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PrecompiledShaderPipeline macOS

PrecompiledShaderPipeline Windows

Offline shader compilation for different platforms with SPIR-V reflection. Attached SPIR-V reflection contains information about stage inputs and outputs for matching shader stages, constants, samplers, textures, buffers, and their states. For active buffer bindings and push constants, the compiled library provides information about active ranges and paddings for structure members to make sure developers transfer only accessed data.

// Reflected constants, offsets, sizes, active ranges, paddings, structures.
// Float4x4[72|?] - Array size depends on constants.
// Float4x4[72|!] - Array size is final.
Variant: asset="shaders/SceneSkinnedTest.vert", definitions=""
+ constants (2):
├ - kBoneCount
│   └── Int (size=4)
└ - kConstScalar
    └── Double (size=8)
+ stage inputs (6):
├ - inPosition (set=?, binding=?, location=0, is_active=yes)
│   └── Float3 (size=12)
├ - inBoneWeights (set=?, binding=?, location=4, is_active=yes)
│   └── Float4 (size=16)
├ - inBoneIndices (set=?, binding=?, location=5, is_active=yes)
│   └── Float4 (size=16)
├ - inTexcoords (set=?, binding=?, location=3, is_active=yes)
│   └── Float2 (size=8)
├ - inNormal (set=?, binding=?, location=1, is_active=yes)
│   └── Float3 (size=12)
└ - inTangent (set=?, binding=?, location=2, is_active=yes)
    └── Float4 (size=16)
+ stage outputs (6):
├ - outWorldPosition (set=?, binding=?, location=0, is_active=yes)
│   └── Float3 (size=12)
├ - outViewDirection (set=?, binding=?, location=4, is_active=yes)
│   └── Float3 (size=12)
├ - outTexcoords (set=?, binding=?, location=5, is_active=yes)
│   └── Float2 (size=8)
├ - outWorldNormal (set=?, binding=?, location=1, is_active=yes)
│   └── Float3 (size=12)
├ - outWorldTangent (set=?, binding=?, location=2, is_active=yes)
│   └── Float3 (size=12)
└ - outWorldBitangent (set=?, binding=?, location=3, is_active=yes)
    └── Float3 (size=12)
+ uniform buffers (2):
├ - <unnamed> (set=0, binding=0, location=?, active_ranges=[(0:192)])
│   └── CameraUBO (size=256)
│       ├── ViewMatrix : Float4x4 (offset=0, size=64)
│       ├── ProjMatrix : Float4x4 (offset=64, size=64)
│       ├── InvViewMatrix : Float4x4 (offset=128, size=64)
│       └── InvProjMatrix : Float4x4 (offset=192, size=64)
└ - <unnamed> (set=1, binding=0, location=?, active_ranges=[(0:9344),(9360:16),(9392:32)])
    └── ObjectUBO (size=9460)
        ├── WorldMatrix : Float4x4 (offset=0, size=64)
        ├── BoneOffsetMatrices : Float4x4[72|?] (offset=64, size=4608)
        ├── NormalMatrix : Float4x4 (offset=4672, size=64)
        ├── BoneNormalMatrices : Float4x4[72|?] (offset=4736, size=4608)
        ├── OtherPositionOffset : Float3 (offset=9344, effective_size=12, total_size=16, padding=4)
        ├── PositionOffset : Float4 (offset=9360, size=16)
        ├── OtherPositionScale : Float (offset=9376, effective_size=4, total_size=16, padding=12)
        ├── PositionScale : Float4 (offset=9392, size=16)
        ├── TexcoordOffsetScale : Float4 (offset=9408, size=16)
        ├── OtherSampleStruct : SampleStruct (offset=9424, size=32)
        │   ├── x : Float (offset=0, size=4)
        │   ├── y : Float (offset=4, size=4)
        │   ├── z : Float (offset=8, size=4)
        │   ├── w : Float (offset=12, size=4)
        │   └── vxyzw : Float4 (offset=16, size=16)
        └── OtherTexcoordOffsetScale : Float (offset=9456, size=4)

// Inactive inputs.
Variant: asset="shaders/Skybox.frag", definitions=""
+ stage inputs (4):
├ - v_dir (set=?, binding=?, location=0, is_active=yes)
│   └── Float3 (size=12)
├ - v_params0 (set=?, binding=?, location=1, is_active=no)
│   └── Float4 (size=16)
├ - v_params1 (set=?, binding=?, location=2, is_active=no)
│   └── Float4 (size=16)
└ - v_texcoords (set=?, binding=?, location=3, is_active=no)
    └── Float2 (size=8)
+ stage outputs (1):
└ - o_color (set=?, binding=?, location=0, is_active=yes)
    └── Float4 (size=16)
+ sampled images (2):
├ - u_samplerCube0 (set=0, binding=1, location=?, is_active=yes)
│   └── SampledImage
└ - u_samplerCube1 (set=0, binding=2, location=?, is_active=no)
    └── SampledImage

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


Currently, it's only tested on macOS Mojave, Xcode 11.3.1, Build version 11C504, macosx10.15, cmake version 3.16.2, Python 2.7.10. Also, I've added GitHub Actions to ensure the automated builds and tests are running on master branch. Building the tool from source requires Python 2.7.x installed on your local machine, cmake (, and git.

sudo easy_install pip
pip install future


For installing the tool on macOS, run scripts.


The compiled binaries will be copied to bin/macOS folder.

Running the tests

For running tests, cd to bin/macOS and run PrecompiledShaderPipelineTests. Please note, that tests have hardcoded relative paths and running them from a different working directory is currently not supported.



Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests.


Use SemVer for versioning.


Vladyslav Serhiienko -


This project is licensed under the MIT License, see for details.
