Releases: Voxelum/x-minecraft-launcher
Releases · Voxelum/x-minecraft-launcher
0.3.0-beta.0 (2019-09-08)
Bug Fixes
- add guard for profile commit (84218fa)
- disable the switch user option if there is non (2f853f7)
- fail of game profiles due to empty (7fc086c)
- let task batch fire on threshold (8a7094e)
- let the task update the failure to message (fa84f2d)
- not end task if the fix is finished (4aeddfb)
- only check security on mojang (83d5c5f)
- other setting save (d5b026e)
- prevent infinity loop on fixing unfixable problems (f4808ea)
- profile deletion (9862d49)
- remove useless profile ids (b59389e)
- temp disable the azure replacement (003d10f)
- try prevent crash on author assign (94ca271)
- curseforge: wrong title font (69be34c)
- diagnose: add forge and provide a workaround (91d46eb)
- diagnose: infinity loop and missingModsOnServer (63ec558)
- diagnose: make incompatibleJava not autofix (d6828cc)
- diagnose: optimize the diagnose progress (5b10cd9)
- forge: adapt new forge installation (e48f99b)
- forge: forge list refresh condition (0768e8f)
- launch: now will only check problem once (a995bab)
- locale: add missing login string (4f50718)
- locale: lib and forge text (9e9fb8c)
- locale: make the lib text display for multiple case (ca3b13d)
- setting: the setting not loaded (84c35a4)
- task: simplify the error msg (34ebdc8)
- ui: crash dialog binding (0ab72c9)
- ui: dialog task close (6cafb5d)
- ui: revert the width of launching dialog (e92f9b4)
- ui: wrong progress display (e1ffb9d)
- version: make launcher store a default full version (821ceea)
- use bmcl api not saved (4cc226a)
User Updates
0.2.0 (2019-09-01)
Bug Fixes
- adapt skin load for new api (398686a)
- adjust home page ui style (031973f)
- disable secur on dev (91d2aee)
- distinguish the task leaf & parent (ef7f616)
- do not force update resources (21b118e)
- error on resources dir on load (686ce80)
- guard the profile wizard button (e9a71a3)
- make the model not rotate for perf (9b76154)
- locale: deletion text (d74d60d)
- only switch to azure when try to update (57b6290)
- optimize Card UX (de27a6b)
- prevent dup assign for resource (fd265ff)
- prevent failure due to the network (90192d3)
- remove LoginPage (af8e4c5)
- reset error if account/passwd change (ae529fd)
- the server display (b8b7923)
- add bg image support in api level (b06eaee)
- add last access date for profile (6424808)
- include draggable dep (c38d2d0)
- locale: support user related local text (9283d07)
- support challenge in dialog (f20a8b9)
- support deletion (8026d6d)
- support profile ordering (b3870dc)
- support switch user & add custom auth server (7bd05ef)
- trr support authlib-injector (4ea8877)
0.2.0-beta.1 (2019-08-11)
0.2.0-beta.1 (2019-08-11)
Bug Fixes
- (local translation) (330df50)
- adapt to new version api (bed10a9)
- adapt windows ready event from eventbus (d51abc4)
- add browser-window-setup event to prevent warning (2a40bca)
- add guard for resources commit (c3db270)
- add locale text support (812855a)
- adv setting should mixin with abstract setting func (b8160b9)
- app is not closed when the client closes (cf3bd11)
- bump version to fix perf issue (4fa3933)
- check local jre every init (eb1fccf)
- clean & check mod only if forge enabled (440725f)
- correct curseforge project download count (9318356)
- correct handle the external route (4a17091)
- correct some cornor case for mods (c75990e)
- correct the installer path (f509018)
- correctly save config (fa9f49a)
- route curseforge page (6d3f37c)
- lint: improve code style (a071cf9)
- currect the usage of assets vs static (d287939)
- curseforge api update (37b48d9)
- curseforge seach function (224cb1c)
- deployment on export (bbeafb6)
- disable menu in wizard (3801830)
- do not mkdir if the dir exists (c7caf32)
- enable node integration in electron 5 (025deba)
- filter out empty (228e01b)
- folder name display (353fc46)
- gamesetting page save/load (6b389cb)
- gfw return false if error (b132200)
- handle if the search text is null (680913e)
- handle missing java case (72db793)
- handle the loading user data corrupted (26eb2b5)
- ignore $schema when create schema (ee2b7e7)
