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drc_Compass Material Proxy

Vuthakral edited this page Nov 29, 2022 · 1 revision

The "Compass" material proxy is made with the intention of being used (but is never limited to) for a compass display on viewmodels.

Example VMT:

	"$basetexture"	"models\vuthakral\halo\weapons\Ma5B\compass"

	$additive 1
	$translucent 1
	$model 1

	$angle		 0
	$translate		 "[0 0]"
	$center		 "[.5 .5]"

	$compassSnap 45

			resultVar $angle
			"translateVar" "$translate"
                		"rotateVar" "$angle"
                		"centerVar" "$center"
                		"resultVar" "$basetexturetransform"

In this example, the weapon has a compass displayed on its screen, with a $compassSnap 45 which makes the compass snap to 45 degree angles rather than a continuous live update.

To make a compass texture, simply have a compass icon of some sort centered in an image, with its point facing upwards.

NOTE: By nature of how texture transform works in Source, you need the other material proxy as well for this one to work.

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