD operations for a Restful API using both Hibernate and MyBatis Frameworks.
Maven to manage the dependencies.
Spring boot for loading spring components like Spring Security etc.
oAUth2 framework for Authentication.
Oracle DB
JSR-303 bean validations
# Note: All the code will be based on most recent versions.
# one-one relationship between EMPLOYEE vs PARENTS
# one-many relationship between EMPLOYEE vs ADDRESS
# one-many relationship between PROJECTS vs PROJECTS
# Generate Access token by passing client id:: sample-client and client-secret:: secret as basic auth type and do POST on http://localhost:9090/oauth/token?grant_type=password&username=Vinodh&password=abcd1234
# Sample Get:: http://localhost:9090/spring-webservices/mybatis/updateEmployee/5?access_token=63607ed7-27ab-45bd-94bd-2ed63227ed20