A member is given the "Not Registered" role on join.
A member is required to have the following 3 following types of roles in order to be considered "Registered":
- Year
- Freshman
- Sophomore
- Junior
- Middler
- Senior
- Grad Student
- NUly Admitted
- School/Major
Once a member (not a bot) has all 3, the "Not Registered" Role will be removed. If not all 3 are present the "Not Registered" Role will be assigned.
Command: .set_a_cooldown <cooldown>
Aliases: .setACooldown
Example: .set_a_cooldown 30
Permissions: Admin or Moderator
Note: Given cooldown is in seconds and must be less than 900.
Purpose: Sets the cooldown rate between when aoun images should spawn when mentioned to avoid being spammed.
Command: .reset_a_cooldown
Aliases: .resetACooldown
Example: .reset_a_cooldown
Permissions: Admin or Moderator
Purpose: Resets the cooldown rate back to the default (which is 5 seconds).
Command: .clear [number] [member]
Example: .clear
or .clear 20
or .clear 10 @member#1234
Permissions: Admin or Moderator
Note: If no number is given the last sent message is deleted. Number must be greater than 0.
Purpose: Clears the last given number of messages in the channel or the ones specifically from a given member.
Command: .new_semester
Aliases: .newSemester
Example: .new_semester
Permissions: Administrator
Note: Will remove all courses from every member and removes all reaction channels for courses.
Purpose: To initiate a fresh restart for all members and avoid having old members in courses they are not currently taking.
Command: .auto_course_reactions
Aliases: .autoCourseReactions
Example: .auto_course_reactions
Permissions: Administrator
Note: This assumes the format of the course content is like:
:reaction1: -> Course1 Description (CRSN-1234)\n
:reaction2: -> Course2 Description (CRSN-4321)
Purpose: To automate creating course reaction channels if only embeds and content exist. This might happen when a completely new course registration page needs to be made or if resetting the semester also gets rid of all the reaction channels.
Command: .clear_courses <member>
Aliases: .clearCourses
Example: .clear_courses @member#1234
Permissions: Administrator
Note: Will remove all courses from a member.
Purpose: Allows for easy unerollment from all courses for a member, useful when either starting a new semester or in cases of spam.
Command: .clone_cr
Example: .clone_cr
Permissions: Administrator
Note: Will clone all the embeds and associated course decription message in whatever channel the command was invoked from.
Purpose: Main use-case is when a new semester requires a cleanup/rehaul.
Command: .clear_reactions <member>
Aliases: .clearReactions
Example: .clear_reactions @member#1234
Permissions: Administrator
Note: Will remove all course reaction channels added by a member. There is a short ratelimit every 5 reactions removed due to modifying channel permissions.
Purpose: Allows for easy removal of all course reaction channels from a member, useful when either starting a new semester or in cases of spam.
Command: .new_embed <img-url> <title>
Aliases: .newEmbed
Example: .new_embed https://i.imgur.com/7obLnAa.png
This is a New Embed
Permissions: Administrator
Purpose: Creates embed templates for sections.
Command: .course_embed <course-category> <img-url>
Aliases: .courseEmbed
, .newCourseEmbed
Example: .course_embed HSKY https://i.imgur.com/7obLnAa.png
Permissions: Administrator
Purpose: Creates reaction role templates for new categories.
Command: .edit_embed_image <message> <image-url>
Aliases: .editEmbedImage
Example: .edit_embed_image 123456789876543210 https://imgur.com/7obLnAa.png
Permissions: Administrator
Note: Will set the embedded message's image to be the provided url.
Purpose: Allows user to easily update any embedded message's image. Useful when a course category needs a new image and new message can't be sent without messing up the order.
Command: .edit_embed_title <message> <title>
Aliases: .editEmbedTitle
Example: .edit_embed_title 123456789876543210 New Title
Permissions: Administrator
Purpose: Allows user to easily change the title of any embedded message. Useful when a course category's title needs to be modified without sending a new message.
Command: .edit_course_content <message> <content>
Aliases: .editCourseContent
.edit_course_content 123456789876543210
blah blah line 1 blah
blah blah line 2 blah
blah blah line 3 blah
Permissions: Administrator
- Will edit any message sent by Husky Bot with the new content.
- This will overwrite the content, not add to it.
- The message will be edited as it is in the text box.
is honored as a newline. - This will not edit the content of an message with an embedded message.
