Capslock for Mac is based on
). But Karabiner does not work on macOS Sierra(10.12) at the moment. -
It works well on EI Capitan(10.11) and Yosemite(10.10).
no longer maintained. Check CapsLock(mac-new) for latest system support
- Step 1: Download
and install - Step 2: Download
and install. - Step 3: Change capslock's keycode to 80 using
- Step 4:
- Step 5:
Enjoy~ 😁
- Hold ⇪CapsLock,maps to ✱ Hyper
- Press ⇪CapsLock,maps to ⌃␣ (Switch input, Conflict with ESC)
- Press ⇪CapsLock,maps to ⎋ ESC (Conflict with input switching)
- Hold (✱Hyper) to enable navigator,
- Hold additional ⌘ for selection. (just like holding shift simultaneously)
✱H ↦ ←
(vi style CursorLeft)✱J ↦ ↓
(vi style CursorDown)✱K ↦ ↑
(vi style CursorUp)✱L ↦ →
(vi style CursorRight)✱U ↦ ⇞
(PageUp)✱I ↦ ↖
(Home)✱O ↦ ↘
(End)✱P ↦ ⇟
✱N ↦ ⌥⌫
(delete a word ahead)✱M ↦ ⌫
(delete a char ahead)✱, ↦ ⌦
(delete a char after)✱. ↦ ⌥⌦
(delete a word after)
✱A ↦ ⌃⌥⇧⌘A
(Moom-Meta,※a window resize app)✱⌘A ↦ F11
(Goto desktop)✱Q ↦ ⌘Q
(Close window)✱⇥ ↦ ⌃⇥
( Alter window )✱⌘⇥ ↦ ⌃⇧⇥
(Alter window reversely)✱S ↦ ⌃⇥
(Alter tab)✱⌘S ↦ ⌃⇧⇥
(Alter tab reversely)✱W ↦ ⌘W
(Close tab)
✱Z ↦ ⌃Z
(Tux-Prefix)✱C ↦ ⌃C
Maybe you'd like overwrite these with your own favorite apps.
✱E ↦ Google Chrome
✱⌘E ↦ Finder
✱R ↦ iTerm
✱⌘R ↦ ^R (IDE-Run)
✱T ↦ Typora
✱⌘T ↦ MWeb
✱F ↦ Dash
✱⌘F ↦ Dictionary
✱G ↦ IntelliJ IDEA
✱V ↦ Visual Studio Code
✱F1 ↦ BrightnessDown
✱F2 ↦ BrightnessUp
✱F3 ↦ ExposeAll
✱F4 ↦ LaunchPad
✱F5 ↦ KeyboardLightDown
✱F6 ↦ KeyboardLightUp
✱F7 ↦ MusicPrev
✱F8 ↦ MusicPlay
✱F9 ↦ MusicNext
✱F10 ↦ Mute
✱F11 ↦ VolumeDown
✱F12 ↦ VolumeUp
✱[12...-=] ↦ ⇧[12...-=]
(0-9,-,=, goes to corresponding shifter)✱[] ↦ ⇧90 '()'
(square bracket to parenthese)
✱Ins ↦ ⇧⌥F1
(Insert: Fine grained brightness up)✱Del ↦ ⇧⌥F2
(Delete: Fine grained brightness down)✱↘ ↦ ⇧⌥F5
(Home: Fine grained keyboard light up)✱↖ ↦ ⇧⌥F6
(End: Fine grained keyboard light down)✱⇟ ↦ ⇧⌥F11
(PgUp: Fine grained volume up)✱⇞ ↦ ⇧⌥F12
(PgDn: Fine grained volume down)✱ScrollLock ↦ VolumeMute
(Mute)✱Pause ↦ MusicPlay
(Music play)
✱↑ ↦ MouseUp
✱↓ ↦ MouseDown
✱← ↦ MouseLeft
✱→ ↦ MouseRight
✱↩ ↦ MouseLButton
✱\ ↦ MouseRButton
✱⎋ ↦ ⇪
(Escape turn ✱Hyper backs to ⇪CapsLock)✱␢ ↦ ⎋
(Space maps to ⎋ESC)✱\ ↦ ⌃/
(Back slash maps to comment [IDE shortcut])✱; ↦ ⇧- '_'
(Semicolon to lodash)✱' ↦ =
(Single quote to equal)✱~ ↦ ⌃⇧⌘4
(tilde to area screenhot)✱⌘~ ↦ ⌃⇧4
(⌘tilde to area screenhost to clipboard)