VTS Library NuGet Package 11.0
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Release Notes
- Upgraded to .NET 8.0
- Updated NuGet packages
- Updated PowerShell scripts used to build zip files (Issue #148)
- Upgraded VTS to .NET 8.0 (Issue #159)
- Added warning if diffusion parameters are such that (mua>=mus') (Issue #160)
- Modified unit test string comparison verification to work on Linux (Issue #163)
- Increased the spectral range for major chromophores (Issue #165)
- Added an action for .NET build and test (Issue #167)
Monte Carlo code changes:
- Upgraded Monte Carlo to .NET 8.0 (Issue #21)
- Modified R(fx) tallies to only output warning when user specifies a tissue that is not homogeneous or layered (Issue #13)
- Monte Carlo inverse code fixes (Issue #173)
WPF code changes:
- Increased the spectral for major chromophores (Issue #165)
Documentation for the library can be accessed here
VTS MATLAB Package 12.0
NOTE: This version of the MATLAB interoperability only works with MATLAB R2022b and higher. If you have a previous version of MATLAB, use one of the previous releases.
Use the MATLAB function dotnetenv
to switch between environments dotnetenv("core")
or dotnetenv("framework")
- this package uses core.
To select core, type dotnetenv("core")
in the MATLAB command window before any other command.
Download: VTS_MATLAB_v12.0.0.zip
Release Notes
See above
This release contains sample scripts for the following:
- using MATLAB to call the solvers in the VTS Libraries.
- using MATLAB to call the Monte Carlo tools in the VTS Libraries.
These files will only work for MATLAB on Windows.
On Windows: .NET 8.0 - download here
MATLAB (R2022b and higher)