Purpose: Grants the ability to edit any message with new content, especially category descriptions whenever content needs to be fixed or added to.
Command: .nav_embed
Aliases: .navEmbed
Example: .nav_embed
Permissions: Administrator
Purpose: Creates a navigation embed filled with useful links to jump to categories in alphabetical order and other useful content in #course-registration
Command: .roles_nav_embed
Aliases: .rolesNavEmbed
Example: .roles_nav_embed
Permissions: Administrator
Purpose: Creates a navigation embed filled with useful links to jump to all the sections in #roles
Command: .toggle_ad
Aliases: .toggleAD
Example: .toggle_ad
Permissions: Administrator
Note: Toggles whether to delete messages sent by HuskyBot in #course-registration
or not.
Purpose: Allows for user to toggle off auto-delete when creating new messages via HuskyBot in #course-registration
and then toggle it back on for general use cleanup.
Command: .choose <role-name>
Example: .choose CS-2500
or .choose cs 2500
or .choose spring green
Permissions: Administrator & Everyone
- Non-admin users can only toggle roles from
and use it there. - Course/role names are case-insensitive, spaces are allowed, and courses do not require a '-' even if it is in the name.
Purpose: Toggle #course-registration
roles without having to search for their reactions in the large channel.
Command: .new_course <course-name> <channel-name>
Aliases: .newCourse
Example: .new_course ABCD-1234 course-abcd
or .new_course AB-1234 course ab
or .new_course ABCD-12XX course-abcd
or .new_course AB-12XX course-ab
Permissions: Administrator
- Will not proceed if the role already exists.
- Expects a course name in the format:
- Will create a new private channel where only members enrolled in the course can access it.
- Will order the channel where the greater course number is at the top.
- Will create a new category for the course if one does not already exist.
Purpose: A shortcut which does not require the user to manually create a role and channel, worry about positioning, or permissions.
Command: .new_course_reaction <course-role> <course-description>
Aliases: .newCourseReaction
Example: .new_course_reaction @ABCD-1234 abcd description
Permissions: Administrator
- Will not execute if course-role does not exist.
- Will not execute if 26 letters already exist on the category's reaction role message.
- Will not execute if the given course already has a reaction channel on the given message.
- Will create a reaction channel for the associated category and use the next letter it's trigger.
- Will edit the category description so that the new course's description is listed relative to the other courses with the lower course number being listed higher.
Purpose: A shortcut which does not require the user to manually create a new reaction role and provide all the necessary metadata. Also saves user from updating category description.
Command: .new_course_complete [course-role] [channel-description], [course-description]
Aliases: .newCourseComplete
Example: .new_course_complete ABCD-1234 abcd channel, abcd description
Permissions: Administrator
Note: Must have a comma to separate the channel description and course description.
Purpose: An all-in-one shortcut allowing the user to automate all the task of creating a new course carrying out the specifics of new_course followed by new_course_reaction.
Command: .set_hof_threshold <threshold>
Aliases:: .setHOFThreshold
Example: .set_hof_threshold 3
Permissions: Administrator or Moderator
Purpose: Can set the value of the number of reactions needed to trigger the hall of fame message without restarting the bot.
Command: .load <cog-name>
Example: .load suggest
Permissions: Administrator
Note: The full path of the cog after /cogs
must be provided where /
is substituted with .
. description. So to load the create course cog for example, you would need .load course_registration.create_course
Purpose: Allows to load cogs at will without restarting the bot.
Command: .unload <cog-name>
Example: .unload suggest
Permissions: Administrator
Note: The full path of the cog after /cogs
must be provided where /
is substituted with .
description. So to load the create course cog for example, you would need .unload course_registration.create_course
Purpose: Allows to unload cogs at will without restarting the bot.
Command: .newrr <channel> <message_id> <reaction/emoji> <role>
Example: .newrr #course-registration 123456789876543210 💻 @CCIS
Permissions: Administrator
Purpose: Allows for the user to select a specific message that users can react to with a chosen emoji to get assigned a role and unreact to remove the role.
Command: .fetchrr <message_id>
Example: .fetchrr 123456789876543210
Permissions: Administrator
Purpose: Fetches all the keys, reaction, and roles corresponding with each reaction role for the given message id.
Command: .removerr <key>
Example: .removerr F0xUOpxMv
Permissions: Administrator
Note: Given key must be a valid key. Each reaction role is assigned a unique key and can be found in the embedded message upon creation of the reaction role or by using the .fetchrr
Purpose: Allows for the user to delete any reaction role by giving the unique key.
