👉minimal: 2x vCPU, 4GB RAM , 20GB SSD/NVMe, 1TB monthly
👉optimal: 4x vCPU, 8GB RAM , 20GB SSD/NVMe, 1TB monthly
- Current traffic is low, you can use low-end physical machine or virtual machines
- You can use "shared CPU" or "burstable 12.5% CPU" machines to save on costs
{% hint style="info" %}
Participation nodes need to run on diversified networks to prevent mass outages.
Running a free cloud or ultra cheap instance ? Try running at least two on different continents and install the same participation key on both machines :D
{% endhint %}
Choose a place to run your node - or better yet - choose two :)
Follow any guide from the node running section
Add you account to the wallet\
goal wallet new VoiParticipation goal account import
Generate participation keys and mark your account as online, setting
to current round androundLastValid
to current round + 3000000\goal account addpartkey --roundFirstValid 0 --roundLastValid 3000000