mail to http
Requirement: Golang Version >= 1.16.0
go install
./mailtohttp -port 1323 -password test -encryptKey ABCDEFGHIGKLMNOP
Params Description
-port : port number
-password: login password
-encryptKey: use AES encrypt config file, key must be 16 character length
open browser access login to use
After login, you can config service by click "config service" button
first is email config, IMAP mail service supportted only currently, 'Folder' means your can specify subfolder like 'Inbox/facebook', then the service only read mails inside this folder.
content pattern config, you can add patterns here, use regex to match the content in mail, the return match value for a pattern is a list, because regex may return multi match content.
config callback url, use http or https url to get the match result for each mail, the service will POST parttern result data to the url.
then click 'start service' button, enjoy!
callback request body format
name: 'test pattern1',
value: ['match1', 'match2']
name: 'test pattern2',
value: ['match1', 'match2']