Command: .removeallrr <message_id>
Example: .removeallrr 123456789876543210
Permissions: Administrator
Purpose: Allows for the user to delete all reaction roles from a given message at once.
Command: .newrc <channel> <message_id> <reaction/emoji> <target-channel>
Example: .newrc #course-registration 123456789876543210 👍 #course-1
Permissions: Administrator
Purpose: Allows for the user to select a specific message that users can react to with a chosen emoji to get permission to access a channel and unreact to opt-out of the channel again.
Command: .fetchrr <message_id>
Example: .fetchrr 123456789876543210
Permissions: Administrator
Purpose: Fetches all the keys, reaction, and channels corresponding with each reaction channel for the given message id.
Command: .removerc <key>
Example: .removerc F0xUOpxMv
Permissions: Administrator
Note: Given key must be a valid key. Each reaction channel is assigned a unique key and can be found in the embedded message upon creation of the reaction role or by using the .fetchrc
Purpose: Allows for the user to delete any reaction channel by giving the unique key.
Command: .removeallrc <message_id>
Example: .removeallrc 123456789876543210
Permissions: Administrator
Purpose: Allows for the user to delete all reaction channels from a given message at once.
Command: .add_twitch <twitch_username> [member_name]
Command: .addTwitch
Example: .add_twitch HuskyStreams @HuskyBot#1234
or .add_twitch RocketLeague
Permissions: Administrator
Purpose: Adds a Twitch user to a list of users being tracked and HuskyBot will send a notification any time they go live. If a discord member name is sent, their tag will show as a field in the embedded message.
Command: .remove_twitch <twitch_username>
Aliases: .removeTwitch
Example: .remove_twitch HuskyStreams
Permissions: Administrator
Purpose: Removes a Twitch user from being tracked for when their streams go live.
Command: .list_twitch
Example: .listTwitch
, .lsTwitch
Example: .list_twitch
Permissions: Administrator
Purpose: Lists all the Twitch members currently being tracked.
Command: .playing <activity_name>
Example: .playing spotify
Permissions: Everyone
Note: Any activity containing the keyword will be selected (not an exact match). So .playing league
would find both League of Legends and Rocket League, for example.
Purpose: Allows for the user to find all the members in a server that is playing a certain activity.
Command: .streaming
Example: .streaming
Permissions: Everyone
Purpose: Allows a user to find all the members in a server currently streaming.
Command: .ticket
Example: .ticket
Permissions: Everyone
Note: Must be invoked in a DM. You can only have one ticket open at a time.
Purpose: Allows for users to anonymously communicate with moderators. Useful for giving feedback without worrying about identity.
Command: .close
Example: .close
Permissions: Moderator
Purpose: Allows moderators to close an open ticket. After this, no message sent will continue to be relayed to the other person.
Command: .day <date>
Permissions: Everyone
Example: .day 9/1/2022
or .day Sept 1 2022
Note: If year is not provided, current year is used by default. Year must be less than 10000
Date Formats: mm/dd/yy | mm/dd/YYYY | Month dd, YY | MonthAcronym dd, YY
Purpose: Determines the day of any given date
Command: .hours <location>, [day]
Example: .hours stwest, monday
or .hours steast
Permissions: Everyone
Note: Day is optional. If no day is provided, the current day is used by default.
A location can be multiple words and can be valid under multiple aliases.
A comma must be used to separate the location and day. (Case-insensitive)
Possible Days: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sun, Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat, S, U, M, T, W, R, F, Tu, Tue, Tues, Th, Thu, Thurs, Tomorrow
Supported Locations (as of Jan 2020): Amelia's Taqueria, Argo Tea, Boston Shawarma, Café 716, Café Crossing, Cappy's, Chicken Lou's, College Convenience, CVS, Dominos, Faculty Club, Gyroscope, International Village, Kigo Kitchen, Kung Fu Tea, Marino Center, Outtakes, Panera Bread, Pho and I, Popeyes Louisiana Kitchen, Qdoba, Rebecca's, Resmail, SquashBusters, Star Market, Starbucks, Stetson East, Stetson West, Subway, Sweet Tomatoes, Symphony Market, Tatte, The Egg Shoppe, The Market, The West End, Tú Taco, Uburger, University House Of Pizza, Wendy's, Whole Foods, Wings Over, Wollaston's Market, Wollaston's Market West Village."
