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Breaking changes in version 7.0.0

This document covers all breaking changes introduced with v7.0.0.

If you migrate from v6.X.X to v7.X.X (or above), you will have to handle the following points in your codebase.

Everything flagged with an 'Obsolete' annotation has been removed

When upgrading to a newer release, you may have noticed a warning indicating you're using an obsolete method. Indeed, we flagged these changes with an Obsolete tag.

Please note that there's always a substitute when we decommission something.

Synchronous methods

So far, many features are available with both synchronous/asynchronous implementation. All synchronous methods have been removed in v7.0.0. If you are still requires to call a Vonage API in a synchronous context, you will have to call the asynchronous version with either .Result or .Wait() to wait for the result synchronously.

// Using v6.X.X

// Using v7.X.X and above
await applicationClient.DeleteApplicationAsync(applicationId);
// Or

SubAccounts features on 'AccountClient'

SubAccounts features were initially implemented by a contributor on the AccountClient while the product was still in beta. With the GA release, all SubAccounts features are available on the SubAccountsClient, which makes previous features obsolete.

// Using v6.X.X
var subAccount = await vonageClient.AccountClient.RetrieveSubAccountAsync(subAccountKey);
// Using v7.X.X and above
var request = GetSubAccountRequest.Parse(subAccountKey);
var subAccount = await vonageClient.SubAccountClient.GetSubAccountAsync(request);

'CreateApplicaitonAsync' on 'ApplicationClient'

The current method contains a typo.

// Using v6.X.X
var application = await applicationClient.CreateApplicaitonAsync(request);

// Using v7.X.X and above
var application = await applicationClient.CreateApplicationAsync(request);

'CreateCall' on 'VoiceClient'

This method offers three different signatures. Only the one with a CallCommand parameter will remain to avoid primitive obsession and rely on a proper ValueObject.

// Using v6.X.X
var callResponse = voiceClient.CreateCallAsync(toNumber, fromNumber, ncco);
var callResponse = voiceClient.CreateCallAsync(toEndpoint, fromNumber, ncco);
var callResponse = voiceClient.CreateCallAsync(callCommand);

// Using v7.X.X and above
var callResponse = voiceClient.CreateCallAsync(callCommand);

Constructors on 'Credentials'

Creating a Credentials instance should be done using a factory method or from a Configuration instance. Constructors will be hidden, and the object will remain immutable.

We highly recommend you to use our extension methods to dynamically initialize Credentials from your appsettings.json file.

// Using v6.X.X
var credentials = new Credentials()
    ApiKey = apiKey,
var credentials = new Credentials(apiKey, apiSecret);
var credentials = Credentials.FromApiKeyAndSecret(apiKey, apiSecret);
var credentials = Credentials.FromAppIdAndPrivateKey(apiKey, apiSecret);

// Using v7.X.X and above
var credentials = Credentials.FromApiKeyAndSecret(apiKey, apiSecret);
var credentials = Credentials.FromAppIdAndPrivateKey(apiKey, apiSecret);
var credentials = configuration.BuildCredentials();
// Recommended
var credentials = serviceCollection.GetRequiredService<Credentials>();

Access to Vonage URLs

All URLs have been moved to a nested object (VonageUrls) to "de-bloat" the Configuration class and allow multi-region URLs.

// Using v6.X.X
var url = configuration.NexmoApiUrl;
var url = configuration.RestApiUrl;
var url = configuration.VideoApiUrl;
var url = configuration.EuropeApiUrl;

// Using v7.X.X and above
var url = configuration.VonageUrls.Nexmo;
var url = configuration.VonageUrls.Rest;
var url = configuration.VonageUrls.Video;
var url = configuration.VonageUrls.Get(VonageUrls.Region.EMEA);

Remove 'Input' webhook object

This item has been rendered obsolete due to the new multi-input functionality. Please add the Dtmf arguments to your input action and use the MultiInput object.

More details here.

Remove 'Portuguese" language in Meetings API

This language has been removed in favor or 'Portuguese-Brazilian'.

// Using v6.X.X
var language = UserInterfaceLanguage.Pt;

// Using v7.X.X and above
var language = UserInterfaceLanguage.PtBr;

Remove 'VoiceName' from 'TalkCommand' and 'TalkAction' in Voice

This parameter has been made obsolete by the language and style fields.

More details here.

Add new timeouts on Voice Webhooks in Application API

Adding new timeouts requested (connection_timeout, socket_timeout) on Voice Webhooks. Creating a specific structure, different from other webhooks, required to break the Capability inheritance.

Rename settings key from 'appSettings' to 'vonage'

In order to make the settings more explicit and reduce chances of conflict with other libraries, the base key has been updated.

Also, "Vonage." has been removed from every key to de-clutter the section. Finally, a few keys have been completely renamed:

Old Key New Key
Vonage.Vonage_key Api.Key
Vonage.Vonage_secret Api.Secret
Vonage.Vonage.Url.Api.Europe Url.Api.EMEA
N/A Url.Api.AMER
N/A Url.Api.APAC

Using v6.X.X

  "appSettings": {
    "Vonage.UserAgent": "...",
    "Vonage.Url.Rest": "...",
    "Vonage.Url.Api": "...",
    "Vonage.Url.Api.Europe": "...",
    "Vonage.Url.Api.Video": "...",
    "Vonage.Vonage_key": "...",
    "Vonage.Vonage_secret": "...",
    "Vonage.Application.Id": "...",
    "Vonage.Application.Key": "...",
    "Vonage.Security_secret": "...",
    "Vonage.Signing_method": "...",
    "Vonage.RequestsPerSecond": "...",
    "Vonage.RequestTimeout": "..."

Using v7.X.X and above

  "vonage": {
    "UserAgent": "...",
    "Url.Rest": "...",
    "Url.Api": "...",
    "Url.Api.EMEA": "...",
    "Url.Api.AMER": "...", 
    "Url.Api.APAC": "...",
    "Url.Api.Video": "...",
    "Api.Key": "...",
    "Api.Secret": "...",
    "Application.Id": "...",
    "Application.Key": "...",
    "Security_secret": "...",
    "Signing_method": "...",
    "RequestsPerSecond": "...",
    "RequestTimeout": "..."

Make StartTime nullable on Answered Webhook

As defined in the specs, the StartTime is now nullable.

Remove 'EventUrl' and 'EventMethod' from 'ConversationAction'

As defined in the specs, the Conversation action doesn't have an EventUrl or an EventMethod.

Make 'From' mandatory in VerifyV2 WhatsApp workflow

The From property used to be optional - it is now mandatory.

// Using v6.X.X
var workflow =  WhatsAppWorkflow.Parse(ValidToNumber);
var workflow =  WhatsAppWorkflow.Parse(ValidToNumber, ValidFromNumber);

// Using v7.X.X and above
var workflow =  WhatsAppWorkflow.Parse(ValidToNumber, ValidFromNumber);