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This mod prevents picking up items you don't want and gives you scrap or a random item of the same rarity instead (configurable).



Use Risk Of Options for in-game settings!

Risk Of Options Screenshot

Manual Config

The config file (\BepInEx\config\de.userstorm.preventpickup.cfg) will be crated automatically when the mod is loaded. You need to restart the game for changes to apply in game.

With the following config example picking up a Soldier´s Syringe would have a 33% chance of giving a random white item, otherwise White Scrap. Picking up Tougher Times would not be prevented.


## Chance to get a random white item when a white item pick up is prevented. (0.00 to 1.00, 0.00 == 0%, 1.0 == 100%)
# Setting type: Single
# Default value: 0.05
WhiteRandomItemChance = 0.33

# ...


## Item index: 0 | Name: Soldier´s Syringe | Tier: Tier1
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: false
Syringe = true

## Item index: 1 | Name: Tougher Times | Tier: Tier1
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: false
Bear = false

# ...

If you want to play without shields set PersonalShield, ShieldOnly and HeadHunter pickup prevention to true

Manual Install

  • Install BepInEx and R2API
  • Download the latest here
  • Extract and move the PreventPickup.dll into the \BepInEx\plugins folder


The Changelog can be found on GitHub.


For bugs or feedback please use GitHub Issues.

Help me out


It is by no means required, but if you would like to support me head over to my Patreon.