Basic of C programming
- History of C
- Number System
- DataTypes and Variables
- Keywords, Operators, Comments
- Type casting
- Control Statements: if-else, nested if-else, break, continue
- Functions: Basic, Call by reference & value, Recursion(basic)
- Array: 1D, 2D and Dynamic Array
- Pointers, Address and Memory Management
- String and functions: gets(), puts(), strlen(), strcpy(), strcmp(), strrev(), strlwr(), strupr(), strstr(), strcat()
- Macros and preprocessor
- Structures
Data Structures and Algorithm
- Arrays
- Introduction
- Searching and Sorting Algorithms
- Linked List
- Introduction
- Singly Linked List(Insertion(At Front, At End, At Mid, At any Position), Deletion(At Front, At End, At Mid, At any Position), Searching)
- Doubly Linked List(Insertion(At Front, At End, At Mid, At any Position), Deletion(At Front, At End, At Mid, At any Position), Searching)
- Circular Linked List(Insertion(At Front, At End, At Mid, At any Position), Deletion(At Front, At End, At Mid, At any Position), Searching)
- Stack
- Introduction, Properties and Applications
- Stack Using Array, Linked List and Queue
- PostFix, Infix, Prefix
- Balanced Parenthesis and Multiple Parenthesis Problem
- Tower of Hanoi
- Queue
- Introduction, Properties and Applications
- Queue Using Array, Linked List and Stacks
- Circular Queue
- Deque (Doubly-ended-Queue)
- Heap
- Introduction and it's Application
- Properties and Operations
- How to Build a Heap and it's types (Max_Heapify and Min_Heapify)
- Max_Heapify and Min_Heapify Algorithm and it's Implementation
- Heap Sort by both (Max_Heapify and Min_Heapify Algorithm) Approach
- Priority Queue
- Introduction and Properties
- Operations, Type
- How to implement the Priority Queue
- How to assign the priority in the Priority Queue
- Tree
- Introduction and Terminologies
- Properties, Types of Tree
- Binary Tree, Binary Search Tree, AVL Tree, Red Black Tree, Binary Threaded Tree, B and B+ Trees
- Implementation of Binary Tree and Binary Search Tree
- Traversals of Binary Tree => PostOrder, PreOrder, InOrder
- Implementation of PostOrder, PreOrder, InOrder Traversals
- Construction and Conversions of Traversals to Binary Tree
- Graph
- Introduction and Terminologies
- Properties and Applications
- Graph Representation => Adjacency Matrix and Adjacency Lists
- Graph Traversals => Breadth First Search(BFS) and Depth First Search(DFS)