Purpose: Says the hours of operation of select locations and determines whether it's OPEN or CLOSED. Specifies minutes left until closing/opening if less than 1 hour remaining.
Command: .icecream [day]
Example: .icecream
or .icecream monday
Permissions: Everyone
Note: Day is optional. If no day is provided, the current day will be used by default.
Purpose: Displays what the current ice cream flavors are available any day from the Northeastern Dining Halls.
Commands: .ping
, .echo
, .flip
, .menu
, .invite
Ping: Sends a message which contains the Discord WebSocket protocol latency
Uptime: Calculates the amount of time the bot has been up since it last started.
Echo: Repeats anything the user says after the given command.
Flip: Flips a coin and says the result (Heads/Tails)
Menu: Sends a link to the Northeastern dining hall menu.
Command: .open <sort>
Example: .open
or .open sort
Permissions: Everyone
Note: The sort argument is optional. If none is provided it will display the locations in alphabetical order. If given, it will display them in order of time to close.
Purpose: To see all the open locations at once in either alphabetical order or order of time to close.
Command: .reminder <your-reminder> in <number> <unit-of-time>
Example: .reminder get laundry in 32 mins
Permissions: Everyone
Note: "in" is a mandatory word that must exist between the reminder and the time.
Unit of time possibilities: sec, secs, second, seconds, s, min, mins, minute, minutes, m, hr, hrs, hour, hours, h, day, days, d, week, weeks, w
Purpose: Sends a reminder to the user after the specified amount of time has passed.
Command: .serverinfo
Example: .serverinfo
Permissions: Administrator or Moderator
Purpose: Returns an embedded messages with information about the current state of the server.
- Server ID
- Date Server Created
- Server Icon
- Server Owner
- Region
- Number of Channel Categories
- Number of Text Channels
- Number of Voice Channels
- Number of Roles
- Number of Members
- Number of Humans
- Number of Bots
- Number of users currently online
- Number of users currently idle
- Number of users currently on do not disturb
- Number of users currently on mobile for each status
- Number of Not Registered users
- Number of users who made a New Account (<1 day old account) before joining the server
- Number of emojis
- Verification Level
- Number of Active Invites
- 2FA State
Command: .ordered_list_members [number-members] [output-type]
Example: .orderedListMembers 30 mention
or .orderedListMembers 50
or .orderedListMembers
Aliases: .orderedListMembers
, .lsMembers
, listMembers
, list_members
Permissions: Administrator or Moderator
- Will default to at least 10 members if no arguments are given.
- Will default to showing nicknames if no output type is given.
- OutputTypes: nick/nickname (user's nickname or username if no nickname), name (user's username), mention (user mentioned)
- Includes bot accounts.
Purpose: Gets a list of members by order of the date they joined the server.
Command: .whois [member_name]
Aliases: .whoam
Example: .whois discordUser0000
or .whoam I
or .whois
Permissions: Administrator/Moderator and Everyone
- Admins/mods can find info about any member.
- Non-admin/mod members can only find out information about themselves.
- Will default to the user who sent the command if no arguments are given or the letter "I" is given.
- The member search criteria is case-insensitive and does not need to be exact.
Purpose: Gets information about a specific user.
- Member ID
- Member Name Including Discriminator
- Mentioned member
- Profile Picture
- Current Online Status
- Date the member joined
- Member's join position in the server
- Date the member created a Discord Account
- The roles the member has in the server and the number of roles
- Permissions that the member has in the server overall
- Member's color via the embedded message color
Command: .join_no <number>
Example: .join_no 50
Aliases: .joinNo
Permissions: Administrator or Moderator
Note: Will send error messages to guide the user if the given number is not within the range of members in the server. Includes bot accounts.
Purpose: Gets information about a user at a specific join position from a server.
- Member ID
- Member Name Including Discriminator
- Mentioned member
- Profile Picture
- Current Online Status
- Date the member joined
- Member's join position in the server
- Date the member created a Discord Account
- The roles the member has in the server and the number of roles
- Permissions that the member has in the server overall
- Member's color via the embedded message color
Command: .suggest <your-suggestion>
Example: .suggest add course ABCD-1234
Permissions: Everyone
Purpose: Allows any member to easily make a suggestion, ping the Admins, and pin the message in the suggestions channel for visibility.