- impl correct delete version (923eebb)
- import observ in vue (582d7dd)
- import save & option loading (51b861e)
- init mem with undefine (ff02036)
- init module after ready (6f11285)
- io validation, forge installation (7583cd9)
- java local download endpoint (7dd5746)
- launch cwd (839d038)
- link feedback (9bfc62b)
- load java correctly (45f585f)
- local translation (d7246ef)
- local version loading & refreshing guard (ecaf9af)
- make the memory clearable (9d19b78)
- make the setting save on window swap (fcc2c0a)
- merge the curseforge changes (c749953)
- missing import forge version menu (8af9bc6)
- missing register version list (ff73cdf)
- modpack display (af8cfc1)
- new curseforge fetch project (e687c0b)
- not block screen when resolving problem before launch (2c9d7f8)
- only print success code after add profile (97e2d6c)
- optimize build process (9944931)
- optimize init process (81dae79)
- optimize launch ux (1e717b0)
- pass client token to valid account (ed79d30)
- prevent forge version is overlap by mc refresh (d6ef06f)
- prevent nullptr (4f43b9a)
- prevent nullptr err one getting forge (9393b3a)
- refresh java version every time (f7c0f97)
- renderer process logging (1cf271f)
- repo url (2b7f3e5)
- resource pack deletion for unknown pack (5e4f784)
- resource pack mcversion compability (313d637)
- return to the base setting page after quit setting (f63bd47)
- rm local version record after delete version (0f16c62)
- rm nvm (174a724)
- rm test code (696cc62)
- saves loading & importing (43ab174)
- select local java if the java avaiable (eb64620)
- select the java for current profile (15b51fe)
- set mem to undefined (b7a2a44)
- should await function to include all file to zip (def7206)
- skip the optional problem to launch (ac19098)
- strange corrupted version (e023c3a)
- the account not update value to binding (225b2e4)
- the repo url link (fc017b0)
- the window won't display at the first time (50754e7)
- try a simple way to build (85600bb)
- try both forge/liteloader for mod (9cc609f)
- try correct the profile diagnose prediction (051dc50)
- try fix travis build (6db3832)
- try fix windows break build (7b65082)
- try log the uncaught rejection & exception (042c870)
- try make travis windows work (8c6fadb)
- typo (9c29173)
- use correct version to diagnose (87add69)
- use self host api in mainland (1c084e6)
- use sym link (3b593f1)
- utilize readyToUpdate (aef92d9)
- warning forge java version range (252cf4b)
- wrong booting step (b3cc5f1)
- wrong call for dispatch (30aa84d)
- wrong diff behavior (62200a5)
- wrong edit profile triggering (85802aa)
- locale: add more curseforge text (9dfc54c)
- wrong forge object usage (15a3136)
- **cur...
Support server profile & self-host forge
Resolve #41. Resolve #36. Resolve #28. Resolve #29. Resolve #39.
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
0.2.0-beta.0 (2019-07-14)
Bug Fixes
- add missing pingserver func (fd0d0dc)
- commit the vm & mc options (b1605d6)
- don't save server status (1dd3b97)
- forge refresh status; (4266639)
- gamesetting & name profile assignment (fef7271)
- make percentage progress show on hover node (2d59059)
- make status nonnull (71b4a18)
- make the page swap more easy (7391b50)
- merge change from server (bf87c75)
- lint: fix style problem (1726273)
- locale: add refresh skin text (6cf61dd)
- locale: add server text (61e46b3)
- wrong forge version save/load (f57400b)
- locale: add unknown server description (66af55d)
- prevent launch if use has change setting (728d475)
- refresh forge logic (ff332ab)
- rm log (ad5e831)
- rm useless assignment (692fa1a)
- security issue (31b5bd5)
- try make the mc detach with launcher (1352e95)
- try use the selfhost for forge browsing (5001489)
- wrong loading server status; (87a6d95)
- locale: resourcepack & mod text (3b93f9e)
- ui: some padding and text display (684327f)
- ui: title align & tooltip (739a8c8)
Beta Release
Finally the beta release. More useful feature will the targeting the v1.0.0.
Prepare for beta release
The release to check quality to prepare beta
First Version Support Auto Download...?
Optimize user page UX.
Fix many corner bugs.
Support global notifier UX.
Basic implement the